E |
Ea |
(Akkadian, "the Living One") The
Babylonian creator god, identified with the Sumerian Enki, god of
subterranean waters, magic, and manual skills. |
Changes |
New Age term for the cataclysmic events predicted by Edgar Cayce and
others to happen as the earth moves from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian
Age. (see Edgar
Cayce,) |
Earth Logos: |
A great spiritual being who is the ensouling life of planet earth. The
earth is considered a physical manifestation (or body) of this spiritual
intelligence |
Earth Magick: |
A practical form of magick which involves drawing energy from Mother Earth
(or Gaia) and the element or elementals of Earth for rituals |
Earthmother: |
1) Feminine goddess, partner in a divine
pair with father sky.
2) The earth as a manifestion of consciousness and
as an object of ritual and adoration. 3) Eve, Isis, ect. |
Eckankar: |
A religious system introduced by Paul Twitchell, said to be based on the
ancient science of soul travel or ability to raise one's consciousness to
higher planes of awareness to realize the divine consciousness of one's
soul |
Eckhart, John "Meister": (1260-1327) |
German Christian mystic. A
Dominican, Eckhart was a powerful preacher and mystical author, in
both Latin and German, who was suspected of heresy toward the end of
his life. Although many of his writings have been lost, his thought is
constantly being rediscovered by diverse groups of Christian thinkers.
Although he found new vocabulary for describing the traditional stages
of the soul's ascent to God, he was unusual in that he both affirmed a
close identity with God (third stage) and suggested a fourth stage
beyond God to an experience of the Godhead. Influential on a
contemporary group of Rhineland mystics, Eckhart has been considered a
source of nearly every subsequent Christian movement from Protestant
Pietism to religious existentialism. |
Ectoplasm: |
(noun) from
the Greek
“outside,” and plasma, Coined in 1894
the non-granulated outer part of a cell's cytoplasm,
2): a
supernatural white filmy substance substance that is supposed to exude from the body
of a medium during a spiritualistic trance and form the material for the
manifestation of spirits |
Eddy, Mary Baker: (1821-1910)
- American founder of Christian Science. She is best known for her
work Science and Health
with Key to the Scriptures (1875).(See
Christian Science)
- Eden: (From
Hebrew- Adam)
- In Bible myth, a garden planted by God and containing the tree of
knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. Adam and Eve, first
man and first woman, lived in Eden until their disobedience and
expulsion See Adam
and Eve.
- Egg,
- A cosmogonic motif in which all
things are contained in potential form within a single primordial egg..
- Ego:
- The ego is that part of our personality that prevents us from
acting on emotional urges, but also works to achieve a balance with our moral and idealistic standards While the ego operates in
our consciousnesss, its strong ties to instict means that it also operates in the unconscious.
- Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar:
- A amall book developed by the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith as he:"translated" The
Book of Abraham
Egyptian Book of the Dead:
- A collection of over two hundred
prayers, spells, and illustrations from the second millennium BC
believed to ensure a joyous afterlife for the souls of the dead.
Knowledge or possession of these spells facilitated a verdict of
innocence of earthly sins in postmortem judgment and provided
protection against divine punishment.
- Egyptology:
- The study of all aspects of ancient
Egypt such as its culture, language, architecture and history.
- Elder:
- A common translation of the Greek word in the New Testament (presbyteros)
used to refer to a person ordained for teaching or governance in a
Christian church. 2) The proper title given to holders of the
Melchizedek Priesthood. The title is used for members of the Quorum of
the Twelve Apostles, the First Quorum of the Seventy and for full time
- Elect,
- According to Christian
doctrine, the elect are those called by God to salvation. This
election occurs before the foundation of the world. This view of
election is especially held by Calvinists who
also hold to the doctrine of predestination.
- Elemental:
- 1) The spirit consciousness that
ensouls a plant or location. 2)A spirit formed of one of the
elements. The four elementals are salamanders (fire), sylphs (air),
undines (water), and gnomes (earth). See fairies
- Element:
- In ritual, the four elements in
nature - earth, water, fire, and air,. Some say there is the element
of spirit which encompasses all of the other elements and is not
visible. In alchemy, the four natures which are used to characterize
matter, again, earth, water, fire and air. In New Age science, the
four states of matter, earth (solid), water(liquid), air(gas) and
Eleusinian Mysteries:
- A Greek initiatory cult honoring
Demeter and Persephone celebrated in the town of Eleusis from
prehistoric times through the fifth century.
