-F- |
Faerie |
English -fairie ,<Old French-faerie<Latin-Fata, the Fates)\
1) A fairy.
2) The land or realm of the fairies.
3) Of or like a fairy or fairies.
4) Enchanted; visionary. |
Fairy |
A tiny (usually imaginary) being in human form, depicted as clever,
mischievious, and possessing magical powers. An elemental, |
Faith |
A basic Christian tenet that does not seem to be
well understood. The word translated faith in the New Testament is
related to the word translated faithful. Faith is that which causes
someone to be faithful. |
Faith Healing |
A wandering religious
mendicant, particularly one who exhibits supernatural powers. Originally
applied to Muslim (Sufi) mystics, the term took on its broader usage in
Fall, Fall of
Many Christians
believe that in the Garden of Eden the first man, Adam, committed a
terrible sin (eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good
and Evil) which separated all of creation from the presence of God and
doomed Adam and his offspring to eternal separation from God. They
beleive that God killed Jesus on the cross to "redeem" man from the
consequences of Adam's "sin".(See Adam
and Eve)
Fallen Angels:
Post biblical Jewish,
Christian, and Muslim legends concerning the rebellion of
Satan/Lucifer/Iblis and his band against God, usually prompted by the
creation of the first human being in the divine image and the command that
the angels give it homage. In punishment, they are expelled from heaven.
A god that is not real, but invented by men or
(according to Judea-Christian teaching) inspired by demons to deceive
people so they do not believe in the true and living God. In the Bible
any god of another people was considered a false god..
False Prophet:
Generally, any prophet or teacher that is not
true. According to Fundamentalist Christianity, it is a prophet who
teaches anything contrary to their beliefs. Specifically, it is that
being referred to in the Book of Revelations. According to this teaching,
he is
a person who will manifest himself shortly before the physical return of
Christ. He will be a miracle worker and during the Tribulation period
will bring fire down from heaven and command that people worship the image
of the Beast
from Old French familier from Latin familiaris ‘household,’ from famulus ‘servant’.
A spirit or guardian
who is close to a human being and considered a companion in magick. The
spirit often manifests itself in a sacred object or a pet. This explains
the misconception that all witches have black cats, which is not
necessarily true though a cat is a magickal creature and often does become
a familiar.
Familiar Spirit:
A Biblical term meaning 'familiar" which
Christians use to describe a demon which has possessed the body of a
Fantasia Crystals:
A Phoenix crystal store founded in 198? by Dave
and Diane Maerz After Dave died in Diane ran the store by herself. When
she retired
daughter, Amy, and Mike purchased
itFard, Wallace D: (b.,
d. unknown)
Known as Master Wali
Farrad Muhammad, founder of the Nation of Islam in Detroit in 1930.
Farrakhan, Louis: (b.
Louis Eugene Wolcott, 1933)
Leader of the Nation of Islam since 1975, who
advocated economic uplift and the original teachings of Wallace Fard and
Elijah Muhammad.
The practice of
controlling another through psychic or magickal power.. .
Fast, Fasting:
Abstinence from food for a length of time. A
common ascetic practice, it is also a widespread mode of purification with
respect to ritual activities or the restoration of health. In
Christianity fasting derives from the example of Jesus, who both fasted
and recommended the practice. Partial or total abstinence from food and
drink was institutionalized in early Christianity for certain days. Today
in Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches there are seasons of fasting
before Christmas and Easter and, in some traditions, a day of fasting
before participating in the Eucharist. Muslims in good health must
observe a daytime fast (Arab.sawm) during the month of Ramadan by
abstaining from food, drink, smoking, and sexual activity. In the evening,
a meal is eaten and many attend the mosque for seasonal litanies. A light
meal is eaten before daybreak.
1) The destined
result of life. Kismet, Karma, destiny are other names..2).
an event or
course of events that must inevitably
happen in the future.
