A Course in Miracles |
Noun: a
1976 book by Helen
considered to have borrowed from New
Age movement
A Peace of the Universe |
A metaphysical store located at 7000 East Shea in
ScottsdaleJudith, a spirit channel, and her friend Rhonda were
out driving one day when suddenly she said, "Wouldn't it be great
to open up a spiritual bookstore?" Some time later Rhonda came
to her and said, "I've been thnking about what you said, and I
think it's a great idea and we should go ahead with it." And they
did. The store was built on faith and truth that Spirit would
provide everything they would need. And Spirit did. |
A Priori |
(Lat.) In advance, i.e. without prior investigation or experience.
relating to or denoting reasoning or knowledge which proceeds from
theoretical deduction rather than from observation or experience.
in a way based on theoretical deduction rather than empirical
Aaronic Order |
Organization founded 1942 by Maurice Glendenning in Murry, UT: It is a
splinter group fromThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
(LDS), based on his Levitical
Writings. |
Aaronic Priesthood |
(also called the priesthood of Aaron or the Levitical)
the lesser of the two (or sometimes three) orders of priesthood recognized
in the Latter Day Saint movement. The others are the Melchizedek and
the rarely recognized Patriarchal priesthood. |
Abaddon: |
(Hebrew for "Destroyer"; in Greek, Apollyon)
Noun: A demon described
in the Bible as "the angel of
the bottomless pit" (Revelation 9:11). |
Abduction: |
(see Alien Abduction) |
Abomidible Snowman |
(see Bigfoot) |
Aborigine: |
A word usually referring to the original inhabitants of Australia
(also called "Abos"}They are a shamanic people who have lived in Australia
for over 10,000 years. Their term for the astral world is "The Dream
Time".Ayers Rock. an unusual rock outcrop in central Australia, is
regarded as a vortex, and is regarded as sacred by the aborigines. |
Abracadabra |
A magickal word of medieval times to rid illness, misfortune and
demons, from the Jewish mystical tradition of Qabala. Its root is the name
of the Gnostic deity Abraxas, meaning "hurt me not",
(See Abraxas)
Abraham: |
(Hebrew - father of many [nations])
Abraham is a figure in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran whom Jewish,
Christian and Muslim believers regard as the founding patriarch of the
Israelite, the Ishmaelite and the Edomite peoples. . |
Abraxas |
(also Abracax) The Bailidian sects of Gnostics of the second century,
claimed Abraxas as the name of the supreme god, and said that Jesus Christ
was only a phantom sent to Eath by Abraxas. They believed that his name
contained great mysteries, as it was composed of the seven Greek letters
which form the number 365, which is also the number of days in a year.
God has under his command 365 demi-gods or powers, to whom they attributed
virtues, one for each day. |
Absent Healing: |
(also called "Distant Healing")
Spiritual healing practiced when the patient is not present. In many
instances it is similar to prayer.
is possible to transmit healing energies over
and this form of healing, practiced by groups or individuals, can be very
patients may or may not be aware that this healing has been undertaken for
them but may obtain much benefit from it, coming as it does from the love
and concern that their friends and relatives have for them.
of Healers join together on a regular basis for the purpose of Absent
Healing can meet the needs of those people who are unable to receive
contact healing for one reason or another.
Absolution |
This refers to the pronouncement of God's forgiveness of sins. In the
various Catholic, Lutheran and Reformed churches, the penitent makes a
confession of all mortal sins to a priest. The priest then offers
forgiveness in the name of the Trinity, on behalf of the Church. |
Abyss: |
(Greek- bottomless)
1)The formless chaos from which matter
and spirit were formed,
2) The bottomless pit (or deep) of the ancient
3) The final place of punishment of the wicked. mystic
4) The abode of evil powers (Christian) |
Activation, Law of, |
The principle that individual development is possible only through
self-initiated conscious activity. |
Active Consciousness: |
The ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it. The
self-active consciousness that becomes possible through evolution. Having
active consciousness the monads themselves initiate their consciousness
expressions. In the vegetable and animal kingdoms this activation occurs
in groups (through group-souls). In the human kingdom consciousness
becomes more and more self-active |
Actualism |
A New Age teaching
similar to panentheism,
according to which all human beings possess divine Christ-consciousness and
are united with the Mother-Father-Creator God. |
Actualized Consciousness |
Awakened, functioning consciousness. Actualized consciousness goes
through different degrees of activation: passive, active, self-active. |
Acupoint: |
An acupressure point.. |
Acupressure |
Oriental healing system using direct finger pressure to specific
tension spots to reduce stress and pain and affect healing. Also called
Shiatsu massage and Reflexology |
Acupuncture |
An ancient Chinese medical system over 5000 years old, recently
revived in China and becoming popular in the West. It deals with subtle
energy paths (ch'i) in the body related to the comic principles of Yin and
Yang. The balance of these energies in the human body affects health and
disease. Acupuncture therapy alters these energy flows by inserting fine
needles at key pressure points, for varying periods of time. Anæsthesia
for surgery can also be effected by acupuncture. |
Adam & Eve |
According to the Old Testament they were the first two humans created.
by GOd. |
Adam Kadmon |
According to Qabala, Christ, the Logos, the only begotten son of God
as found in Genesis 1:1, not to be confused with the emanations
of Adam Kadom (also called Adam or Eden) as found in Genesis 2
(consciousness) or Genesis 3 (matter and life) or Genesis
4(humanity) |
Adept: |
An esoteric master. An
individual highly experienced and skilled in occult wisdom or magickal
craft, as a result of
the study of various mystical techniques and philosophies. An initiate
that has willfully achieved the highest attainment in the mastery of the
occult sciences and powers. Adepts
often take on students or chelas,
in which case, the adept is known as a masters. The chela must first
accomplish self-denial and self-development in order to become worthy to
become a chela. . The activities of adepts are diverse, being concern
with the direction and guidance of the activities of the rest of mankind.
According to Theosophy, their
knowledge, like their powers, far surpasses that of man, and they can
control forces both in the spiritual and physical dominion, and are said
to be able to prolong their lives for centuries. In alchemical lore
there are always eleven adepts. The term adept was also employed by
medieval magicians and
alchemists to denote a master of their sciences. (See Mahatma.) |
Adiaphora |
Teachings and practices that are neither commanded nor
forbidden in the Bible. An example might be whether or not to engage in
birth control, whether or not to wear white clothes church, or to meet in
a tent or a building. |
Adjuration |
A formula used in conjuring or exorcising spirits, by which the spirit
is commanded in the name of the Christian God, to do or say what the
magician or exorcist dem |
Adonai |
One of the names of God created to substitute for the word JHVH.
