Chakras and the Nadis

Nadis are energy channels through which Prana – divine energy and consciousness – streams.  On the physical level the Nādīs correspond to the nervous system, but their influence extends beyond this to the astral and higher planes of our existence. If all the Nādīs are functioning correctly then we are healthy and generally feel happy. But nearly every one of us has some physical or psychic problem, which means that some of the Nādīs are not working properly and need to be balanced.

Within the human body there is a network of as many as 72,000 Nadis that distribute this life force throughout the whole body. Three Nadis that are of special importance - Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

  • IDA arises in the left side of the body and represents the moon principle

  • PINGALA begins on the right side of the body and symbolises the sun principle.

  • SUSHUMNA runs through the central channel of the spinal cord and represents the consciousness.


     On the physical level the Pingala has its counterpart in the parasympathetic nervous system, Ida in the sympathetic nervous system, and Sushumna in the central nervous system.    Ida and Pingala begin in the brain at approximately the level of the pituitary gland. Ida has an effect on the right side of the brain whilst Pingala influences the left hemisphere. To maintain balance both Nadis run in a snake-like course from one side of the body to the other. At the points where they cross they also meet with the central Nadi, Sushumna. At those places where the power and radiance of the sun and moon meet, together with the strengthening effect of the Sushumna, very powerful energy centres called chakras form.

     The first crossing of the Nadis at the top of the spinal column forms the Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi Chakra) and the last crossing at the base of the spinal column forms the Root Center (Muladhara Chakra). Here the Ida Nadi flows on the left side of the body and the Pingala Nadi on the right side, and it is precisely here that our dormant consciousness lies hidden.
     At several places along the spinal column the Nadis form a type of knot (Granthi), each of which constitutes a key point in our spiritual development. When these knots are “untied” the energy located within them is activated and the hidden powers (Siddhis) are given to us as healing powers, the seeing of past and future, the seeing of auras, and other supernatural abilities.rries, etc. But once the Sushumna begins to flow the waves of the mind come to rest and we “bathe” in the bliss of divine consciousness.