- Elixir:
- A magically charged liquid which has
to have a crystal or gem sitting in it for a specific amount of time
before it is ready to drink.
- Elohim:
(Hebrew, pl. form, "godesses" or "mother/father god")
- In the Hebrew Bible, divine name translated as "God" in English.
- El Shaddai: (Hebrew
- God of many breasts))
- One of the many names of God in the Old Testament. Translated God
Almighty in the King James Version.
- Empath:
- A person who can psychically tune in
to the emotional experience of a person, place or animal.
- Empowerment:
- The state or condition of having
received power, energy, force, and strength in any fields - spiritual,
physical, mental or magickal.
- Enchantment:
- A method of spellcasting which
involves, generally, spoken words of power. An enchantment can be put
on something to gain control or authority over it. Enchanted objects
generally "carry" the magick put upon them with them, so it does not
cease to work but is continually having its effect.
- Energy Healing/Balancing:
- Healing technique which involves
working in the body's energy field to promote mental, emotional,
physical, or spiritual healing.
- Enlightenment:
- A higher state of consciousness in
which the person seems to transcend his or her ego, and becomes aware
of his/her divinity, and that he/she is one with God
- Enneagram:
- The Enneagram symbol is a nine-pointed star. The nine lines
comprise a perfect triangle and a twisted hexagon contained within a
circle. It forms the basis for an exploration of human evolution,
including the evolution of consciousness and self-development. The
actual ancient origin of the symbol is unknown. References to an
Enneagram-like figure exist in many spiritual traditions. Recently,
many have come to believe that it was known to the Sufis.
- Enoch:
- A figure in the Bible, taken up to heaven while still alive
(Genesis 5:18-24). In later tradition, many books containing heavenly
journeys and secret teachings are attributed to him. The word Phoenix
may be Greco-Egyptian for "after the order of Enoch" Even the word
Sphinx may be Greco-Egyptian for "That which is (s) after the order of
Enoch (phnx)."
- Epicureans:
- Followers of the Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 BC). The
Epicurean school in Athens consisted of a number of people living
together in accordance with the master's teachings. Most of our
knowledge of these teachings comes from Diogenes Laertius's Lives
of the Philosophers and
Lucretius's On Nature. Epicurean
physics derived from the atomism of Democritus: there exists nothing
but atoms moving in void, and their rearrangement accounts for all
change. Our cosmos is one of many such temporary arrangements of
atoms, brought into being by purely natural forces. Our souls are also
perishable collections of atoms, perceiving the world by means of the
atoms emanating from the surfaces of objects. Perfect, imperishable,
blessed gods exist, but, contrary to popular opinion, their perfection
entails that they cannot have any projects or concerns and so do not
intervene in our world. It is good for human beings to respect and
admire these beings but not to expect rewards or punishments from
them. Epicureanism was concerned, above all, with ethics, with
providing a practical guide to living a happy life. Notoriously,
Epicureans saw this as a matter of fulfilling the natural human desire
for pleasure. But contrary to the ancient prejudices against them,
they did not advocate a life of reckless, sensual pleasure seeking.
Rather, they recommended only those pleasures caused by the
satisfaction of natural, necessary desires (e.g., for food) and not
those that are unnecessary or involve pain (e.g., desire for delicious
but unhealthy food). The ideally happy life was one of bodily health
and "freedom from anxiety."
- Erasmus, Desiderius:
- Dutch humanist who anticipated the Reformation in many aspects of
his thought, but remained a staunch Catholic and Augustinian priest.
Erasmus is best known as a brilliant satirist and controversialist
against aspects of Catholic devotion (e.g., the cult of the saints,
monasticism), as a student and editor of both classical and patristic
authors, and as the editor of the first printed edition of the Greek
New Testament (1516).
- Erhard, Warner: See est.
Esalen Institute:
- An eclectic New Age educational
center near Big Sur, California, begun in 1962 by Michael Murphy and
Richard Price. Part of the Human Potential movement, the institute has
offered consultation, communal retreats, and a wide range of
instruction in Asian practices of meditation and contemplation,
emphasizing the divergent paths to spiritual enlightenment.
- Esbat:
- A Wiccan gathering for ritual work,
generally during the full or new moon.
