- H -
Hades (Greek, "the place of the dead")
1) The brother of Zeus and god of the underworld in ancient Greek belief.
2) A name denoting the underworld or the astral world or hell, "house of Hades," where the dead lead a bleak existence. Myths about Hades tell of special  punishments created for a few, offenders of the gods, e.g., Sisyphus, Tantalus, and Tityus. It was taught in ancient times that Hades was located beneath the surface of the Earth, that it was both a place of punishment and reward.  It was surrounded by the River Styx.  The boatman Charon rowed the dead across the river from the world of the living to the world of the dead. It was customary to tip the boatman.
Haggadah (Hebrew, "telling") The Jewish text read and discussed at the Passover meal, the seder. Evolved for the purpose of fulfilling the Torah's command to recount the Exodus (Exodus 13:8), the Haggadah contains passages from the Bible, Talmud, and Midrash that elaborate the story and explicate the meaning of the seder rituals and foods. It closes with prayers, psalms, and hymns.
Hagia Sophia (Greek, "Holy Wisdom") Sixth-century Christian church designed by Isidorus of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles for Justinian in Constantinople. Originally decorated with glowing mosaics, Hagia Sophia fell victim to both Christian and Muslim iconoclasts. It is now a mosque.
Hagiography Biographies and legends of holy persons.
Hail Mary Ave Maria, Rosary. Roman Catholic prayer based on Luke 1:28
      "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
      Blessed art thou amongst womenand blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
      Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
sinners, now, and in the hour of our death. Amen."
The first part  is taken from the Gospel of St. Luke and joins together the words of the Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation (Lk 1:28) together with Elizabeth's greeting to Mary at the Visitation (Luke 1:42). The joining of these two passages can be found as early as the fifth, and perhaps even the fourth, century in the eastern liturgies of St. James of Antioch and St. Mark of Alexandria.  Later, probably by Pope Urban IV around the year 1262, Jesus' name was inserted at the end of the two passages.  The second half of the prayer (Holy Mary..) can be traced back to the 15th century where two endings are found. One ending, Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, is found in the writings of St. Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444 AD) and the Carthusians. A second ending, Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis nunc et in hora mortis nostrae, can be found in the writings of the Servites, in a Roman Breviary, and in some German Dioceses. The current form of the prayer became the standard form sometime in the 16th century and was included in the reformed Breviary promulgated by Pope St. Pius V in 1568"
Hajj (Arabic)Worshipping God by making the pilgrimage to Mecca at a specific time and place in a specific way.  The majority of the scholars hold that Hajj was prescribed in the sixth year after Hijrah (Migration of the Prophet  from Mecca to Medina) for it was then that the following verse concerning it was revealed: "And complete the Hajj and 'Umrah in the service of Allah" (Quran 2.194).
Hallelujah (Hebrew, "Praise God") A biblical acclamation from the Psalms often used in prayers and hymns in Christian churches especially on festal occasions. It is also spelled (h)alleluia.
Halloween  (also known as Samhain) The term Halloween originally referred to All Hallows' Eve, a Catholic observance of the night before All Saints' Day.  However, in modern American it has reverted back to its original Pagan roots.. A Wiccan religious high or holy day (see Wicca) . Celebrated on October 31st, children are encouraged to wear costumes and solicit candy door-to-door (Trick-or-Treat).
Halo Light, usually in the shape of a circle, around head of a supernatural being or holy person. It a ring that forms around the brow chakra as it exits the back of the head in the aura.
Halpern, Steven Steven Halpern (b. 1947) an American new-age musician. He is a Grammy-award nominee and considered to be one of the founding fathers of new-age music. His best- known work is Spectrum Suite

Hammurabi King of Babylon  (ca. 1792 to 1750 BC) The sixth of his family to rule in the area of Babylon, under whom Babylon become a major power. His most famous achievement was his so-called law code, a misnomer because Mesopotamian law was never codified. The laws, engraved on a stone stele, are a collection of customary law, difficult cases, clarifications and refinements of existing law, and some theoretical expansions covering a range of public and private issues. Their importance for judicial practice is dubious. In forming such a collection, the work of chancery scribes, Hammurabi was following a tradition of half a millennium.   A prologue and epilogue, in contrast to the laws themselves, are written in a solemn, highly stylized language. They frame the laws and give them their religious context. The latter is reaffirmed by the representation on the stele of a god, probably Marduk, giving Hammurabi symbols of his authority as legislator and judge. The prologue itself tells of the choice of Hammurabi by the gods "to make equity appear in the land." The laws engraved on the stone stele comprise a majestic document, and it was copied for over a thousand years, even outside Babylonia.