It is the plural of Adonis, the Greek savior-god perhaps because the first name of God
in Genesis is Elohim, which is also plural, JHVH (Adonai) is traditionally
translated Lord. |
Adoptionism: |
Adoptionism is a doctrine still held by a minority of Christians. In
this teaching, Jesus was born as an ordinary human but he became divine
later in his life. According to these teachings, Jesus earned the title
Christ through his sinless devotion to the will of God, thereby becoming
the perfect sacrifice to redeem humanity. Adoptionists typically portray
two key points in Jesus' life as stages in Jesus'translation: his baptism
and his resurrection. They consider that God gave Jesus his miraculous
power and divine authority after Jesus proved his holiness. Adoptionism
was held by many early Christians. Many New Agers hold a similar teaching:
that Jesus so loved the Christ (the only begotten son of God), that he
surrendered himself to the Christ and was thus ensouled aby the Christ,
becoming Jesus Christ. This is similar to the myth of Orpheus Bacchus |
Advaita Vedanta |
A sub-school of the Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy. Advaita
(literally, non-duality)is
often called a monistic system of thought. The word "Advaita" essentially
refers to the identity of the Self (Atman)and the Whole (Brahman) The key
source texts for all schools of are
the Prasthanatrayi – the
canonical texts consisting of the Upanishads,
the Bhagavad Gita and
the Brahma Sutras. The
first person to explicitly consolidate the principles of Advaita Vedanta
was Adi Shankara |
Advent |
(Latin -adventus,
meaning "coming") A season of the Catholic and
Protestant Christian churches, the period of expectant waiting and
preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, in other words,
the period immediately preceding Christmas. |
Adventism |
A,widespread trans-denominational movement inspired by William
Miller's prediction that Jesus' "advent" (return) would take place in
1844. Even after the Great Disappointment (the date's failure), many
people in the movement continued to believe. Some suggested revised
chronologies and new dates, eventually forming groups such as the Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society. Others, notably Hiram Edson and Ellen G. White,
suggested that the 1844 date was accurate but that a heavenly (thus
invisible) event had taken place. Their teachings became the basis of
the Seventh-DayAdventists, which eventually spawned its own offshoots,
including Armstrongism and
the Branch Davidians. |
Aeon |
(from the Greek aeon,--meaning "an age", "forever")
In many
Gnostic systems, the various emanations of God, are called aeons. Aeons
bear a number of similarities to Judaeo-Christian angels, including their
roles as servants and emanations of God, and their existence as beings of
light. In fact, certain Gnostic angels were known as Aeons. |
Aeromancy |
Divination by the stars, not to be confused with astrology. |
Aesir: |
(Old Norse-- plural of aess) The term denoting one of the
principal gods of the pantheon of Norse Paganism. They include many of
the major figures, such as Odin, Frigg, Thor, Baldr and Tyr. |
Aetherius Society |
An organization founded by Sir George King the combines UFOs and the
occult |
Ætite: |
In the magico-medical tradition of Europe and the Near East, the
aetites or aetite is a stone used to promote childbirth. It is also
called an eagle-stone,aquiline, or aquilaeus. The stone is said to prevent
spontaneous abortion and premature delivery, while shortening labor and
parturation for a full-term birth. |
Affirmation: |
A positive statement of being affirming or asserting something in
order to help manifest it in the physical world |
Afrit: |
efreet, ifreet, afrit, afreet (Arabic)
a class of infernal jinn, spirits below the level of angels and devils,
noted for their strength and cunning. An ifrit is an enormous winged
creature of fire, either female or male, who lives underground and
frequents ruins. According to some, Ifrits live in a society structured
along ancient Arab tribal lines, complete with kings, tribes, and clans.
Ifrits generally marry one another, but they can also marry humans. While
ordinary weapons and forces have no power over them, they are susceptible
to magic, which humans can use to kill them or to capture and enslave
them. As with the jinn, an ifrit is most often depicted as a wicked and
ruthless being |
Afterlife: |
The life after death, the spirit world. the astral world. etc. |
Agape |
(Ancient Greek) the highest form of love, charity; the love of God for
man. Not to be confused with philos – brotherly love - a universal,
unconditional love that transcends all circumstances. |
Agartha |
(sometimes Agartta, Agharti, or Agarta)
a legendary city said to be located in the Earth's
core. It is related to the belief in a hollow
Earth and is a popular subject in esotericism.
Nineteenth- century French occultist Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre
published the first account of Agartha in Europe. Agartha is frequently
associated or confused with Shambhala which
figures prominently in Vajrayana Buddhism
and Tibetan Kalachakra teachings and revived in the West by Madame
Blavatsky and the Theosophical
Society. Theosophists in particular regard Agarthias
a vast complex of caves underneath Tibet inhabited
by evil demons called asuras |
Agasha Temple of
Wisdom |
An organization founded by channel and author William Eisen in Los
Angeles, CA which teaches the universal consciousness of god, reincarnation, pyramidology,
and the Ascended Masters. |
Age |
A period of time in astrology. Time is divided into units called ages
which correspond to the signs of the zodiac, each age lasting from 2000 to
2400 years. This progression outlines the evolution of the universe and
mankind. We are now moving from the age of Pisces into the one associated
with Aquarius |
Age Regression |
Recalling under hypnosis or in meditation events from one’s present or
past life. |
Aggregate Envelope |
All forms of nature are envelopes for monads. All forms except
organisms of the physical world are aggregate envelopes, molecules of the
kinds of matter of the respective worlds held together
electro-magnetically |
Agharti: |
See Shamballah, Shangri-La |
Agnostic: |
An individual who believes that no one has knowledge of God or the
origin of the universe. Some agnostics make the claim on a personal level,
while allowing that such knowledge may exist but they do not have it
themselves. Others assert that such knowledge cannot be had by anyone.
Agnostics avoid the charge of dogmatism by acknowledging the theoretical
possibility of God’s existence. Yet virtually all live as if the
non-existence of God was an established fact. |
Agrippa, Cornelius |
(1486-1535) A German magician, occult writer, theologian, astrologer
and alchemist. Of course, in the fifteenth century all these pursuits were
part of the field of science. Agrippa never rejected magick in its
totality, but he did retract his early manuscript of the Occult
Philosophy and replaced it
with a new one. He said: "Nothing is concealed from the wise and sensible,
while the unbelieving and unworthy cannot learn the secrets." He
emphasized: "All things which are similar and therefore connected, are
drawn to each other's power." This is known as the law of resonance. |
Ahriman |
Thought to be the first personification of "the Devil", Ahriman (
Arimanius or Angra Mainya) prominent enemy of Ahura Mazda (Ohrmazd or
Oromasdes). In ancient Persian religion (Zoroastrianism)Ahriman is because
Zoroastrians like Christians believed in a completely dualistic form of
religion. |
Aikido |
(Japanese - The way of harmony with life energy) A modern
Japanese martial art |
Air |
1) One of the four elements of astrology (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius,
associated with mental energy) .
2) One of the four creative elements of ritual magick, associated with the
east and with the ritual wand. |
; |
(Gaelic, four) The four points of the compass; north, south,
east and west. The traditional colors Gaelics attributed to them are: the
east-the crimson of dawn; the south- the white light of high noon; the
west- the brownish gray of twilight, and the north- the black of
midnight. |
Aisling |
(Celtic)A dream or vision |
Aiwass |
(Coptic- Eiwasu) a mysterious being summoned byAleister
Crowley and his former mentor. It is called under the code-name of Dragon,
but also refers to itself as something similar to an angel. It is referred
to by others as an extraterrestrial life form," a holy Guardian Angel,"
and the true person who holds the secrets to modern western magick |
Agon Buddhism |
A sect of Buddhism that
uses the Agon Sutras as
scriptures. |
Aka |
(Hawaiian) The cord between the astral body
and the physical body. This concept is similar to the biblical reference
to a "silver cord" connected the body and the soul. |
Akasha |
(Sanskrit) The fifth and causal plane of
existence. Akasha represents the power of spirit found in all things of
the universe. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the all-pervasive life principle or
space of the universe. Hindu philosophy interprets the Akasha
as the ether, the fifth and subtlest element which permeates
the universe. In Buddhism the Akasha is space, both space
bounded by the material world and a form of space that is
unlimited and indefinable, which contains the material world.
The concept was introduced to the West in the early twentieth century by
Helena P. Blavatsky, co-fpunder of the Theosophical Society,
who likened the Akasha to other interpretations of the universal life force
occultists through the ages, such as the quintessence,
that luminous fifth element (invisible to ordinary sight) which was seen
as binding together in union or pact the other four elements.
According to Blavatsky, the Akasha forms the arruvia mundiand
constitutes the soul and animal spirit of mankind. |
Akashic Records |
Edgar Cayce's concept which states that somewhere there is a universal
hall of data about past lives, magic, healing, and spirituality. It does
not exist on the physical plane but rather on a more
psychic level.