- General term for teachings concerning the "last things," the end
of the world and processes of salvation. In Christianity,
eschatology includes teachings concerning death, judgment, heaven,
hell, and the coming of Christ (Gk. parousia).
The term itself was first used in the nineteenth century with the rise
of critical biblical studies. One significant early finding was that
both Jesus and the apostle Paul seemed convinced that God would
terminate history soon. Studies of Jesus' use of "the reign of God"
and of Paul's treatment of the return of Christ brought a reevaluation
of the relations between the end of history and the new era that Jesus
had ushered in. For current Christian theology, eschatology raises
important issues about history. If Christian faith says that the
crucial victory occurred in Christ's death, resurrection, and sending
of the Holy Spirit, what value should believers place on temporal
matters? The mainstream of theologians seems to have reached a
consensus that both the New Testament and subsequent faith seek a
balance between "now" and "not yet." The substance of salvation (God's
forgiveness and eternal life) is available now, in virtue of Christ.
But the full expression of salvation can only occur beyond history,
where God is all in all, and so does not yet exist.The
study of the teachings in the Bible concerning the end times, or of
the period of time dealing with the return of Christ and the events
that follow. Eschatological subjects include the Resurrection, the
Rapture, the Tribulation, the Millennium, the Binding of Satan, the
Three witnesses, the Final Judgment, Armageddon, and The New Heavens
and the New Earth. In one form or another most of the books of the
Bible deal with end times subjects. But some that are more prominently
eschatological are Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Joel, Zechariah, Matthew,
Mark, Luke, 2 Thessalonians, and of course Revelation.
- Esoteric:
- Hidden or deeper knowledge or
teachings that are possessed or understood only by a few.
- Esoteric Christianity:
- A mystical form of Christianity that
sees its "core truth" as identical to the "core truth" of every other
religion (i.e., man is divine). This form of Christianity is at home
with Aldous Huxley's "perennial philosophy."
- Esoteric Movements:
- Religious and philosophical groups centered on knowledge or
experience accessible only to those who have received a special
initiation or attained a special level of spiritual awareness.
Esoteric refers to what is "inner," restricted to persons or groups
who are in some way on the "inside" of a secret or process.
Esotericists believe they are custodians of an important truth about
reality that is unknown to most people either because it has been lost
or concealed or because by its nature it is unknowable without special
training or induction into its mysteries. In this context, initiation
or induction implies a set of experiences designed not only to convey
knowledge but also to induce an intuitive awareness of unfamiliar
dimensions of reality. Because of the cognitive and initiatory
emphases, esoteric movements are likely to employ study more than
devotion, the lecture more than the devotional sermon, and tightly
controlled initiatory scenarios more than devotional practice.
Precision of information and technical skill in the use of esoteric
knowledge are significant, for these features conform the objective
nature and practical importance of its insights. Esoteric movements
in the West have flourished at least from the pre-Christian Gnostics
on down to the present. Rosicrucian groups. More recent ones are the
Order of the Golden Dawn.
- Esoteric Wisdom:
- Esoteric wisdom characteristically concerns little-known laws of
nature, extraordinary psychic and spiritual abilities latent in human
beings, and superhuman hierarchies of gods, spirits, and masters. (See
Ancient Wisdom)
- ESP:
- Acronym for Extra-Sensory
Perception. It encompasses most paranormal abilities such as
telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance.
- ESP Cards:
- A pack of twenty-five cards bearing
five symbols, including stars, squares, circles, crosses, and waves.
Zenner cars.
- Essenes:
- An early Jewish sect (second century
BC-AD first century) known for their communism, apparent celibacy, and
concern for purity. It is commonly believed that they were the authors
of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but \tTheir identification with Qumran is
- Essential Oil:
- A natural oil which is extracted from
plants or flowers through a very complex process that generally yields
very little product, making it costly. Absolute is at least 10% pure
plant juice. .
- EST:
- Erhard Seminar Training. Created by Warner Erhard, it is a
personal transformation seminar promising individual growth, business
management skills, stress reduction, etc. After much legal
difficulties, Est was discontinued and replaced by The Forum.
- A divine
attribute; without beginning or end, unaffected by time, outside time.
One of the names of God, i.e. The Eternal.
Eternal life:
- 1)
To be immortal, 2) To live with God (Eternal being one of God;s names)
Etheric Body:
A term sometimes used to refer to the
Astral Body, but which actually refers to that vehicle or body whose
density lies between that of the astral and physical bodies.