The hamsa is a palm-shaped amulet popular throughout North Africa and in the Middle East and commonly used in jewellery and wall hangings Depicting the open right hand, an image recognized and used as a sign of protection in many times throughout history, the hamsa has been traditionally believed to provide defense against the evil eyeKhamsah is an Arabic word that means "five", but also refers to images of "the five fingers of the hand". In Jewish culture, the hamsa is associated with the number five because of the five fingers depicted on the hand.

Hand Analyst One who uses a person's hands, fingers and nails to attune to the person's life, character and emotions. A palmist
Hand-fasting The Wiccan equivalent of a wedding ceremony.  It is only legal if performed by a registered clergyman. Handfasting vows are meant to be renewed annually, and thus are a "safer" commitment than marriage unless made legal.
Hands, Laying on of In Christianity, the widely used gesture of placing the hands on a person's head, signifying blessing, healing, transmission of the power of the Holy Spirit, exorcism of demonic powers, ordination to a church ministry.
Handwriting Analysis:
The study of a person's handwriting to discover personal information such as health, character, personality and life circumstances.
In Hinduism, the monkey god born of Vayu, the Wind, and the nymph Anjana. Hanuman, also known as Hanumat or Mahavira ("great hero"), is Rama's chief agent in the Valmiki Ramayana and is later portrayed as Vishnu-Rama's paradigmatic devotee. Characterized by strength and the ability to leap or fly and change form and size, he appears in classical and folk traditions throughout South and Southeast Asia.
Happy Hunting Ground:
An popular phrase for the Native American view of the afterworld. It does notd3erive from Native American traditions.
The vital energy center of the human body. It is located at the second chakra, (the navel) internally.
Hare Krishna:
Nickname for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.(ISKON)
In Hindu theology, the supreme personality of Godhead. Vishnu, Krishna
The study of the doctrine of sin.
Harmonic Convergence:
An assembly of millions of New Agers gathered at spiritual sites (vortexes) around the world. to usher in peace on earth and the unity of all life and acknowledge that the New Age had arrived.   Held August 16�17, 1987, it was formulated by Jose Arguelles, based on Mayan prophecies and astrologicalconjecture.  Other significant dates were 31 December 1987 and a culmination in 2012.
Hasidism: (Hebrew. hasid, "pious" or "pietist")
A Jewish religious movement that emerged in the second half of the eighteenth century beginning in Podolia in the Ukraine and then spreading to other parts of eastern Europe, including central Poland, Galicia, Hungary, and Belorussia-Lithuania. The founder of the movement is considered to be Israel ben Eliezer Baal Shem Tov, known as the Besht, whose life is embellished by many legends attributing to him extraordinary spiritual powers.  The ground for Hasidism was prepared by the formation of various mystic circles characterized by a distinctive pattern of religious asceticism, in some cases establishing their own form of prayer in independent synagogues. From these small ascetic groups Hasidism grew into a major social movement.  The period of the most intense flourishing of Hasidism was between 1773 and 1815, when the disciples of Dov Baer of Mezhirech, successor to the Besht, helped to spread the movement by establishing centers throughout eastern Europe. Beside  the claim that one must worship God through physical acts such as eating, drinking, and sexual relations. is a metaphysics that sees God as the sole reality filling all worlds, where reality is but the veil or garment of the divine light. In some Hasidic texts, this monistic tendency comes very close to denying the independent existence of the world vis-a-vis the divine.
Hatha Yoga
Stretching exercises that supposedly liberate spiritual energy. Union with the supreme via yoga.
Hathor: (Greek, from Egyptian, "mansion of Horus")
The ancient Egyptian goddess of love and inebriation, daughter and wife of the sun god, Re. She was a protectress of the dead and destroyer of sinners.