Some believe it can be accessed on the astral plane,
others feel it can only be accessed through a visualization journey
in the mind. The
akashic records can be reached with emotional clairvoyance. They do not
contain the past of the planet, but what people in all times have believed
about this past. The
real akasha, the akasha of the planetary hierarchy, is on a higher level
and, according to Theosophy, are the
historical records of all world events and personal
experiences of all thoughts and deeds that have taken place
or ever will take place, on the earth. These are indelibly imprinted upon
the Akasha and may under normal circumstances be read only by adepts or initiates. |
Akhenaton |
(Egyptian, "he who acts effectively for the invisible solar disk")
Pharaoh of Egypt ca. 1350 to 1334 BC, oftencalled
(erroneously) the first monotheist of recorded history. He first came to
the throne as Amenhotep IV and worshiped traditional gods. However, after
his fourth year, he elevated a minor deity, the Aton, i.e., the "disk of
the sun" (a form of the sun god, Re), to the position of state god of
Egypt and changed his name to Akhenaton to reflect his devotion to that
deity. His pantheon consisted of a trinity that included the Aton,
Akhenaton, and Nefertiti (also the name of his wife), which was the focus
of popular worship. While Akhenaton was worshiped as the unique son of the
Aton, Nefertiti was celebrated for her fertility. Common people were
excluded from worshiping the Aton itself. Egyptians could worship only the
royal couple; the couple in turn worshiped the sun disk. The new religion
was maintained by Akhenaton's popular appeal as king, but it quickly
passed away after his death. Akhenaton's motives in promulgating his
beliefs were political and religious, since he elevated himself to the
status of a god higher than customary for an Egyptian king. Akhenaton's
religion recognized both Egyptians and foreigners as equal beneficiaries
of the same god, and it overturned established conventions in Egyptian
language and art. |
Alamo Christian
Foundation |
A Christian organization founded by Tony Alamo, who has been
imprisoned by authorities for his illegal activities. Teaches that
traditional Christianity is dead. Former followers
have reported deplorable living conditions,
mind control, and slave labor. |
Albertus Magus |
(1193/1206 – November 15, 1280) Also known as Saint
Albert the Great and Albert
of Cologne, he was a Dominican friar and bishop who achieved fame for his
comprehensive knowledge of and advocacy for the peaceful coexistence of
science and religion. He is considered to be the greatest German
philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. He was the first among
medieval scholars to apply Aristotle's philosophy to Christian thought.
The Roman Catholic Church honors him as a Doctor of the Church, one of
only 33 persons with that honor. Albertus is frequently mentioned by Dante
who made his doctrine of free will the basis of his ethical system.
Albertus wrote much on the seeming conflict between predictive astrology
and man's "free will". Concluding that "the stars impel but do not
compel." |
Albigenses |
Members of a Cathar Christian group insouthern France flourishing
primarily in the 12th and 13th centuries.
They taught a dualistic system of material evil and spiritual good.
Thse two principles were represented by God and the Evil One, light and
dark, the soul and the body, the next life and this life, peace and war,
etc.. They believed that Jesus only seemed to have a human body.
Rome waged bloody persecutions against the for centuries, almost
completely wiping them out. (see Manichaeism; Bogomils).
Alchemy: |
An early precursor of chemistry, it is
1)an ancient form of physics which, during the middle ages, was used by
practitioners to make lead turn into gold, transmuting (dissolving and
combining) base metals to form gold though esoteric chemical processes.
2) Today, it is seen as a mystical transformation through various mystical
techniques. A system of metaphysics which raises the consciousness |
Technique: |
A dynamic posture development technique created by Frederick Alexander
in the beginning of the 20th century. |
Tradition |
A school of Wicca based on the teachings of Alex Sanders. |
Alien |
An intelligent being of extraterrestrial origin;
non-human. A visitor from another planet, another world or dimension.
Eyewitnesses report a number of different types of alien creatures; in
fact, they vary in almost every imaginable way. These reports have been
around for centuries, but the number of sightings have increase
dramatically since the first flying saucers were seen in the late 1940's.
And the aliens come in a baffling variety of shapes and sizes.
Surprisingly, however, the aliens themselves are not so very different
from human beings — most have two arms, two legs, and one head. For this
reason some ufologists doubt
their existence: surely, they say, visitors from outer space would not
look so much like ourselves. The late Carl Sagan , astronomer and author
of ' The Cosmic Connection:
An Extraterrestrial Perspective ',
believes that the aliens sighted were "stodgy in their unimaginativeness"
and were hence the inhabitants of human minds, not extraterrestrial
spaceships. But whatever the experts may say, close encounters of the
third kind continue to be reported till this day. (See alien
abductions, alien autopsy, men in black, UFO, area 51, flying saucer,
grays) |
Alien Abduction: |
Kidnapping by non-human beings. The first reported
claim of alien abduction was in Brazil in 1957 and since then there have
been reports from all over the Western world— in Europe including the UK,
Australia, South Africa, Russia, and North America. Although people’s
experiences vary quite widely, the following features recur:
1) Via light, especially a beam which draws the person up, and sometimes
2) A spacecraft of some kind.
3) Humanoid beings, especially small gray ones with large black eyes, who
communicate by telepathy and peform medical tests and remove eggs or
sperm to produce human/alien offspring.
4) Lost periods of time and inexplicable small wounds.
Very few accounts are complete but sometimes the full story is
recovered through hypnosis. |
Alignment |
Synchronization of mental and spiritual vibrations with a god,
goddess, or astronomical body. Often the complete balance and centering of
the chakras is called an
alignment. |
Alilat |
(See Allat) |
Allah |
The Islamic name for the deity. The
Babylonian goddess Alla-tu was worshipped at the Kaaba in
Mecca before Islam. Allah still is associated with the crescent moon of
the lunar goddess. |
Allat |
One of the three goddesses in ancient Saudi Arabia, before Muhammad.
Allat was thought to be a large sacred stone, in a square shape that was
kept in a wooden box, with jewels underneath it. Allat was known to the
Greek historian Herotodus as "Alilat"...The valley of Wajj was considered
sacred to her and no trees were allowed to be cut. Her worshippers placed
cloths and gift offerings on the stone, as part of elaborate religious
ceremony. |
Alleluya |
The Western term for for the ululation used in funerals and other
religious celebrations in the Near East. |
Allopathy |
Modern medicine as distinguished from the traditional homeopathy. The
term "allopathy" was invented by German physician Samuel Hahnemann
(1755-1843). He conjoined allos "opposite"
and pathos "suffering"
as a referent to harsh medical practices of his era which included
bleeding, purging, vomiting and the administration of highly toxic drugs.