- The
principal act of worship of the Christian religion, otherwise known as
the Divine Liturgy, Holy Communion, Lord's Supper, or Mass. This name
has been used from at least the second century, and comes from the
thanksgiving prayer that constitutes a principal element in the
rite. Christian myths tells the story of the last supper eaten by
Jesus with his disciples on the night before he died, when he
performed a Jewish grace-ritual before the meal (taking bread into his
hands, saying a short blessing of God for it, breaking the bread, and
sharing it with those present) and the customary festal thanksgiving
prayer over a shared cup of wine at the end of the meal . The myth
relates that these actions signified his imminent death, interpreting
the bread as his body "given for you" and the wine as his blood, and
as having instructed his disciples to perform them in future in
remembrance of him. The eucharistic observances of the earliest
Christians were more than a memorial meal: in some traditions
believers claimed to experience the living presence of the resurrected
Christ in these communal gatherings. Historically, the rite of Mass
(Mazd) was adopted by the Catholic Church from the religion of Sol
Invictus in which is was a reinactment of a sacramental meal performed
by Mithras.
- Eunuch:
- A castrated
male. Voluntary castration is associated either with ascetic vows,
resulting in permanent celibacy, or with some forms of priesthood.
- Eusebius: (ca.
- The most
important early Christian church historian. He
was trained in the school in Caesaria established by Origen. He
became bishop of Caesaria in 311. He arrived at the Council of Nicaea
in 325 a convicted Arian heretic, but left it as the official
historian an biographer of the Emperor Constantine (Life of
Constantine). He is known as the "father of Church history" (Ecclesiastical
History) His writings are not reliable, being merely propaganda
for Constantine and his Roman Church.
- Eutychianism:
- This is a
Christian doctrine similar to Monophycitism. It states that Jesus'
divine and human natures were so thoroughly combined -- in a sense
scrambled together -- that the result was that Jesus was not really
truly able to relate to us as humans. Therefore, he would be unable
to act as mediator and unable to truly atone for our sins. (See Hypostatic
Union, and also Nestorianism and Monophycitism.)
Evangelical Christianity:
- A widespread
trans-denominational shift towards more conservative Christian
doctrine that developed after World War II, usually associated with
televangelism. An evangel is a missionary, a proselytizer. The term
can be used to describe all churches that hold to or give heavy
emphasis to conservative Protestant beliefs.
(In Germany, �Evangelical� is basically synonymous with �Lutheran.�)
These include: the infallibility of the Bible, the sinful and fallen
state of humanity, and salvation through
faith in Jesus. See Fundamental
- Primarily a
Judeo-Christian concept which says that sin is doing that which is
contrary to the will of God. This doctrine treats evil almost as if it
were an actual substance or being. It states that there is natural
evil (floods, storms, famines, etc.) and moral evil (adultery, murder,
idolatry, etc.). Christians teach that natural evil is a result of
moral evil - i.e. Adam's sin. When Adam sinned, sin entered into the
world allowing floods, storms, famines, etc. According to Christians
evil originated with Satan and is carried on by man .
- Evil
- The
belief in several traditional cultures that certain persons or spirits
could cause harm to others simply by looking intently at them. It is
often related to envy.
- The act of
ritually calling forth spirits or elementals.
- Evolution:
- The teaching
that life developed its complexity through the process of genetic
change and natural selection. First propounded by Charles Darwin in
the early 1800's, the theory has undergone anumber of modifications
since its inception The Bible does not speak against evolution but
instead indicates that God created all things through the process .