Hay, Louise: 
New Age, metaphysical counselor and author. Her most important book is .You can Heal Your Body.
Healthy, Happy, and Holy:
An instructional group founded by the Indian Sikh Dharma Yogi Bhajan in Los Angeles, California, in 1968 to promote holistic well-being through kundalini yoga. Flourishing during the period of most intense international interest in Asian meditation techniques, the 3HO taught a simplified or neo-Hindu practice for awakening the psychic energy believed to lay dormant within the human body. (See 3HO)
Heart Sutra:
A Mahayana Buddhist scriptural text that expounds, in condensed form, the doctrine of the Perfection of Wisdom. The text is Indian in origin and achieved its greatest popularity in China and East Asia. Its best-known teaching is the claim: "Form is Emptiness, and the very Emptiness is Form."
Literally the floor of the fireplace. In ancient (and fairly recent) times, the hearth,  was the "heart" of the home and the family. In fact, it was so much at the hub of living that its second definition has become "home and family." The hearth was the place where the family gathered to ward off winter's chill, cook the food that sustained life, prepare the poultices and herbal tinctures for healing, and tell stories and songs long into the night.
Derogatory term for a religion that is neither Jewish nor Christian.
1) The upper atmosphere, the dwelling place of the birds and clouds
place where God dwells 
2)  Where the stars and planets are found
 the spirit world,
3)  The abode of  God. the afterlife, another name for Paradise.
Heaven's Gate:
Founded by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Lou Nettles in Rancho Santa Fe, CA: Applewhite (a.k.a. Do) and 38 other members committed suicide in March of 1997, believing that by leaving their bodies behind they could join Nettles (a.k.a. Ti) and other "older members" from "the next level above human" on a UFO supposedly hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet.
The ancient Greek goddess of pathways and crossroads and associated with sorcery and the moon.
The mythological Scandinavian god who was the son of nine giant-mothers, guardian of the world, and the father of humankind.
A flight or departure; any flight or journey to a more desirable or congenial place than where one is. The flight of the Muslim prophet Mohammed from  Mecca, September 13, 622 AD, (subsequently established as the first year of the Muslim era); hence any flight or  exodus regarded as like that of  Mohammed. Note: The starting day of the  Mulim calendar begins, not from the actual date of  the hejira, but from the first day of the Arabic year,  which corresponds to July 16, A. D. 622.
1) A Norse mythological being, daughter of Loki and queen of the realm of death. 2) The name of the astral realm.
The ancient Greek sun god, with a significant cult only in Rhodes. From the fifth century BC, he was identified with Apollo.
Hell: Old English hel, helle, "abode of the dead, place of torment for the wicked after death," from Proto-Germanic haljō "the underworld"
The place of the dead not only the grave, but also the place the soul goes after death.     
A seven-pointed star drawn with one unbroken line. Symbolic of the number seven, which is important not only to the seven traditional astrological planets but also to the seven planes or heavens and the seven chakras.
An ancient Greek goddess presiding over marriage and the lives of women. She is the daughter of Kronos and Rhea and the sister and wife of Zeus.
Heraclitus: (ca. 540-480 BC)
A Greek mystic philosopher from Ephesus who wrote about the Word of God (Logos) in an obscure and oracular style. Heracleitus identified the sole deity variously as Zeus, Thunderbolt, War, and perhaps Fire. Although everything is in flux, all things are one. Only divine judgment is inerrant and sees that all is good; humans are woefully confused. Heracleitus rejected religious anthropomorphism and ridiculed the mythographers. The afterlife would not be what we expect; Heracleitus did not say, however, what it would be.
A healer who understands the medicinal value of plants and prepares herbal formulas to strengthen the natural functions of the body so that it may heal itself.
Hereditary Witch:
A person who descends from a line of witches and has learned the Craft from a member of this descent.
dissension or division arising from diversity of opinions and aims.  The term is usually reserved to refer to false teachings considered so serious that belief in them excludes the followers from membership and salvation;
A doctrinal view that deviates from orthodoxy, a teaching declared to be false.. 
A person who teaches or believes heresy.
Hermas, The Shepherd of:
One of the most widely known early Christian texts, said to have been written in Italy about the year 90.  It is a mixture of Hermetic, Sybilline and Judeo/Christian apocalype that contains no definite quotation from the Bible.
