In ancient Egyptian religion, one of the three aspects of the soul, a spiritual duplicate of the living person and recipient of postmortem food offerings. The etheric body.
The most sacred place on earth in Islam, founded, according to Islamic tradition, by Abraham and Ishmael. Muslims everywhere face toward this black-draped cubic building--located within the grand mosque in Mecca--during ritual prayers and walk around it during the Mecca pilgrimage. Its eastern corner contains a holy black stone- a meteorite that tradition says fell from the sky as a sign to Abraham.. 
Kabbalah: (Also spelled Kabbala, Kabalah, Kabala, Cabala, Cabbala, Cabalah, Cabbalah, Qabala, Qabbala, Qabalah and Qabbalah - there are potentially 36 ways of spelling it.)

Generically, Jewish mysticism in all its forms. The Kabbalah is an ancient esoteric Jewish mystic system as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries. Kabbalah has always been essentially an oral tradition in that initiation into its doctrines and practices is conducted by a personal guide to avoid the dangers inherent in mystical experiences. Esoteric Kabbala is also "tradition" inasmuch as it lays claim to secret knowledge of the unwritten Torah (divine revelation) that was communicated by God to Moses and Adam. Though observance of the Law of Moses remained the basic tenet of Judaism, Kabbalah provided a means of approaching God directly. The word Kabbalah is derived from the root 'to receive, to accept', and in many cases is used synonymously with 'tradition'.or 'secret oral tradition'  The principle at the root of the Kabbalahis the teaching that the Torah was written in code whcih deciphered will reveal great spiritual teachings. The word was coined by an eleventh century Spanish philosopher, Ibn Gabirol.  Kabbalistic interest, at first confined to a select few, became the preoccupation of large numbers of Jews following their expulsion from Spain (1492) and Portugal (1495). The philosophy was developed in Babylon during the middle ages from earlier Hebrew speculation and numerology. The classic document of the Kabbalistic tradition, The Zohar, was compiled by Moses de Leon about 1290. The doctrine of creation was built on a theory of emanations and asserted that the world derived from the transcendent and unknowable God through a series of increasingly material manifestations (sephirot). 

The ten Sepheroth: (emanations) 
Kether....Crown - Top of Head 
Hochma.....wisdom -Right Brain 
Binah.....Understanding - Left of Brain 
Hesed.....March - Right Arm 
Pechad.....Strength- Left Arm 
Nezah.....Victory-Right of Pelvis 
Hod.....Glory-Left of Pelvis 
The sephiroth form the central image of Kabbalistic meditation, the Sephirothic Tree of Life, which describes the path of descent from the divine to the material realm, and the path of ascent to the highest level of spirituality. Each sephirath is a level of attainment in knowledge, corresponding to energy centers in the body, and is also divided into four interlocking sections or 'Worlds', which constitute the cosmos: emanation (Atziluth), creation (Briah), formation (Yetzirah), and action or making (Assiyah). Through contemplation and meditation, similar to Eastern yogic disciplines, the Kabbalist ascends the tree of life. The sephirot also comprise the sacred, unknowable, and unspeakable personal name of God: YHVH (Yahweh), the Tetragrammaton. So sacred is the Tetragrammaton that other names, such as Elohim and Jehovah, are substituted in its place in scripture. A more systematic presentation of the basic doctrine is contained in Moses Cordovero's Pardes rimmonim (Garden of Pomegranates, 1548). Kabbalah was a major influence in the development of Hasidism and still has adherents among Hasidic Jews. The Kabbalah, with its amulets, incantations, demonology, seals, and letter and number mysticism, had a profound influence on Western magical tradition. The Tetragrammaton especially was held in great awe for its power over all things in the universe, including demons. 