The oldest occult, metaphysical magazine in
the US. Established in
1948 by Clark Publishing Company, Co-founded by Ray Palmer, editor of Amazing
Stories magazine, and
Curtis Fuller. Palmer left in 1955.Fate was
sold to Llewellyn Publications in 1988.
Divine: (1878- 1965):
Born George Baker,
he was the Black minister and founder of the Peace
Mission Movement in
Sayville, New York, in 1932.. on of ex-slaves, Divine developed a
theology comprised of elements of African-American Christianity,
Methodism, Catholicism, Pentecostalism, and the power-of-positive-thinking
ideology, New Thought. He taught that he was God and encouraged followers
to channel his spirit to achieve health, prosperity, and salvation. An
integrationist, Divine attracted both blacks and whites and campaigned for
Civil Rights. During the Depression, disciples opened businesses offering
low-priced goods and services, and Peace Missions provided social
assistance to the poor.
Fatima: (ca.
Favorite daughter of
Muhammad; wife of fourth Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, the first Imam of the
Shia; mother of Imams Hasan and Husayn; ancestor of all of Muhammad's
descendants. Distinguished by her piety, poverty, and special purity, and
known as "the Radiant One," "the Virgin," and "Chief of Women," she is
venerated by Muslims, especially the Shia.
Feng Shui:(noun)
from Mandarin ”,
"wind" +
"water." literally “wind and water”
1): A system of spiritual
both good and evil,
present in the natural features of landscapes
2): An ancient Chinese system of geomancy used to design buildings and
graves, and to determine the spatial arrangement of thing
Fetish: (from
a Portuguese word for medals worn by sailors and extended to amulets
used by Africans; first used as a generic term by Ch. de Brosses in
1) An article of
paraphernalia used in religious practice, or a physical object
representative of religious authority. Fetishes commonly are misunderstood
to be objects accorded magical or supernatural powers by their users.
Objects such as the perfect ear of corn or Corn Mother, important in
religious practices of Pueblos (American Southwest), medicine bundles of
various North American tribes, and objects that represent the religious
authority of clans in Native American communities are often referred to as
fetishes. 2) Small carved stone objects and feather arrangements, with no
religious significance, manufactured for commercial sale by modern Native
American peoples. 3) An object or body part that arouses sexual desire,
sometimes to the exclusion of genital attraction.
The Christian
doctrine that the Holy Spirit proceeds equally from both the Father and
the Son.
Findhorn Community
A New Age community
located in the North of Scotland, noted for growing giant vegetables as
the result of communicating with the elementals..
A ritual means of
demonstrating an individual's possession of extraordinary powers by
appearing unharmed after walking barefoot over a series of fires or across
a bed of hot coals. Firewalking serves as a religious ordeal or test.
Feng Shui:
Geomancy, called
feng-shui (wind and water) in China, is the art of healthful arrangement
of rooms, furniture and buildings to effect spiritual, psychological and
physical well-being.
In Mediterranean
cosmologies, a dome that separates sky from earth or upper from lower
Findhorn Community
A New Age community
located in the North of Scotland. This group became notable through
growing gigantic vegetable by communicating with the elementals.
The activity of
walking on hot coals, rocks or cinders without burning the soles of one's
feet. In some cultures [e.g., India], firwalking is part of a religious
ritual and is associated with mystical powers. In America, firewalking is
a spiritual, self-empowering motivational activity. Tony
Robbins popularized
firewalking as an activity for demonstrating it is possible for people to
do things which seem impossible to them
The first of the
mother's offspring. In ancient times it was usually the firstborn son who
inherited the family name and property. Jehovah's Witnesses teach that
Christ was created first.
Presleyterian Church of Elvis the Divine:
Begun in 1988 in
Bethelehem, PA: as a marketing ploy/parody by Farndu and Karl Edwards, the
church spoofs traditional religions and cults by �worshipping� Elvis
Presley in weekly services held on the Internet and the campus chapel of
Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. The parody was taken seriously by
Fish Symbol:
The two crossed fish
of Pisces was adopted early-on as a symbol for Christ and Christianity.