Hermeneutics:(Greek. hermeneuein, "to interpret," from  messenger-god, Hermes)
The general theory and applied practice of interpretation. Originally concerned with interpreting revered texts, the term now refers to interpretive understanding in general. Hermeneutics seeks to clarify the interpretation of the meanings of any manifestation, expression, or human trace: textual, verbal, visual, logical, unconscious, conventional, and so on. Formerly an adjunct of theology, it encompasses other areas of binding meaning, such as law, art, history, philology, and the humanities.
In Greek mythology son of Zeus and Maia. He was the messenger god, a friend of humans, and associated with trickery, herds, the lyre, and the dead.. Often associated with Mercury.
Hermes Trismegistus
The patron deity of the hermetic literature  written in Egypt in the second and third centuries  A fusion of Greek "Guide of Souls" Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth, the legendary sage and inventor of writing.
Hermeticism:of or relating to the mystical and alchemical writings or teachings arising in the first three centuries and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus
Hesiod: (c 700 bc)
 A Greek poet  In the Theogony he describes the genealogy of the Olympian gods, of whom Zeus was king, and how they came to power and suppressed revolts against their authority. After praising the muses, divine patrons of the arts, the poet describes the origin of the universe in terms of mating and procreation. The first ruler of the gods was Ouranos ("Sky") and Gaia ("Earth"). Ouranos was overthrown by his children, the Titans, led by Kronos, who castrated his father. Kronos swallowed his own children by Rhea, until she tricked him by giving him a stone to swallow in place of the infant Zeus, who grew up to overthrow his father. The succession of dynasties clearly reflects the succession myth known in the ancient Near East. For Hesiod, Zeus is not only the ultimate victor in the struggles between the gods but the guarantor of justice and human morality. 
 An unorthodox belief. In general usage, it is a less condemnatory term than "heresy." 
A geometric figure formed by two overlapping triangles, also called the Star of David. While it is used in modern magick to invoke or banish spirits, it is traditionally Jewish.
Hieroglyph: (Greek., "sacred carving")
A pictographic character in the ancient Egyptian writing system, invented before 3000 BC.  Any pictographic character
Hierarchy: (see Spiritual Hierarchy)

Heirophant: (noun) Latin from Greek hierophantēs, from hieros ‘sacred’ + phainein ‘show, reveal’,  "displayer of holy things”

1):  a religious leader in a position of authority,  a priest

2): the chief priest of the Eleusinian mysteries

In ancient Greek mystery religions, his principal job was to chant demonstra-tions demonstrations of sacred symbols during the celebration of the mysteries. At the opening of the ceremonies, he proclaimed that all unclean persons must stay away—a rule that he had the right to enforce. Usually he would be an old, celibate man with a forceful voice, selected to serve for life. Upon taking office he symbolically cast his former name into the sea and was thereafter called only hierophantēs. During the ceremonies he wore a headband and a long, richly embroidered purple robe.
Hieros Gamos: (Greek, "sacred marriage")
Ritual sexual relations between a king, understood as in some sense divine, and a goddess. Whether this is done through mimetic activities or with an actual woman playing the role of a goddess varies and often remains obscure.
High Church, Low Church:
In the Anglican or Episcopal Christian church, terms used to distinguish traditions that emphasize either its Catholic and liturgical heritage (High) or its evangelical roots (Low).
High Magic(k):
Ceremonial magick involving the actions of deities or spirits.
High Priest:
A male witch within a coven who has been initiated into the 3rd degree. Abbreviated in written rituals as HP.
High Priestess:
A female witch within a coven who has been initiated into the 3rd degree. Abbreviated as HPS in written rituals. Often the head of the coven.
Higher Self:
Higher Self is a term usually associated with the eternal, and intelligent consciousness. The term has been popularized in the New Age and Neopagan movements. Many people never realize they have a spiritual dimension. The noise and activity of the physical world with its sight, touch, sound, and sensations numbs us to the finer, spiritual reality. Ultimately the energy stream is completely absorbed back into the Higher Self. At which point the individual and its other incarnations are merged back with the Higher Self, the "real" you. In truth we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but we are spiritual beings having a human experience. As you reflect back on your life you realize that ‘you’ have never really changed even though your appearance, your personality and almost every physical aspect of yourself changed. Your body is merely a ‘vehicle’ through which you explore the physical world. Each individual is one of the many incarnations that Source, or higher self, expresses to experience physical existence.