Kachina: (Hopi, katsina)
1) A masked being understood in ethnographic studies of Pueblo Indian  religions as an intermediary between communities and their superhuman creators. Frequently explained as ancestor spirits, kachinas may be representations of natural forces, birds and animals, aspects of other tribal groups, and figures in intertribal history, among others. Kachinas have power to bring rainfall, among other forms of weather, and to protect the health and well-being of community residents, crops, and livestock. Their annual visits to Pueblo communities are dramatized by members of religious fraternities in the form of masked kachina performances, which conclude with prayers to the kachina and assurances by the community of its continued regard for its capabilities.  Like Santa Claus, the human identity of kachina impersonators is kept secret from children before their initiation into religious life. Beginning with the children's witnessing of the unmasking of the kachinas, the long initiation process includes, for Pueblo men, their first participation in a kachina performance. 
2) Kachinas appear also in the form of dolls, constructed of cottonwood and dressed or painted and given to children to acquaint them with various kachina figures. The dolls evidently are used as fertility figures and in Pueblo healing practices. 
Kali: (Sanskrit, "the black one")
Hindu goddess. Fierce and bloodthirsty, she haunts battlefields and cremation grounds, wears a garland of severed heads and a girdle of severed arms, and holds a severed head and bloodied sword. Despite her fierce appearance she is regarded by her devotees as a beneficent mother figure, perhaps Mother Nature.
In Hindu cosmology, the current, pleasure-loving age - the last of four repeating ages (yugas): that of iron in which the law (dharma) is like an animal on one leg. In bhakti (devotional) texts salvation is only possible in the Kali Yuga.
Kama:(Sanskrit , "desire")
1) One of Hinduism's four goals of life (purusharthas), together with dharma (religion), artha (profit), and moksha (liberation). 2) Kama incarnate is the god of erotic love, who incites lust by means of arrows made of flowers shot from a bowstring made of . 
Kama Sutra:(Sanskrit: कामसूत्र "Essay on Sexual Desire")
It is an ancient Indian Hindu text considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior in Sanskrit literature written by Vātsyāyana. A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual intercourse.  Contrary to popular perception, especially in the western world, Kama sutra is not exclusively a sex manual; it presents itself as a guide to a virtuous and gracious living that discusses the nature of love, family life and other aspects pertaining to pleasure oriented faculties of human life.
 A process to clear the sinuses
In Vedic astrology, the planetary Significator which remains the same for all houses
Karma: (Sanskrit "deed," "action," "ritual," "result") 
A central Indian term with various meanings.  1) Any mental, verbal, or physical action or intention, especially a morally correct or textually prescribed activity. 2) The results or consequences of actions or intentions.  3) The Hindu principle of cause and effect,  originally developed in South Asian religions, that determines one's past, current, and future existences.  Everything we do produces some effect, now or later, on the physical or astral planes. Representing neither good nor evil, all actions and events cause corresponding actions and events in the past or future (including past and future lives throughreincarnation).  4) Ritual activity, particularly the ancient Indian rites propitiating a pantheon of gods as prescribed in the Vedic texts. Ritual performance might be done to meet religious obligations, such as initiation into the community, to honor one's ancestors, or to fulfill individual desires such as wealth, progeny, or immortality. The results of ritual, which are also called karma, were sometimes interpreted as "unseen" (apurva), that is, postponed or not yet noticeable in order to explain apparently delayed consequences. While all could admit that actions would eventually bear consequences, the doctrine of unseen results provoked lively debate and reconsideration of the importance of ritual.  5) The erroneous western interpretation: That the good and bad deeds that we do adds and subtracts from our accumulated record, our karma. At the end of our life, we are rewarded or punished according to our karma by being reincarnated into either a painful or good new life. (see Karma)
Karma Yoga:
The art of unselfish actions...