Later the symbol was shortened to just one fish. The Greek word for fish
(ichthys) contains the first letters of the phrase "Jesus Christ,
Son of God, Savior" in Greek Once the Age of Aquarius began this symbol
automatically became the symbol for the Devil or evil.
Five-fold Kiss:
A traditional Wiccan
salute generally performed between the high priest and the high
priestess. This involves kissing five areas on the body of the priestess
with the accompanying magickal words:
"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee
in these ways.
Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the
sacred altar.
Blessed be thy womb, without which we would
not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the
sacred names."
1) In the Christian
tradition, self-inflicted whipping as a ritual of purification or penance.
2) In other traditions, being whipped is part of the ordeals associated
with rites of passage.
Flotation Tank
A sensory
deprivation tank containing skin-temperature water (93.5 degrees) and
Epsom salts, in which a person is immersed for relaxation and
rehabilitation, often in conjunction with neuromuscular therapy.
Flower Essences
A modality that uses
extracts from flowering plants in homeopathic proportions as catalysts for
healing. Each liquid potentized preparation carries the imprint of a
specific plant which speaks a subtle language that works on the root
causes of disease. Originated by Dr. Edward Bach.
Fohat: (Tibetan)
1)In Theosophy, a
term used to represent the active (male) potency of the Sakti (female
reproductive power) in nature. The essence of cosmic electricity. 2)An
occult Tibetan term for Daiviprakriti,
primordial light: and in the universe of manifestation the ever-present
electrical energy and ceaseless destructive and formative power.
3)Esoterically, it is the same, Fohat being the universal propelling Vital
Force, at once the propeller and the resultant."
1) A receptacle,
usually of stone, for the water used in Christian baptism. 2) A basin or
tub in which the baptism is performed. 3)A small receptacle (also called a
stoup) for holy water found at the entrance of a Roman Catholic Church.
Foot Washing:
1) A mode of ritual
purification. 2) Based on a New Testament story (John 13:14-17) the ritual
of foot washing is observed on Holy Thursday in the Roman Catholic and
Orthodox churches and more frequently in certain Protestant churches. It
bears a range of symbolic referents, from an expression of humility to a
gesture of reconciliation or service.
Ford, Arthur:
Noted 20th century
medium and psychic. Founder of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship.
Strange phenomena.
Derived from Charles Fort, "philosopher of strangeness."
A form of divination in
which a person attempts to predict the future using alleged paranormal
Foundation for
Inner Peace:
Organization and
publisher for A
Course in Miracles.
Four Noble
The essential
teaching of early Buddhism. According to tradition, after attaining
enlightenment, the Buddha proclaimed his liberating insight into the
nature of existence in his first sermon through the topic of the Four
Noble Truths. The first truth (Suffering) declares the nature of all
phenomena comprising ordinary unenlightened experience as suffering,
impermanent, and lacking in any enduring or substantial self or essence.
The second truth (the Origin of Suffering) states that suffering has a
cause, namely, craving. Within this truth is subsumed the fundamental
doctrine of conditioning, or dependent origination, which operates both
generally and in the moral arena of reward and retribution through
transmigration. The third truth (the Cessation of Suffering) asserts that
despite the fact of universal suffering in a totally conditioned universe
proclaimed by the first two truths, there is liberation through the
Cessation of Suffering, which is thenirvana, experienced
by the Buddha. The fourth truth (the Path leading to the Cessation of
Suffering) proclaims that this liberation is accessible to all who follow
the way set forth by the Buddha. The fourth truth inaugurates Buddhism as
a religion and is the legitimation and touchstone for all Buddhist
Fox Sisters:
Margaret, 1836�93, Leah, 1814�90,
and Catherine, 1841�92.