Physicians attempted to correct symptoms by treating them with
"opposites." For instance, fever is treated by attempting to "cool" the
patient. |
All-Power |
A name for the one great power life source, i.e. God, the Deity. |
Alpeno |
According to the Strega, one of the Grigori, The Watchers. guardian of
the Eastern portal between the worlds |
Altar |
The center of worship in a church or synagogue. A small working area
and shrine many pagans maintain, where they perform most of their ritual
and spell wor |
Altar Cloth |
A plain or decorated cloth used to cover the altar. |
Altered State of Consciousness |
a trance induced through hypnosis, meditation,
drugs (including hallucinogenics), visualization,
etc. State of being in which one allows the subconscious to take control
and guide. In this state, one’s vulnerability to suggestion or
susceptibility may be heightened. |
Medicine: |
See Holistic
Health. |
American Atheists
Inc |
An organization founded by Madalyn Murray-O'Hair, in Austin, TX: It
advocates strict separation of church and state, and actively opposes
church influence on society. Ms. O'Hair and two children disappeared in
1994 with a sizeable portion of the organization's assets. It is generally
believed they were murdered. |
Amen |
Hebrew term translated "So may it be." Used to end a prayer |
Amillennialism |
The Christian teaching that there is no literal 1000
year reign of Christ. It sees the 1000 year period spoken of in
Revelation 20 as figurative. Instead, it teaches that we are in the
millennium now, and that at the return of Christ there will be the final
judgment and the heavens and the earth will then be destroyed and remade |
See Ancient
Mystic Order of Malchizedek. |
See Rosicrucian
Order |
Amphictyony |
In ancient Greece, a league connected with maintaining a temple or
shrine. There were a number of these, but by far the most important was
the Great Amphictyony, a league originally of 12 tribes organized around
the Oracle at Delphi, . It had meetings in the spring at the temple of
Demeter at Anthela near Thermopylae and in the autumn at Delphi. The
Amphictyonic Council passed legislation regarding religious matters and
had power to declare a sacred war against an offender. By the 6th century B.C. the
religious organization had begun to have political influ |
Amrita |
(Sanskrit, "immortality"etymologically related to the Greek ambrosia)
The nectar of the gods. The word's earliest occurrence is in the
Rigveda where it is one of several synonyms for the drink which
confers immortality upon the gods |
Amulet |
1) An object of protection that has been charged with mystic energies
through ritual or meditation to deflect negative energies. Made of
feathers, plants, beads, stone, etc.
2.) A natural object which is reported to give protection for the carrier.
Amulets are such things as stones or fossils and one not to be confused
with man-made talismans. Stones with natural holes have always been
popular for amulets. |
Anabaptist |
A Christian who believes that baptism is only valid when the candidate
confesses his or her faith in Christ and wants to be baptized. This belief
is opposed to baptism of infants, who are not able to make a conscious
decision. Conrad Grebel and Felix Mantz were the early 'leaders' of the
movement. in the early 16th century. |
Anagarika |
A term used in Buddhism t
refer to the lay attendant of a monk. The monastic rules of Vinaya restrict
monks from many tasks that might be needed, including the use of money, or
driving to another location, so lay attendants help bridge this gap. |
Ananda Marga |
An organization headquartered in Denver, CO: It teaches the philosophy
and deities of Hinduism,
emphasizing meditation and yoga. |
Anathema |
( Greek) A New Testament curse or denunciation, invoking God,
normally applied to an evil or heretical doctrine or person. |
Anatman |
(Sanskrit):Anatta (Pali)
This term refers to the notion of
"not-self". In the beginning Buddha commonly used the word teaching that
all things perceived by the senses (including the mental sense) are not
really "I" or "mine", but are the properties of matter, and for this
reason one should not cling to them. |
Ancestral Land |
Taoist term for third eye. |
Ancestress, The |
The Goddess as old Grandmother or Wise Women |
Ancient and
Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross |
See Rosicrucian Order |
Ancient Astronauts |
Travellers from other planets who allegedly visited
Earth in spaceships in ancient times. This theory claims to explain
Fortean mysteries and the evidence of ancient sophisticated technology,
and primitive societies feats of engineering. Ancient astronaut writers
say also that Man did not evolve only from earthly beings like Adam and
Eve. A mis-reading of Genesis leads one to believe that a second strain
not from this world but from a 'heavenly source', was added to the human
gene-pool (Genesis chapter 6). Devotees of this theory like to quote the
myths and legends of ancient or primitive peoples in an attempt to justify
their case. According to the folklore and mythology of many peoples, the
gods gave fire and the skills of agriculture to mankind. However, this
fact alone does not mean that the gods of the ancients were
extraterrestrial beings, and that our ancestors were so simple minded that
they could not have discovered these things by themselves. In 1968 Erich
von Däniken published a book, Chariots
of the Gods?, in which he argued the ancient astronauts theory,
presenting supposedly 'proof' of his claims. Zecharia Sitchin is a more
modern author who claims to translated ancient Sumerian manuscripts which
tell the story of Ancient Astronauts. |
Ancient Mystic Order
of Melchizedek |
An organization founded by Malachi Z. York, in Eatonton, GA: Also
known as AMOM, Nuwaubians, the Nubian Nation of Moors, Right Knowledge. A
UFO group whose leader, (a.k.a. Dwight York) claims to be from the 19th
galaxy, called Illyuwn. A 1993 FBI report calls the group a "front for a
wide range of criminal activity, including arson, welfare fraud and
extortion." York’s group has also operated under other names and
organizations including the Nubian Islaamic [sic] Hebrew Mission, the
Ansaaru Allah Community, (an Islamic sect
with doctrines similar to Nation
of Islam), and the Original Tents of Kedar. |
Ancient Ones |
A concept derived from the fiction of H. P. Lovecraft..They are the
ancient gods of the Darkness, before Light existed. According to Lovecraft
and his followers, they were slain or imprisoned in the eternal Abyss by
the Elder Gods, gods of the Sumerian people. From their blood was
the race of man created and from the fluids of the serpent Tiamat (Genesis
1:2) were the heavens, the stars and the Earth created. The
Ancient Ones keep watch over the gates of the abyss, forever seeking
enterance into our world, so that they may rule the Earth. There
are evil magicians who seek to rouse the Ancient Ones and the
dreaded Cthulhu, and grant them access to our world. |
Anderson, Victor |
(1917 - 2001) Co-founder of Faery Tradtion of Wicca with Gwydion
Pendderwen n
the 1960s and 70s. Born in Clayton, New Mexico. After several years of meeting on the astral
plane, Victor met his wife, Cora in person in Bend, Oregon in 1944.
Recognizing each other immediately, they married three days later. |
Androgyne |
A being having the properties of both sexes, a hermaphrodite |
Angel: |
A spiritual being, especially in Persian, Jewish, Christian and
Islamic theologies, that is commonly portrayed as being winged and as
serving as God's messengers.. The spiritual guide of an individual. The
modern Christian idea of angels comes to us from the Gnostics and
Persians. |
Angel of the
Presence |
Also known as "Solar Angel". The solar level of a human being, holding
the presence of God, and at one with the angelic kingdom |
Angelical Stone |
A stone used for scrying by Dr.
John Dee. He claimed it was
given to him by the angels Raphael and Gabriel. It is now lodged in the
British Museum. |
Anima |
Jung) Personification of the masculine nature of a woman's
unconscious |
Anima Mundi |
(Latin: The soul of the
world) An old esoteric term meaning the collective consciousness of
all life on the planet or sometimes all life in the universe. |
Animal Kingdom |
The third natural kingdom of evolution. In the animal kingdom the
monads have principally physical and emotional consciousness. Between
incarnations they are enclosed in common envelopes of mental matter,
so-called group-souls. The higher up the scale of evolution an animal is,
the fewer are the monads that go to its group |
Animal Magnetism |
See Mesmerism. |
Animal Monad |
During its evolution in the animal kingdom the monad is called animal
monad. The vegetable monads become animal monads through acquiring
emotional consciousness. |
Animism |
The belief that all things in the universe are inherently invested
with a life force, soul, or consciousness. This belief is an important
component of many primitive religio |
Animus: |
(Jung) Personification of the masculine nature of a woman's
unconscious |
Ankh: |
(Egyptian- Life)The ancient Egyptian "looped cross". It
signifies eternal life. |
Annihilationism |
Taught by most Adventist groups, and the Watchtower Bible and Tract
Society, this doctrine denies the conscious, eternal punishment of the
lost. Instead, humans who do not receive eternal life will be destroyed
and cease to exist |
Annikki |
(see Anitya) |
Anointing |
Anointing can mean many things. From ancient times, oil has been used
for healing. Among Jews annointing is used by God to appoint someone to
be a priest, prophet and king. Many Jews have looked forward to a very
special “anointed one,” (in Hebrew Messiah), will come to reign over
Israel. Christians Have taken the Greek word (Christos, which can be used
to mean the same as Messiah) and use it as a title for their savior/god
Jesus. |
Antahkarana |
(Sanskirt) The inner organ, the channel for energy and
consciousness which the evolutionary monad builds through its own activity
between its triad units and envelopes as a ladder to climb up to ever
higher consciousness and ability. The antahkarana has its lowest anchorage
in the crown centre of the etheric envelope |
Anthropomancy: |
A form of divination using the entrails of a human who has been
ritualistically sacrificed |
Antichrist: |
1) In the Bible, a code-word for the Emperor of Rome.