The Hindu god of war, raised by the Pliaedes
In Vedic astrology, when no planet is flanking the Moon sign.  Traditionally a sign of great misery and mental instability
A teaching concerning Jesus' incarnation. The Kenosis attempts to solve some paradoxes between the nature of God and of man as united in Jesus. For example, how could an all knowing God become a baby, or how could God be tempted? The Kenosis maintains that God, when becoming a man, divested himself of some qualities of being a man. In a sense, the Kenosis is God minus something; God subtracting some qualities of deity to become a man.   The opposing doctrine is  The Hypostatic Union 
Key of Solomon the King: 
A magical treatise of medieval origin, of which a number of manuscripts exist. It is claimed to be the work of King Solomon, but is clearly of a more modern origin, and was probably written in the fourteenth or fifteenth century. It is permeated with late Jewish ideas, and its chief intention appears to be the finding of treasure, and the creating of spells to interfere with the free will of others. The power of the Divine Name iis found throughout the work
The Lemegeton, or Lesser Key of Solomon, is much more noteworthy. Its earliest examples date from the seventeenth century, and it invokes the hierarchies of the abyss~ by legions and millions. It is divided into four parts which bind the actions of all spirits to the will of the operator. The first part,Goetia, contains forms of conjuration for seventy-two demons with an account of their powers and offices. The second part, Theurgia Goetia4 deals with the spirits of the cardinal points, who are of: mixed nature. The third book is called the Pauline Art -- the significance of which name is unaccountable. It deals. with the angels of the hours of the day and night, and of the, signs of the Zodiac. The fourth part is entitled Almadel, which enumerates four other choirs of spirits. The usual. homilies regarding purity of life are insisted upon, as is the circumstance that none of the conjurations shall be applied to the injury of another
Khala Yoga:
The yoga of swindling or the trickster
Japanese word for the universal life force, synonymous with the Chinese term, Chi
Kiddush: (Hebrew., "sanctification [prayer]")
In Jewish ritual, a blessing properly known as "sanctification of the day," inaugurating holy time, and recited at the onset of Sabbaths and most holidays.
King James Version:
An English translation of the Bible commissioned by King James I of England, edited by poet laureate Francis Bacon in1610 and published in 1611. Also called the Authorized Version, it was for more than 250 years the unrivaled translation used by English-speaking Protestants. Though later English translations, using better manuscripts and increased knowledge of the cultural world of the biblical periods, are more accurate, the impact of this version on English literature remains undiminished. Many conservative Protestant groups still consider it to be the only inspired text.
Kingdom of God:
1) Originally, the Hebrew kingdom as established by God.  2) A future divine kingdom to be ruled over by Christ.  3) The heavenly kingdom of God. 
King Solomon: (Hebrew- peaceable)
Third king of Israel (965-925 BC), son of David by Bathsheba, built the famous first temple of Israel and established the great empire of the Jews, (the kingdom of God). the legend is told in I Kings 3 that God offered the young Solomon, either wisdom or wealth, he chose wisdom.  God was so pleased that he gave him both wisdom and wealth.  The  wisdom of Solomon has become proverbial.
Techniques for obtaining and using information from the position, movement, and tension of parts of the body, especially from the nerves, muscles, tendons, and joints. For example, diagnosis of physical ailments may be obtained from the subconscious level by naming the ailment, asking the subject to tense an arm and noting whether the tension is maintained or released when the arm is depressed.
Kirlian Photography:
A photographic process using a high voltage, low amperage field of 50,000 volts or more. Invented by Semyon and Valentina Kirlian. It picks up radiation around objects and humans which is not visible to the eye.  Often used to photograph the energy field (Aura) that surrounds the human body.
Kitchen Magick, Kitchen Witchcraft:
A practical tradition of witchcraft mainly for suburban or lower budget witches that allows one to utilize household items instead of the often difficult to obtain ritual items.
Kiva: (Hopi)
Semisubterranean, round or rectangular structure, entered by a roof opening and/or a side door, used by Pueblo Indians (American Southwest) for ceremonial purposes, including initiation into religious societies. The kiva serves also as a gathering place for discussions of religious matters and other community concerns.
Knight, J.Z.:
20th century channeler of spirit entity called Ramtha.
