Adam  and Eve    
Adam (Hebrew: Adam, "man") and Eve (Hebrew: havva,  "living one") were the first man and woman created by God, according to the Bible and the Qur'an.     
    The story of Adam and Eve is found in the first few chapters of the 
Book of Genesis. The most popular version of that account says that God created  a man and a woman and placed them in the Garden of Eden where they were tempted by the Devil, expelled from the garden by God, and subsequently populated the world.. It is the source of many of the most important symbols in Western religion, including the
 Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Fall and Satan as a serpent.

TheMormon view
The Latter-day Saint attitude regarding 
Adam and Eve differs from all other religions. Adam is the father and patriarch of the human race on the earth. The transgression in the garden of Eden was necessary to the advancement and spiritual progress of humanity on this earth. Adam is the Ancient of Days and is also the archangel Michael. He will come again to the earth as the patriarch of the human family preparatory to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. They also teach that Adam had a pure and perfect language that was both written and spoken, that he was taught the gospel of JesuChrist, that he was baptized in water and received the Holy Ghost  and that he was visited personally by the Lord


                             Garden of Eden:
The word "Garden" is used interchangeably with "paradise". "Eastward" can be translated as "beyond". "Eden" is a form of Adam meaning "spiritual" God placed paradise beyond the spiritual.

 Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
 A tree is an organic system. Knowledge is not choice. It is experience. A better translation would be the system of experiencing good and evil.

She ate the fruit of the tree
     It is a simple matter of translation. The word "Eat" can also be "absorb". The word "fruit" can also be "result".  Thus:
She took of the resultt thereof, and did absorb it, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did absorb it
Islamic view
Adam, the father of
 all humans, is regarded withreverence. Eve ( Arabic Hawwa, living oneʼ) is the"mother of humanity" The creation of Adam and Eve is referred to in the Qurʼān,although different Qurʼanic interpreters give different views on the actual creation story.  The concept of "original sin" does not exist in Islam because, according to Islam, Adam and Eve were forgiven by God.

Baha'i view

In the Baha'i Faith, Adam is regarded as the first Manifestation of God. The Adam and Eve narrative is seen as symbolic saying that the story contains "divine mysteries and universal meanings". Adam symbolizes the "spirit of Adam", Eve symbolizes "his self", the Tree of Knowledge symbolizes "the material world", and the serpent symbolizes "attachment to the material world". The fall of Adam thus represents the way humanity became conscious of good and evil. In another sense, Adam and Eve represent God's will and determination, the first two of the seven stages of divine creative action.

Advanced view
Dr. John teaches that Earlier versions and mythology have been combined to give us the current text. Adam was originally a spirit in paradise. God turned half of him into the astral Eve who was attacted  the physical world where she was clothed  in a physical body. Originally the simplest life form. She multiplied and ultimately produced all other life forms, eventually humanity. A human is composed of spirit or conciousness (Adam), an astral body (Eve) and a physical body. Genesis 3:1-3-20 is a rabbincal insertion trying to explain why Eve ate "the fruit of the tree". There was no fall so, therefor, there is no sin.  There is only what is. You can like it or not.