His number was 666 - latienos, that Latin man - 2) any figure who
opposed Christianity.
3) According to the Jesus Cult, the word is used to describe a specific
future person who actively opposes and when he arrives, he will be able to
perform miracles. Some believe he will be an incarnation of Satan and as
such will be able to deceive many. |
Antinomianism: |
(Greek anti, against - nomos, law) It is practice of
using God's grace as a license to sin, and trusting grace to cleanse of
sin. In other words, since grace is infinite and we are saved by grace,
then we can sin all we want and still be saved. Paul speaks against the
concept of antinomianism in Romans 6:1-2: "Are we to continue in
sin that grace may abound? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin
still live in it?". |
Antipathy: |
In Astrology, disharmony between two planets that rule or are exalted
in opposite signs in astrology. For example, the Sun which rules Leo has
an antipathy for Uranus which rules the opposite sign Aquarius |
Anubis: |
(Greek form
of the Egyptian Anpu)
1)Egyptian deity with the head of a jackal or dog
and the body of a human. He leads the souls of the dead to the underworld
and helps Osiris at his final judgment. Anubis' particular concern is with
the funeral cult and the care of the dead, and, Anubis is often considered
the inventor of embalming. Considered benevolent and good, Anubis was
present in the underworld (Duat) at the weighing of the dead person's
soul, and was also at home in the heavenly sky realms of Ra. Anubis was
worshipped at Abydos and was also worshiped at Lycopolis and other
2) New Age term for that unconscious part of the mind that judges and
condemns |
Aperture of
Brahma: |
(Sanskrit - brahmarandhra) According to Hindu teachings, the
spot on top of the head where the consciousness departs from the body at
death. Also the connecting link between spirit and astral body. |
Aphrodite |
- sea foam) Greek goddess of beauty and love who rose from the sea.
The Roman Venus |
Apis: |
Bull headed Egyptian deity. In Greek he is called Epaphus. |
Apocalypse: |
From the Greek word apokalypsis, meaning
"revelation, disclosure, or unveiling," the term apocalypse refers in the
Bible to the final battle in human history through God will judge the
world. Central in biblical apocalyptic literature is the Revelation to
John (sometimes called The Apocalypse). A common feature of many
pseudo-Christian groups is their attempts to predict the date of the
apocalypse. Also called Armageddon. |
Apocrypha |
(Greek: hidden) It
is used in a general sense to describe a list of books written by Jews
between 300 and 100 B.C. More specifically, it is used of the seven
additional books accepted by the Catholic church as being scriptural. The
entire list of books of the apocrypha are: 1 and 2 Esdras,
Tobit, Judith, the Rest of Esther, the Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach,
(also titled Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, The Letter of Jeremiah,
Song of the Three Young Men, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, The Additions to
Daniel, The Prayer of Manasseh, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.
The books accepted as inspired and included in the Catholic Bible are
Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon Sirach
(also known as Ecclesiasticus), and Baruch. The Jews
never recognized these books as being canonical (inspired). There is no
record that Jesus or the apostles ever quoted from the apocryphal books.
The Septuagint (LXX) includes the books, not as scripture, but as
part of the translation of the Hebrew manuscripts as a whole. |
Apoklima |
3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses of the astrology chart |
Apollo |
Greek Sun god, chief physician of life and father of the Muses |
Apollinarism |
(or Apollinarianism) A view proposed byApollinaris
of Laodicea (died 390) thatJesus could
not have had a human mind; rather, Jesus had a human body
and lower soul (the seat of the emotions) but a divine mind.
The Dpctrine of the Trinity had
been recognized at the Council of Nicea in 325, but debate about exactly
what it meant continued. A rival to the more common belief that Jesus
Christ had two natures was monophysitism ("one
nature"), the doctrine that Christ had only one nature. Apollinarism and Eutychianism were
two forms of monophysitism. Apollinaris' rejection that Christ had a human
mind was considered an over-reaction to Arianism and
its teaching that Christ was not divine.
Apollyon |
The Greek name of Abaddon, a major demon, sometimes portrayed as a
form of Satan. |
Apologetics |
(Greek apologia, - to make a defense) The
process of explaining or arguing for your position. It is used primarily
to describe Christians giving reasons why Christianity is the true
religion. |
Apostasy |
(Greek apostasis
- rebellion or falling away, and Latin apostasia
- abandonment) A renunciation of the
Christian faith. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society applies the label apostate to
former Jehovah's Witnesses, who are then shunned by all Witnesses in good
standing. The LDS church and others have similar, but less extreme,
Apostate |
One who has committed apostasy, who has betrayed, deserted or is not
faithful to his religion |
Apostle |
(Greek apostolos, someone
sent with a special message or commission.) Jesus is called an apostle in
Hebrews 3:1. The term apostle refers to
1) those
leaders of the early Christian church who were chosen by Jesus. The twelve
apostles of Jesus were Simon Peter, Andrew, James the son of Zebedee,
John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus,
Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot. Paul became an apostle
after Jesus' resurrection along with Barnabas and others.
2) Members of the top quorum of
leadership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Apostolic Churches |
A branch of Pentecostalism including several denominations as well as
independent churches with the name "Apostolic"; many (but not all)
Apostolic churches adhere to Oneness Pentecostalism. |
Apparition |
A thing
that is not physically real caused by hallucinations or mental
instability. The disembodied spirit or soul of a deceased person, the
ghostly double of a living person. A being appearing to be located in two
distinct places at the same instant in time |
Marshall |
See Heaven’s
Gate. |
Kinesiology |
A diagnostic technique sometimes called “muscle testing.” Often
patients hold health care products (vitamins, herbs, etc) in their hand
while the practitioner pulls or “tests” the reciprocal strength in the
finger, arm, etc. to determine the effectiveness or dosage of the remedy. |
Apport |
An object ( such as a piece of jewelry, money, stone, flowers, even
live animals) which are said to have been materialized out of nothing, or
transported from another place, by a medium. Some of these appear to be
exactly as claimed, but many were later exposed as frauds. |
Apulieus, Lucius |
(123 AD -170 AD) Author ofThe
Golden Ass, one of the most famous romances in the world, contains the
story of Cupid and Psyche.The
Golden Ass;is a romance of
witchcraft and illustrates the beliefs which were held about witches in
pre-Christian times. |
Aquarian Age |
The New Age which begins (according to various calculations) between
January 1, 1981 and May 5, 2012. Many New Agers believe the Aquarian Age
will be characterized by a heightened degree of spiritual or cosmic
consciousness. |
The Aquarian
Conspiracy |
Best-selling book by Marilyn Ferguson, documenting and advocating the
widespread growth of the New Age movement. |
Educational Group |
An educational organization in Sedona AZ, publishing the works of
Torkom Saraydarian, Sedona, AZ: Based on the Bhagavad Gita and
the writing of Alice A. Bailey. |
Aquarian Gospel
of Jesus Christ |
Book written by Levi H. Dowling, aNew
Age, apocryphal story of Jesus supposedly based on the Akashic
Records. |
Aquarian Tabernacle Church |
A Wiccan-based church formed in Washington in 1979 by Pete
"Pathfinder" Davis. It grew into the first Wiccan church with full legal
status and recognition by the governments of three nations. ATC has many
affiliated groups sharing the benefits and protections of the ATC
recognition "umbrella" through its unique group exemption from the U.S.