Knox, John: (ca. 1514-72)
Scottish Christian reformer, an ordained Catholic priest who became a Protestant and was an influential and founding figure in the Church (Kirk) of Scotland. Knox wrote or participated in the writing of the Scottish Confession (1560), the First Book of Discipline (1560), and The Book of Common Order(1556-64). He also wrote the History of the Reformation of Religion within the Realm of Scotland (first complete edition, 1644).
Koan (Chinese kung-an, "public case")
Anecdotes or stories of question-and-answer sessions between Chinese Ch'an Buddhist masters and their disciples. Devised as pedagogical tools, kung-anspose paradoxical questions or problems, the nonintellectual, nonconceptual resolution of which represents a spiritual breakthrough. Kung-ans were collected and published during the Sung dynasty (960-1279).
According to Mormon teaching, a great governing planet (or fixed star) near  the residence of God; It was the farthest heavenly body  ever discovered by the ancients.  It was known by Methusela and also by Abraham  "the first creation which is nearest to the celestial, or theresidence of God", - Book of Abraham 
Koran (See Qur'an)
Koresh, David: 
Founder of Branch Davidians.
See Universal Faithists of Kosmon.
Kosher: (Hebrew kashrut, "fit," "fitness")
The Jewish dietary laws. Jewish religious practice includes a complex set of rules about permissible and forbidden foods. Their origin is biblical, and they are elaborated in postbiblical Jewish law.
Krieger, Dolores:
See Therapeutic Touch.
One of the primary Hindu gods, who, according to some Hindu sects,  is the eighth or ninth incarnation of Vishnu and possibly the manifestation of the supreme demigod/God incarnating as Vishnu. The name Krishna means black or darkness in Sanskrit, probably referring to Krishna's dark skin..Devotion to Krishna has been introduced in the West especially through the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Krishnamurti, Jiddu:(1895-1986)
A Hindu who was proclaimed as the world�s messiah by Theosophy leader Annie Besant in 1906.and sought to unify Eastern religion with Western philosophy and science.  He later renounced that role aand spent the rest of his life teaching personal philosophy and clear thinking.
Kriya Yoga:
The yoga of cleansing or purification.
Kronos: (Cronus)
Kronos was the leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans,  the divine children of  Gaia, the earth, and Ouranos, the sky. He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own sons, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon and imprisoned in Tartarus or sent to rule the the Elysian Fields (Paradise).   Kronos was worshipped as a harvest god, overseeing crops such as grains, nature and agriculture. He was usually depicted with a sickle, which he used to harvest crops and which was also the weapon he used to castrate  and depose Ouranos. Kronos was also identified with the  Roman god, Saturn. The etymology of the name is obscure. It may be related to the word χρόνος,  Chronos, meaning time. 
Kryon is a spiritual entity channeled through Lee Carroll.  Kryon's message is about a New Age that gives us new gifts of human enablement. According to Carroll, Kryon is of the family of Lord Michael - .they have the same inter-dimensional spiritual overlay. In 1989 Carroll  reluctantly went to see a psychicwho told him that a "magnetic master" by the name of Kryon was trying to get in touch with him. Three years passed, and he went  to see another well-known psychic who also told Lee that an entity was trying to contact him, and actually spelled out the name K-R-Y-O-N. This time, Carroll did not ignore the message and has been channeling Kryon eversince 1992
In Vedic astrology, an affliction caused by Mars occupying the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses. There are some more details and it is best to learn more about this before delineating marital relationships
Kumbhaka: (Sanskrit)
Holding the breath in yoga
Serpent, The starting place of the kundalini
A coiled female serpent The elemental, creative force of the astral body which, like a serpent, rests coiled at the base of the spine. The male and female forces are exactly balanced in the Ida and Pingala subtle channels. Everyone uses Kundalini power to think with and to maintain consciousness, but it very seldom rises up the central spinal channel of Sushumna beyond the first center. Various disciplines areused to  arouse the "sleeping serpent" to ascend tothe higher centers.