In 1848, Margaret and Catherine claimed to hear mysterious rappings in
their Arcadia, N.Y., home. Claiming the sounds to be communication from
spirits, the sisters became the founders and most famous seers of
19th-cent, American spiritualism, which claimed about one million
followers by 1855. They moved to Rochester, N.Y., and the rappings
followed them. They organized �performances� in theaters to which they
charged admission, attracting attention and skepticism. .See Spiritualism.
Fox, Matthew:
Dominican Catholic priest
silenced by the Vatican for teaching what he calls �creation-centered
Free Will:
A philosophical and
theological notion asserting the individual has the ability to make a
choice independent of prior conditioning.. Free will is usually contrasted
with determinism.and the laws of cause and effect.
Also known as
Speculative Masons, it is the world's largest and best-known secret
society, with its greatest numbers in Britain and North America. The
organization is not a religion but a fraternity. seeking to give
philosophical, moral, or spiritual meaning to the lodge, tools, and oaths
of the stone cutters. The first formal organization was the chartering
of the Grand Lodge (London) in 1714, The organization is loosely based on
associations or guilds of stone cutters ( masons). Freemasonry claims to
have its roots in the builders of Solomon's Temple about 1000 BC. To
become a Mason one does not have to be a Christian but must acknowledge
belief in a supreme being and in the immortal soul. Masons advance through
a complex system of degrees correlated to a symbolic spiritual initiation
advancing from darkness to full consciousness. Since 1738, Roman
Catholicism has officially condemned Freemasonry as do some Protestant
denominations. It is outlawed in several countries, and anti-Masonic
sentiments have played an important role in American religious
Free Will:
A Christian doctrine
which attempts to explain the existence of "evil" in a God-created
universe by claiming that God gave his human creations "free will" the
power to make a choice outside of any prior programming. Not to be
confused with freedom or liberty. The doctrine runs contrary to the
concept of cause and effect.
The Norse god of
fertility, brother and husband of Freyja and son of Njordr.
A title for a member
of one of the Christian mendicant (i.e., begging) orders who are not
properly monks because they are not confined to a monastery.
Friends, Society
Better known as
Quakers, an Anglo-American pacifist sectarian movement originating in the
religious confusion of the English Civil War and Commonwealth era
(1640-60). George Fox (1624-91), a "seeker" discontented with both the
Church of England and the Puritan and other sectarian alternatives that
flourished during the period, attracted a radical group of followers
through his prophetic words and deeds. According to one tradition, Fox and
his followers became known as Quakers when, refusing to swear oaths or
otherwise respect the status of the law courts, they urged magistrates to
tremble before God rather than the law. More correctly known as the
"Society of Friends [of Truth]," they distinguished themselves
theologically from other Christians through their doctrine of the "Inward"
or "Inner Light," the manifestation of the divine within each individual
that, when recognized and nurtured, inevitably led to religious truth.
Friends in Britain flourished despite adversity. Many were jailed for
their pacifist and other nonconforming ways, while others organized their
resources to alleviate these sufferings until relief came in the form of
the Toleration Act of 1689. Barred from the universities and professions,
they benefited from their reputation for honesty and hard work and often
were successful in business. Friends rejected hierarchy and churchly
authority, organizing instead according to local weekly meetings for
worship and progressively less frequent and geographically more
encompassing regional meetings for governance. Weekly meetings were not
led by ministers, but a clerk was present to record their proceedings.