Hijra: (Arabic, "emigration")
The emigration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622. For years, Muhammad had preached to the Meccans with little success, losing the essential support of his own clan. Yet, Muhammad's moral prestige and statesmanship impressed Medina's wrangling tribes, who agreed to defend him and his followers if he would arbitrate their disputes. The persecuted Muslims then emigrated from Mecca, followed by Muhammad, with his confidant Abu Bakr, who left secretly to avoid ambush. In Medina, Muhammad quickly attained sovereignty. In Muslim historiography, 622 equals a.h. 1 (anno Hegirae). Since then, occasional calls for hijra have been made by Muslims advocating emigration from infidel lands.
Hinayana: (Sanskit, "small boat"
A term used by some members of the schools comprising the Mahayana ("Great Boat") schism of Buddhism to refer to the practitioners, practices, and scriptures of their non-Mahayana counterparts. 
The major world religion that originated from the ancient religions of India. The ancient gods (especially the triad of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) are commonly interpreted as representations of the various aspects of the divine (Brahman).  Human beings progress to the ultimate realization of their oneness with Brahman (often called Nirvana) through reincarnation according to the law of karma. Some of the concepts of Hinduism are incorporated, modified, and expanded upon in the New Age Movement.
Jibberish formula used in magical procedure. Some argue that the term is a corruption of the central words of institution in the Catholic Mass, "this is my body" (hoc est enim corpus meum).
The theory that all reality is organically one. Everything in the universe is viewed as interrelated and interdependent.
Holistic Healing:
A view of health care focusing on the �whole self� (body, mind and spirit) and natural or spiritual cures.  The system embraces both traditional and New Age therapy.
A sacrifice in which the offering is wholly destroyed by fire,  Usually used to describe the mass destruction of the Jews under Nazi rule, or of the Witches during the Inquisition.
A three-dimensional projection resulting from the interaction of laser beams. Scientists have discovered that the image of an entire hologram can be reproduced from any one of its many component parts. New Agers use this to illustrate that each object in the universe is merely one component of the whole.
Holotropic Breathwork�:
A non-drug technique of self-exploration and healing using controlled breathing, evocative music, focused body work and mandala drawing to access all levels of human experience. Created by Stanislov and Christina Grof.
Holy, Holiness:    
A quality of perfection, sinlessness, and blessedness.
Holy Ghost:
Older Christian term for Holy Spirit.
Holy of Holies:
The innermost and most sacred room of the Jewish temple, restricted to all but the high priest on the Day of Atonement.
Holy Order of MANS:
Monastic New Age group founded by Earl W. Blighton that practiced esoteric, mystical religion blending biblical themes with reincarnation and other concepts from Eastern religions and the occult.  Blighton, an ex-engineer who was once fined for practicing medicine without a license, began the order in 1968. "MANS" was an acronym for a phrase revealed only to initiates.  After advancing through the order, men reached the status of Brown Brother of the Holy Light, while women might become an Immaculate Sister of Mary for Missionary Training. After the death of Blighton, the group underwent radical changes. The majority of followers converted to Eastern Orthodoxy and the order eventually was transformed into Christ the Savior Brotherhood, a sect of Eastern Orthodoxy. Several competing groups later formed claiming to preserve Blighton's original purpose and message.  They include the Gnostic Order of Christ, Science of Man, and the American Temple.
Holy Rollers:
Popular name for ecstatic American Christian groups (most frequently Pentacostals) who manifest experience of the Spirit by jumping, dancing and rolling on the ground.
Holy Spirit, The:     
 The third person of the Christian godhead.  He is called the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost,  and Eternal Spirit in Christian scripture. The Holy Ghost was considered female until around the fifth century. (See Trinity and Holy Spirit.)  
Holy Water:
Water consecrated by the blessing of the priest in certain Christian churches for use upon entering a church and in ceremonies. The water and its use symbolize purity and regeneration.