Internal Revenue Service . |
Arachne |
(Greek =the spider) Reputed 13th sign of the zodiac, between
Taurus, and Gemini, governing intuition |
Aradia |
1) The Italian daughter of the goddess Diana and
Lucifer (Roman Sun God), considered Queen of the Witches.
2) A book,Aradia, Gospel
of the Witches"written in
the 19th Century by Leland about Aradia and the Italian practice of
3) A female Christ figure in Italy who taught around 1353. She was
imprisoned more than once, escaped and eventually disappeared. |
Arahant |
In Buddhism: a Buddha, or one who has advanced along the path. |
Arati |
The daily service and salutation to a saint or
sacred image. Lights, incense and camphor are waved to the accompaniment
of bells, drums and conch shells; followed by a traditional chant |
Arcana |
(plural - arcanum) Secret or mysterious knowledge, usually
revealed only to an initiate. One of two halves of a Tarot Deck. The major
Arcana consists of 22 trumps depicting dominant occurrences in life. Minor
Arcana consists of 56 suit cards (lesser Arcana) that assist in fleshing
out the trump situation, smaller occurrences in our lives. |
Arcane School |
An organization, connected with Lucis Trust promoting the teachings of
Alice Bailey: Similar to Theosophy. |
Archangel |
An angel of high rank. The names given to the beings of the Third
Circle (Eighth
Hierarchy), according to Dionysius the Areopagitethe
beings of the sphere of Mercury. The Archangels
are said to guide the spiritual destiny of groups of people, of nations,
rather than individuals (which is the role of
angels); this probably explains why the Archangels are often
pictured as carrying formalized models of cities in theirarms.
In Judaism and Christianity, the most important are the seven archangels
each of whom is assigned one of the seven spheres of heaven: Gabriel,
Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Joophiel, Zadkiel and Samael(i.e.
Satan). |
Archetype |
1.) A universal symbol, a pattern or a prototype. The archetypal
symbol speaks in the language of the subconscious, in our dreams.
Archetypal images are used throughout all the mystical path.
2. An ideal pattern or form to which all things of a certain type conform
3. An unrepresentable, unconscious, preexistent from in the psyche that
can nevertheless express itself personally or collectively in forms
conditioned by the times(Jung) |
Archon |
(Gnostic) Any
of several servants of the Demiurge,
the "creator god" that stood between the human race and a transcendent God
that could only be reached through gnosis.
They are akin to the angels and demons of
the Old
The Gnostics held the world to have been created and ruled by malevolent
Archons They are the "principalities" and "rulers" referred to in
Ephesians 6:11 and 13 |
(or Ardhanarishvara) Shiva
and his Shakti united as one |
Area 51 |
(also known as Groom Lake)A secret military facility about 90 miles
north of Las Vegas, Nevada. The number refers to a six-by-ten-mile block
of land, at the center of which is a large air base the government will
not discuss. The site was selected in the mid-1950s for testing of the U-2
spy-plane, due to its remoteness, proximity to existing facilities and
presence of a dry lake bed for landings. Groom Lake is America's
traditional testing ground for "black budget" aircraft before they are
publicly acknowledged. The facility and surrounding areas are also
associated -- with varying levels of credibility -- with UFO and
conspiracy stories. In 1989, Bob Lazar claimed on a Las Vegas television
station that he had worked with alien spacecraft at Papoose Lake, south of
Area 51. Since then, "Area 51" has become a popular symbol for the alleged
U.S. Government UFO cover-up. |
Arete Truth Center |
An organization founded by Paul Lachlan Peck, in Las Vegas, NV: which
teaches the balancing the body, mind and spirit |
Arguelles, Jose |
(1939 -2011 ) New Age author whose book The
Mayan Factor, published early 1987, argued that during a critical time
(August 16-17 of that year) the prophecies of the Bible, Aztec and Mayan
calendars indicated that the world would either begin a new age or be
destroyed. If 144,000 self-chosen people were "resonating" with peace
during this important time, worldwide, though especially at the "power
centers" like Mount Shasta, Arguelles believed the world could be saved
from destruction. (see Harmonic
Convergence). As one of the founders of Earth Day, 1970 (First Whole
Earth Festival, Davis, California. 1970), Arguelles is a career activist
for peace and the planetary transformation of consciousness. With his wife
and partner, Lloydine, they founded the Planet Art Network (1983),
promoting the revival of the Nicholas Roerich Peace Pact and Banner of
Peace (1935). Combining investigations of the Roerich Peace Pact with his
lifetime study of the mathematics and prophesies of the Mayan Calendar. |
Arhat |
See arahant (Pali) |
Arianism |
An early Christian theological position that was
vocalized by Arius around the year 320. It taught that God could not
appear on the earth, that Jesus was not eternal and could not be God.
Additionally, it taught that there was only one person in the Godhead: the
Father. Jesus, then, was a creation. It was condemned by the Council of
Nicea in 325 |
Aridian |
(after Aradia) One of several traditions of Italian
Witchcraft. It separated from the Triad Clans in 1981 and became the first
independent Italian tradition in America. |
Ariel |
An archangelfound
primarily in Jewish and Christian mysticism and Apocrypha. The name Ariel,
"Lion of God" or "Hearth of God," occurs in the Hebrew Bible but it is not
clear when it became the name of an angel |
Aries |
(Latin- Ram) First sign of the Zodiac sign; ruler of Mars
of the fiery elements; key words: activity, energy. |
Networking News |
A New Age health-oriented bi-monthly periodical published by Joanne
Tedesco in Paradise Valley, AZ, for many years until 2016. |
Arjuna |
A disciple of Krishna, hero of the Mahabharata,
protraganist in the Bhagavad Gita. |
Ark of the
Covenant |
(also known as the Ark of the Testimony) A gold-covered wooden
chest described in theBook
of Exodus as
containing the two stone
tablets of theTen
Commandments. According to various texts within the Hebrew
Bible, it also containedAaron's
rod and a pot of 'manna'.
The Bible says that, approximately one year after the Israelites exodus
from Egypt, the Ark was created according to the pattern given to Moses by
God when the Israelites were encamped at the foot of biblical
Mount Sinai. Thereafter, the gold-plated chest
was carried by its staves while en route by the Levites
approximately half a mile in advance of the people when on the march or before the
Israelite army. When carried,
the Ark was always hidden under a large veil made of skins and blue cloth,
always carefully concealed, even from the eyes of the priests and
the Levites who carried it. God was said to have spoken with Moses "from
between the twocherubim"
on the Ark's cover. When at
rest the tabernacle was set up and the holy Ark was placed under the veil
of the covering the staves of it crossing the middle side bars to hold it
up off the ground. It dissapeared mysteriously around 587 BC
Armageddon |
(Hebrew; Hill of Megiddo) Taken from the Book of Revelation
in the New Testament, the word refers to the final battle between Good and
Evil. The local is on the ancient border between Israel and Syria. In
modern usage the word has come to mean the end of the world. |
Arminianism |
The system of Christian doctrine begun by Jakobus
Armnius and codified later by his disciple Simon Episcopius. There are
five main tenets of Arminianism:
1) God elects or reproves on the basis of foreseen faith or unbelief,
2) Christ died for all men and for every man, although only believers are
3) Man is so depraved that divine grace is necessary unto faith or any
good deed,
4) This grace may be resisted,
5) Whether all who are truly regenerate will certainly persevere in the
faith is a point which needs further investigation |
Arminius, Jakobus |
Dutch Reformed theologian, whose original name was Jacob Harmensen. He
studied at Leiden, Marburg, Geneva, and Basel and in 1588 became a pastor
in Amsterdam. |
Armstrong, Herbert
W. |
(1892-1986) Founder of the Worldwide
Church of God, (WCG). Armstrong
taught British Israelism and
believed that worthy humans could eventually “become God as God is God.”