Worship was conducted in silence in a bare meeting house, with individuals
speaking only when prompted by the Inner Light. The "friendly persuasion"
was transplanted to the New World in 1682 by William Penn, an aristocratic
convert who secured a royal land grant in payment of debts owed his
family. The Pennsylvania colony was based on Quaker principles of
consensus and fair dealing in its governance; its capital,
Philadelphia--"the city of brotherly love"--reflected in its name and
spacious layout Penn's hopes for a peaceable society. English demands for
support in the French and Indian Wars, however, led to a series of
compromises and finally, in 1756, the renunciation of governmental power
by the Quakers, who nevertheless continued to constitute a commercial
elite in the region. Quakers in the new American nation continued to cope
with the problems engendered by their pacifism, which led to suffering but
also proved instrumental in securing governmental recognition of the
rights of conscientious objectors. Quakers pursued a peacemaking role by
opposing both violence and the injustices that provoked it. Their Inner
Light doctrine was incompatible with social inequality, so that women
enjoyed equal status to men. Quakers such as John Woolman, Anthony
Benezet, and, later, Levi Coffin, were active in the late-eighteenth- and
early-nineteenth-century campaign against slavery. Many contemporary
British Quakers also became active in reform causes. Their plain speech
and dress, modified over time, were also manifestations of this
egalitarianism. Internal divisions manifested themselves early in the
nineteenth century in the United States, when social and geographical
divisions expressed themselves in theological forms. From 1826 to 1827
followers of Elias Hicks (1748-1830) near Philadelphia rejected the local
elite's embracing of evangelical Protestant tenets and symbols, and called
for a return to early Quaker practice. Joseph John Gurney (1788-1847), an
English Friend, pressed the evangelical cause further, while John Wilbur's
(1774-1856) followers tried to combine the two emphases. Richmond,
Indiana, emerged, in the first half of the nineteenth century, as a focus
of Gurneyite settlement that was later influenced by the Holiness
movement. In the twentieth century, the Philadelphia Meeting--part of the
larger General Conference--became the center for Friends concerned with
philanthropic and peacemaking activity, while the Friends United Meeting
(Richmond, Indiana) and Evangelical Friends Alliance (Cleveland, Ohio)
represented more evangelical strains. In the 1990s, Friends in the United
States of various affiliations numbered in excess of one hundred thousand;
this was somewhat over half of the worldwide membership, with roughly 20
percent of the remainder in Britain.
1) In its strictest
sense, the rejection by a given religious group of the results of
historical-critical study of their sacred texts. 2) In a broader sense,
the struggle against modernism by religious groups who claim the continued
relevancy of earlier time periods for models of truth and value and reject
what they perceive as forms of secularism. Such groups are often
characterized by a strict authoritarianism that disallows individual
variation from the defined (scriptural) norm of faith.
Fundamentalism: (Christian):
Fundamentalism is a
Protestant view that affirms the absolute and unerring authority of the
Bible, rules out a scientific or critical study of the scriptures, denies
the theory of evolution, and holds that alternate religious views within
Christianity or outside are false. A Bible conference of conservative
Protestants at Niagara, New York, in 1895 affirmed five doctrinal points
that were later named the "five fundamentals": the verbal inerrancy of
scripture, the divinity of Jesus, the virgin birth, the substitutionary
atonement, and Jesus' bodily resurrection and physical return. Although
these points do not include all the elements of Protestant fundamentalism,
they are regularly present in fundamentalist views. A series of volumes
entitled The Fundamentals by
American, Canadian, and British writers (1910-15) carried the discussion
further by attacking Catholic doctrine, Christian Science, Mormon
teachings, Darwin's theory of evolution, and liberal theology's critical
study of the Bible and denial of miracles. In 1920 C. L. Laws used the
term fundamentalist in
the Baptist Watchman-Examiner to
identify these views. In the North during the 1920s and following,
Presbyterians and Baptists, among others, were torn by controversies over
fundamentalism. From this struggle came institutions like Westminster
Theological Seminary (1929) and new denominations such as the Orthodox
Presbyterian Church and the Conservative Baptist Association of America
(1947). Interdenominational organizations were also formed, e.g., the
American Council of Christian Churches (1941, to offset the National
Council of Churches) and the National Association of Evangelicals
(1942). By the 1950s, Neo-Orthodox theology with its emphasis on
biblical revelation had changed the theological situation from a standoff
between fundamentalists and liberals by developing a middle ground between
them. Since the more militant fundamentalist leaders had settled into
their own organizations by then, the basis for intragroup fights lessened,
and the controversy waned. With the political swing to the Right in the
1980s fundamentalist voices found new support. Attacks on evolution and
liberal scholarship fell into the background as some fundamentalists
emphasized more positive themes such as conversion, personal and social
morality, and a right-wing political agenda. In other groups, however,
attacks on nonfundamentalist scholarship came with new vigor.