Holy Week:
The remembrance of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus celebrated annually in Christian churches. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the week, followed by Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening, and Easter Sunday. This complex of feasts began, probably, in fourth-century Jerusalem. See also calendar (Christian).
A school of medicine based on the theory of "like cures like."  It was developed by Samuel Hahnemann. Minute quantities of natural substance that have been potentiazed by a process of dilutions and succession (vigorous shaking with impact). stimulate the body's own self-healing ability. If taken in larger doses, they would produce side effects similar to those of the disease being treated It claims to manipulate the "vital force" of the human body by transferring the power of homeopathic medicines
Homily: (Greek, "discourse")
An address given during the Christian liturgy, often synonymous with sermon (Lat., "speech"). In Catholic usage, the short explanation of the Gospel given by a priest or a deacon during the celebration of the eucharistic liturgy, required at each public Mass on Sunday and recommended at each weekday Mass.
Sexual relations between members of the same gender. Religious traditions place both negative and positive value on homosexuality as a boundary-crossing activity. For some, the power to invert culturally sanctioned relations is a mark of, or a means to acquire, supernatural power; for others, it is a forbidden activity.   Until recently, homosexuality was regarded merely as a choice of sexual activity and not as indicating a particular type of personality.
Homunculus: (Latin: little man)
Small, artificial humanoid produced in a vat or flask by an alchemist.
In Vedic astrology, a varga. The division of a sign into solar and lunar or division into halves. Used for determining wealth among other things
Horned God:
Pagan or Wiccan father God. Usually wears goat or deer's horns, but in ancient times, wore bull's horns.
A chart drawn up through the art of astrology. See Astrology.
A common designation for the thin, usually round, wafers of unleavened bread used for Communion in the Roman Catholic Church.  So named because the wafer is the "host" to the spirit of Christ.
Hubbard, L.Ron: (1911-1986)
Theologian and science-fiction writer, he authored of Dianetics and founded of the Church of Scientology
Human Potential Movement (or, Emotional Growth Movement)  
This is a collection of therapeutic methods involving both individualized and group working, using both mental and physical techniques. The goal is to help individuals to advance spiritually. Examples are Esalen Growth Center programs, EST, Gestalt Therapy, Primal Scream Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Transcendental Meditation and Yoga
Humanistic Psychology
The school of psychology originated by Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and others, that emphasizes the uniqueness of the individual self and the integration of the whole person: feelings, intellect, physical and spiritual.
Ancient Hawaiian religious system of goal attainment and spiritual growth based on a knowledge of three levels of consciousness and the use of "mana," the vital force that heals and energizes.
Also called Hutterian Brethren, an Anabaptist group of Moravian origin taking its name from Jacob Huter (martyred 1536). After years of enforced migration through central and eastern Europe, the Hutterites finally abandoned the Ukraine to settle in the northern American prairies in the 1870s. Hutterites differ from other groups of Anabaptist origin such as the Amish, whom they resemble in many ways, primarily in holding goods communally. This practice, together with their use of modern farming equipment, has given them an economic advantage often leading to friction with their neighbors and has led in part to their migration from the Dakotas to the prairie provinces of Canada. Currently, there are about three hundred Hutterite colonies, or family-based settlements, in North America.
A Greek mythological monster with many serpent heads, guardian of the spring at Lerna in Greece, who was killed by the hero Herakles.
Song that invokes or celebrates the divine.
A state of mind in which one's focus of attention is narrow and a higher level of awareness of the focal point is attained than is normal when one is awake. The power of conscious criticism is suppressed and suggestions move directly into the unconscious mind. Suggestions are acted upon more powerfully than is possible in the normal waking state.
Hypostatic Union:
The Christian doctrine decribing the union of the two natures (divine and human) in the person of Jesus. According to this doctrine Jesus is fully God and fully man, thus he has two natures: God and man. He is not half God and half man. He is 100% God and 100% man. He never lost his divinity.  He continued to exist as God when he became a man and added human nature to himself, therefore, there is a "union in one person of a full human nature and a full divine nature. This doctrine is called a Mystery because no one can make any sense out of it.(See Eutychianism, Monophycitism, and Nestorianism.)