Exaltation: (fr.Latin-
"raised up)
- In the
teaching of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the highest form of
salvation. It means to become a God and to produce and rule over one�s
offspring throughout eternity
- A religious
sanction that removes an individual from the ritual and social
community of the church when that member has transgressed some law or
regulation of the church. In some churches, upon repentance, the
person is welcomed back into fellowship within the church. Because
Judaism has no central authority, excommunication, forced isolation
from the Jewish community to punish improper behavior or belief, is
usually decreed by a local rabbinical court and applies primarily
within that community. There is no formal court procedure or
presentation of evidence for excommunication, and any rabbinical court
can lift a decree. Under the ordinary form of excommunication,
called nidduy (Heb.),
the excommunicant behaves like a mourner (except for the ritual
tearing of clothes), lives only with family, is shunned by others, and
is not counted for the quorum required for worship. The
excommunicant's coffin is stoned at burial. Nidduy is announced by the
head of the court. A more severe form, called herem ("devoted
thing," something forbidden for common use) requires, in addition,
that the excommunicant study alone and make a living only from a small
shop. The procedure for decreeing a herem entails a proclamation in
the synagogue either before the open ark or with Torah scroll in hand,
the sounding of theshofar (ram's
horn), the congregational extinguishing of candles, and the recitation
of biblical curses against and warnings about associating with the
excommunicant. In medieval times, the excommunicant was treated as a
non-Jew. That status often was extended to the excommunicant's spouse
and children, who might also be ostracized. Talmudic and medieval
rabbinic literature lists various reasons for excommunication. Among
other causes, a person could be ostracized for causing the public
profanation of God's name, ignoring prescribed religious behavior or
hindering the public performance of it, incorrect business practices,
breaking a vow, improper sexual conduct, violating the Torah on the
basis of spurious analogies, insulting a scholar, or decreeing
excommunication without sufficient reason. Over time, particularly
in Orthodox communities, excommunication was applied so routinely and
automatically to any unacceptable behavior that it lost its punitive
and coercive effect. Excommunication in the Christian tradition is
an action taken by church authorities by which a person is cut off
from participation in the worship life of a congregation because of
some serious fault or breach of church discipline. Most commonly, the
individual is barred from the sacraments. In certain communities such
persons are also socially ostracized in a practice called
- Exegesis:
- General
term for the interpretation of scriptural texts.
- A complex
movement in twentieth-century continental philosophy and literature,
which flourished in Europe after World War I and in the United States
after World War II. Religious existentialism is usually thought to
begin in the nineteenth century with Soren Kierkegaard ("leap of
faith"), and antireligious existentialism with Friedrich Nietzsche
("death of God"). All existentialist authors presuppose the priority
of existence over essence and emphasize the distinctive humanness of
the person, arguing that human nature has no essence but only a
history. They select as most characteristic of the human condition
such categories as anguish, contradiction, nothingness, and absurdity.
Typical existentialist themes include the anxiety of decision, the
radical nature of freedom, the tragic sense of life, the objectifying
tendency of thought, the human invention of values forged in freedom,
the difficulty of achieving authentic existence, and the importance of
subjectivity and individuality as a protest against the claims of
universal reason and conformity to the crowd.
- Exit
- A less
coercive program of deprogramming designed
to "save" members of spiritual groups that are considered false,
harmful, or dangerous. The program usually involves a two to three
day voluntary counseling session emphasizing education and dialogue,
often with a licensed mental health professional, a former member of
the group, and/or a specialist on cult dynamics.
The approach stresses true personal and religious freedom in the
context of providing additional information and full disclosure, which
facilitates more informed decision-making. Family counseling and
intervention techniques may also be incorporated.
- The act of
ritual expulsion of demons or evil spirits or negative forces from an
individual or place . In the New Testament, exorcisms are a central
part of the public ministry of Jesus. Christianity has utilized
exorcisms in a variety of ways: as an integral part of baptismal
liturgies in which prayers and rites are used to symbolize the
person's departure from sin and entrance into the body of Christians;
as blessings to separate material things from profane use in order to
dedicate them to divine use (e.g., the exorcism of water used in
baptism); and as a rite to free persons from demonic possession. In
the Roman Catholic Church this rite can only be done with episcopal
authorization. Fundamentalist and Pentecostal churches attempt to
drive out the demonic with sessions of prayer, the laying on of hands,
and the reading of scripture. In some forms of early Christianity
there was a separate clerical office for the exorcist.
- Primarily in
Christian doctrine. The cancellation of sin. Expiation and
propitiation are similar but expiation does not carry the implication
of dealing with wrath, of appeasing it through a sacrifice. Generally
speaking, propitiation cancels sin and deals with God's wrath.
Expiation is simply the cancellation of sin.Christians say the
crucifixion of Jesus was propitiation
- Extrasensory
Perception (ESP):
- Knowledge of
an experience or a response to an external event apart from the five
senses. This experience can take place either in a wakeful or dream
state. It
encompasses most paranormal abilities such as telepathy, precognition,
and clairvoyance.