Fundamentalism is characteristically evangelistic. Some ministries combine
evangelism with healing. Premillennialism, the view that Jesus will return
to earth in visible form and establish a thousand-year kingdom, has
frequently been an aspect of the fundamentalist movement. Finally, since
the Scopes trial (1925) fundamentalism has waged a war against
contemporary science, particularly the theory of evolution. Scientific
creationism is one form of the attack. In an attempt to harmonize Genesis
1 and certain scientific arguments, this school holds, for example, that
the geologic layers of the earth cannot be used to support the vast time
sequences of standard earth science because the catastrophic flood of
Noah's day was the source of much of the layering. Core beliefs of the
movement are virtually identical with evangelical
Christianity. Some fundamentalists, however, later distinguished
themselves from evangelicals (or neo-evangelicals) whom they saw as too
compromising and ecumenical. The term �fundamentalist� is a synonym for
one who is narrow-minded, bigoted, anti-intellectual or divisive.
Fundamentalism: (Islamic):
In Islam,
Fundamentalism is a contemporary category of scholarly comparative
analysis referring to those ideologues who advocate a mythic view of
Islamic values and seek to restore the timeless fabric of holistic law.
They oppose the secular ethos that, in their view, characterizes not only
the non-Muslim West but also putatively Muslim nation-states. Islamic
fundamentalists are largely drawn from male groups who have experienced
colonial rule as disruption and alienation and postcolonial independence
as acculturation and hypocrisy. They resent the economic forces that
produced urbanization. They protest the absence of divine mandates in the
public sphere of sprawling cities. They reject the modernist hegemony,
equating pluralism with relativism and atheism. Instead, they uphold
radical patriarchy, for which they find sanction in both scripture and
history. Islamic fundamentalists, like other fundamentalists, are modern
without being modernist. Whether accepting oil export revenues or using
clandestine bank accounts, they benefit from the capitalist-driven world
system, despite their official opposition to both capitalism and communism
as Western ideologies. They also understand the power of modern
technology. They resort to modern media (newspapers, radio, television,
cassettes) and, when necessary, they use state-of-the-art weapons (car
bombs, Sten guns, plastic explosives) to achieve short-term objectives.
Masters of the communications revolution, they often project their message
better than do their adversaries. Yet only a few Islamic fundamentalists
are terrorists, and not all Arab terrorists are fundamentalists. It is
important to distinguish fundamentalists from other political or social
reformers. The late-nineteenth-century activists Jamal ad-din al-Afghani
and Muhammad Abduh used Islamic symbols to mobilize powerful anticolonial
movements, yet they did not perceive less fervent fellow Muslims as their
enemies. Sunni and Shiite fundamentalists differ from one another,
especially in their attitude toward the state. Neither Sayyid Qutb
(1906-66), founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, nor Abul-Ala Mawdudi
(1903-79), founder of the Muslim League, believed that the nation-state,
itself a truncated residue of colonial rule, could become the vehicle for
inscribing Islamic values or pursing Islamic ideals. By contrast, their
Shiite counterparts had faith in the state, provided it had adopted an
Islamic constitution. Shiite fundamentalists have openly employed the
range of Western worldviews, from Marxism to just-war theory to creation
science. Ideology itself has been embraced as voluntary religion. Unlike
customary religion, ideology requires collective ideals to be translated
into reality through concerted action. Islamic fundamentalists have
captured a major state (Iran in 1979), they have assassinated a bold
Muslim statesman (Anwar Sadat in 1981), and they have marshalled sporadic
public support in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and, most recently,
Jordan. However, they remain a minority viewpoint among all Muslims.
Runic alphabet used
often in divination, its origins are Norse (Germanic). Divided into the
elder Futhark and the younger Futhark (which has fewer runes).