The organization taught salvation through works, the seventh day Sabbath,.
tithing (20-30%), and keeping the Old Testament feast days and dietary
laws. Under the leadership of Armstrong’s successors, Joseph W. Tkach and
his son Joe Tkach, the WCG underwent a radical doctrinal transformation.
Scores of splinter groups, such as the Global
Church of God and the United
Church of God, continue to teach various forms of Armstrong's philosophy.. |
Aromatherapy |
The use of essential oils from plants, flowers, trees and herbs to
achieve health, vitality and rejuvenation of the body, mind and spirit. |
Artemis |
Greek Goddess of the Forest. The Greek version of the classical
moon-goddess, whom the Romans called Diana. Artemis may mean: Height
Source of Water; as the moon was anciently supposed to be the source and
ruler of all waters. |
Tradition |
A Welsh Pagan tradition based on the lore of King Arthur, Merlin the
Magician, and Guinevere |
Aryan Nations
Church |
Centered at Hayden Lake, ID: it is a neo-Nazi paramilitary Christian
organization that preaches against all non-Caucasian groups. The Order,
an Aryan Nations break-off group, killed Alan Berg, a Jewish radio
personality in Denver, in 1984. The Aryan Nations received national
notice in 1992 when the wife of member Randy Weaver was killed in a
shootout with the FBI in Ruby Ridge |
Asatru |
The modern worship of the old Norse gods. |
Ascendant |
The rising sign. The First House, The degree of the Zodiac which is
nearest the Eastern horizon at the time of birth. It usually indicates how
one appears to the world. |
Ascended Masters |
Beings believed to have reached the highest level of spiritual
consciousness and who have become guides in the spiritual evolution of
mankind, such as Jesus, Buddha, St. Germaine and others. Sometimes called
the Great White Brotherhood. According to many, they communicate
spiritual truths to humans through channeling or other methods. |
Ascension |
The rise of the "Christ-consciousness" in an individual to the
point that he/she is beyond the powers of reincarnation and karma. The
word "resurrection" as found in the New Testament is best translated as
"ascension". After millenia of reincarnation, the soul finally gets off
the wheel of karma in "ascension". |
Asceticism |
(Greek = exercise training) The philosophy/science of self
knowledge through discipline of mind and body |
Ashram |
Hindu equivalent of a monastery, a community where devotees live
with or around a guru who is their spiritual teacher |
Ashtakavarga |
(Sanskrit) A predictive method
in Hindu Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary
positions |
Ashtar Command |
A divine inter-stellar organization believe to be the airborne
division of the Great White Brotherhood of Light, under the direction of
Commander Ashtar and Lady Master Athena and the guidance of Lord Sananda
and his twin flame Lady Master Nada Nanda. The Great White Brotherhood is
made up of Ascended Masters, great Cosmic Beings, the Ashtar Command, and
the Angelic Commands, all serving God and the Divine Plan. Composed of
millions of starships and personnel from many civilizations, the Ashtar
Comand is here to assist Earth and humanity through the current cycle of
planetary cleansing. . Its members, both those in spirit and those in
embodiment are all master level healers. |
Ashtoreth |
The Phoenician goddess of fertility and reproduction, the
equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, or the Egyptian Isis. |
Aspect |
1) The particular principle or part of the God-force being worked with
or acknowledged at any one time.
2) Astrology. Measured relationship between planets, or planets and the
ascendant or mid heaven |
Asperger |
A bundle of fresh herbs either carrying dew or dowsed with spring
water, used to sprinkle the water during ritual purification. |
Aspergillum |
An asperger. An instrument used to asperge, or sprinkle, Holy Water
during a ritual. |
Association for
Research and Enlightenment, A.R.E. |
Organization founded by famed psychic Edgar Cayce inVirginia Beach,VA,
where are kept the tena of thousands of readings and channeling that he
performed during his lifetime.. |
Assumption |
The taking up of a person into heaven.The Assumption of Mary into
Heaven, often shortened to the
and also known as the Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is
the bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary at
the end of her earthly life.according to the beliefs of the Catholic
Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy,
and parts of Anglicanism. The Catholic Church teaches as dogmathat
the Virgin Mary "having completed the course of her earthly life, was
assumed body and soul into heavenly glory". This
doctrine was defined byPius XII 1 November 1950, in the apostolic constitution Munificentissimus
Deus by exercising papal infallibility. While
the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church believe
in the Dormition of the Theotokos, which is the same as the Assumption,
has not been dogmatically defined whether or not Mary had a
physical death |
Astara |
An organization founded by Robert & Evelyn Chaney: It publishedVoice
of Astara |
Astral |
astra - star) Pertaining to the non-physical, subtle world or its
contents which survive death. That universe most proximate to the
physical universe. |
Astral Body |
The soul. That part of the individual which dwells on the astral
plane. The densest part of the individual to survive death. That
vehicle through which one astral travels. The emotional body. |
Astral Flight |
The sudden departure of one's consciousness from the
physical body during trauma, trance, sleep or meditation. |
Astral Light |
The aura, the /nonphysical light perceived as vibrations surrounding
beings or objects. |
Astral Plane |
The level of being or consciousness at which the astral body
functions. It ranges from the lower astral to the upper astral. |
Astral Projection |
An out-of-body experience often occurring during sleep or a meditative
state during which the etheric body separates from the physical body and
travels over great distances to another location as the result of an
altered state of consciousness. |
Astral Travel |
Out-of-body travel occurring particularly during sleep or deep
meditation. |
Astral World |
The astral realm or astral sphere which overlaps the physical world.
It is also called the fifth dimension and "the beyond." It is the
unconscious. From the Astral world physical life is regulated. |
Astrological Birth
Control |
A method developed in Czechoslovakia to determine a woman's fertile
period according to birth data and sun and moon phases. |
Astrology |
An ancient system of divination that uses the position of the planets,
moon and sun in the twelve Zodiac positions at the moment of one’s birth
to gain knowledge about the individual's life and future. |
Esoteric |
The school of astrology that deals with the relations of our solar
system and our planet to other solar systems, of the exchange of
interstellar and interplanetary energies. The Theosopohists say that
people that got farthest in this respect were the Chaldeans of some 30 000
years ago. They further claim that in future individuals who acquired this
knowledge in Chaldea will incarnate again and once more present mankind
with the esoteric ‘astrology’, thereby reviving the long-lost knowledge. |
Exoteric |
Traditional astrology |
Astronumerology |
The synthesis of astrology and numerology in which each planet is given a
numerical value and all the planetary energies present in an address (or other source) are
taken into account. |
Astrosome |
The astral body. |
Athame |
The ritual knife often associated with the elements of air and the
direction of the east, through some traditions attribute it to fire and
the south. The knife was traditionally black-handled, but many modern
Pagans now seek handles of natural wood. In some Celtic circles, the
athame is called the "Dagger" or "Dirk". In Ireland it is known as the
scian. Itcan also be a phallic symbol.. |
Atheism |
The assertion, to be taken on faith, that there is no God. Some
atheists, such as Madalyn Murray-O'Hair, have fought to prevent any
recognition of God in public life. |
Athena |
1) The Greek Goddess of Wisdom who held back the dawn for
Odysseus and Penelope. (Athene)
2) A feminine archetype expressed by a women interested in a kind
of male power, philosophy and consciousness |
Atland |
(possibly from Scandinavian, Altland - "old
land")A legendary land said to have existed in the North Sea between
Great Britain and Scandinavia. The pseudopigraphic Oera Linda Book make
some reference to Atalland or Atland which
was destroyed by a major catastrophic event about 2300 BC.. |
Atlantis |
A legendary island/continent said to have sunk beneath the ocean. It
was located straddling the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and was broken up as a
result of continental drift. The greater part of Atlantis is located south
and east of Florida and was submerged into the ocean in four stages:
800,000, 200,000, 75,025 and 9564 BC. It is purported to have been a
highly advanced civilization. |
Atma |
Atman) |
Atman |
The eternal or real self, sometimes referring to the principle of life
in all things. The pure consciousness of the spirit which is a spark of
God. The real "I" |
Atomic Consciousness |
World consciousness, omniscience (in that world) does not mean that
the individual knows everything about everything that is or happens. But
it is possible for him to find out more or less quickly everything he
wishes to know, independently of space and past time in a given world, to
ascertain all relations in the three aspects (matter, motion, and
consciousness) of that world. |
At-One-ment |
Term used by several New
Thought religions (such as Christian
Science) referring to the supposed metaphysical unity or “oneness” of
human beings and God as demonstrated by Christ.
Contrast the Christian term “atonement,” which refers to Christ’s death on
the cross as the means by which he reconciled sinful human beings to God. |
Atonement |
Making amends, repairing a wrong done. In Christian
doctrine it means sin has been removed. In the Old Testament the High
Priest made atonements for the people. Christians say that Jesus' death
was the final atonement in which he atoned for the sins of the entire
world for all time. In A
Course in Miracles, the word refers to the final coming together of
God and man. |
Attunement |
(1) Union with the Divine. A spiritual consciousness of
being attained through meditation, referred to variously as unity
consciousness, nirvana, prajna, samadhi, etc.
(2) Union within one's self. Balancing the body, astral and etheric
bodies - as in psychic massage.
(3) A condition of well-being and/or health. |
Aubrey Holes |
Diggings at Stonehenge that provided a system for counting the years
and predicting movements of the Moon. |
Augur: |
A soothsayer or diviner. Originally the term was applied to the priest
or religious official who interpreted omens. |
Augury |
The act of divination based on "signs" or omens. |
Aum |
Om. A meditation-syllable, said by some to be the mnemonic of the
three Hindu gods of creation, reservation and destruction. |
Aum Shinri Kyo |
Aum (a
mantra) Shinri Kyo (Supreme
Truth) is the apocalyptic Buddhist sect suspected in the 1995 subway nerve
gas murders in Japan. Police raiding cult compounds discovered stockpiles
of nerve gas and the basic ingredients of biological warfare. Sect leaders
were charged with abduction and "murder preparation." Aum leader, Chizuo
Matsumoto (now called Shoko Asahara), predicted the end of the world
between 1997 and 2000. The Dalai
Lama, the leader of Tibetan
Buddhism, has denied Aum claims that Asahara was ever his disciple.
The sect had about $29 million in assets and 10,000 disciples in Japan and
30,000 in Russia. The sect had followers in other countries including the
U.S. and Australia |
Aum Supreme Trut |
See Aum Shinri Kyo. |
Aura |
The emanation of the astral body. The subtle energy field as seen by
psychics. In humans, it tends to be ovoid, and extends from a few inches
to several hundred feet or more from the body. The average extends about
18 inches. The size, color, and content of the aura can vary with changes
in mood, health and spiritual development. Dark spots or "blocks" in the
aura are thought by many to be early warning signs of illness. Various
scientists have attempted to record the aura with cameras. Most
successful were Valentina and Semyon Kirlian in the 1930s. In the 1980s
a technique called aura imaging was developed in the U.S. It uses a
computer to translate emenations from the hand or fingers into color
images of the energy flow around the entire body. How accurate these
images are is still open to question. |
Aura Balancing |
A healing technique that allows healing energy to normalize systems
that have been impared The healer detects energy blocks in the energy
field - aura - that surrounds the human body and then balances or
normalizes it by placing his or her hands over the afflicted area. A
system for clearing, smoothing or harmonizing the auric field around a
person's body (SeePsychic
Massag |
Aura Reading |
The process used by psychics to see the aura and interpret what its
variations mean in one's life |
Aura Som |
(see Color Therapy) |
Auricular Acupuncture |
Acupuncture or other pressure systems as applied to the ears. This
is based on the idea that most of the body's energy systems are connected
to certain points in the ears. Small needles, studs, or magnets are
applied to the ear to be pressed by the client when needed. |
Aurora |
1) Roman Goddess of the Dawn.(Greek-Eos)
2) root or mother of philosophy |
Autogenic Training |
A form of self-hypnosis used for a number of psych-somatic
conditions. Usually taught by health-professionals, it consists of
learning to relax physically and mentally by focusing on the breath or
imagining heaviness and warmth in various parts of the body. |
Automatic Writing |
called psychography, it is a psychic
ability allowing
a person to produce written words without consciously writing. Scientists
and sceptics consider automatic writing to be the result of the
psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously and
even proponents of automatic writing admit it has been the source of
innumerable cases of self-delusion. Contrariily, many key works have come
forth through this technique |
Autosuggestion |
Sending mental messages to the unconscious, self programming, a form
of self-hypnosis |
Autumnal Equinox |
The Solar Equnox of September 21-23. Known as Mabon or Alban Elfed it
is one the eight Sabbats of Wicca. |
Avalon |
("Land of Apples") A beautiful lake and rock island where the
legendary King Arthur received the magick sword Excalibur. |
Avatar |
(from the Sanskrit- aloatara, meaning descent) 1) The
incarnation of the divine or God in human form. 2) a being who founds a
world religion or a new race. Abraham is said to be an avatar. |
Avebury |
At one time considered to be the largest artificial stone circle in
the world. Dating back to before 2500 BC. It is older than Stonehenge and
is located in southern England. |
Avesta |
The primary collection of sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, composed in
Avestan, an old eastern Iranian Language. |
Awareness Techniques |
A method to visualize past reincarnations while fully conscious.
Originally developed by William Swygard in the 1960s. |
Ayers Rock |
A gigantic sandstone outcropping that rises from the desert in central
Australia. It is the most sacred site of the Aborigines and is place of
pilgrimage from all over the globe. In aborigine myth it is said that
there was a great battle there (perhaps the war in heaven mentioned in
Revelation) in which creation was thrown out of dreamtime (the astral
world) and began to live in the material world. |
Ayurveda |
An intricate system of healing that originated in India thousands of
years ago. Its aim is to provide guidance regarding food and lifestyle
so that healthy people can stay healthy and folks with health challenges
can improve their health. There is historical evidence of Ayurveda in the
ancient books of wisdom known as the Vedas. In the Rig Veda,
over 60 preparations are mentioned that could be used to assist an
individual in overcoming various ailments. The Rig Veda was
written perhaps 6000 years ago, but many believe that Ayurveda has been
around even longer than that. Ayurveda is a system that helps maintain
health in a person by using the inherent principles of nature to bring the
individual back into equilibrium with their true self. There are several
aspects to Ayurveda that are quite unique: Its recommendations will often
be different for each person regarding which foods and which lifestyle
they should follow in order to be completely healthy. This is due to it's
use of a constitutional model. Everything in Ayurveda is validated by
observation, inquiry, direct examination and knowledge derived from the
ancient texts. It understands that there are energetic forces that
influence nature and human beings. These forces are called theTridoshas |