Pagan holiday or Wiccan sabbat
celebrated in early autumn.
Macrobiotics: (Literally,
the Great Life)
A healthful way to live according to
the natural order of the universe. The application of this order to
daily life is through a diet which affects the whole person and
which is based primarily on whole grains, vegetables, beans and sea
vegetables, with moderate amounts of fish, seeds and nuts.
The greater world or universe.
The Hindu god of love, akin to the
Roman Cupid
A master magician; often a mage is a
scholarly and skilled practitioner who prefers that the only tools
of their magick be their mind, ability, and spirit. A priest of
Real or ritual magic, as opposed to
fake or stage magic. Willful use of psychic skills to activate
subtle forces to obey; use of ceremony, ritual, incantations,
natural and human-made objects of correct vibrational frequency for
desired outcome.
Magic Circle:
Ring drawn by occultists to protect
them from the spirits and demons they call up by incantations and
Magnetic Therapy:
Used by well-known scientists around
the world.
A biomagnet
is a powerful ceramic magnet with the poles on
the facaes rather than the ends. They have many
uses but are primarily used in healing.
The great god, Shiva
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
Founder of Transcendental
The conscious leaving of the
body at death and total merging with the Divine.
Mahatma: (Sanskrit)
A great man.
Founder of Jainism.
Sacramental intercourse
The name has its roots in a legendary
Buddha figure. Some New Age advocates believe that the "second
coming of Christ" occurred in 1977 when the Maitreya began teaching
in London.
A string of beads used as an aid for mantra repetition. Also, such a
string of beads worn as a token of one's guru. Some believe that a
mala can also protect the one who wears it.
Malcolm X:
See Nation
of Islam.
(Sanskrit - circle) A design of lines,
forms and colors, usually circular, used in meditation to focus
attention to a single point.
A mathematical point in Vedic astrology
that arises every day a certain number of hours after sunset. Used
in electional astrology or Muhurtha
Mandir: (Sanskrit)
A temple or spiritual center.
The chakra near or at the navel
A spell, a word or phrase that is to be
chanted repetitively in an effort to attain mental peace, empty the
mind and raise one's consciousness toward
the Self or God; often called "names of God." Mantra
is a sound or set of sounds which are believed to have the unique
power to restore us to a state of pristine harmony. Mantra Yoga is
traditionally regarded as a complete and perfect yoga path.
In Hindu tradition, the father of the
human race
An ancient practice of taking a life's
companion or long term sexual/social partner.
One of the 49 Hindu demons of the wind.
See Freemasonry.
Mass Incarnation:
An incarnation of the Christ in all of
humanity. Advocates say that this incarnation is presently taking
place on a planetary scale, and is not unlike the incarnation of the
Cosmic Christ in the body of Jesus 2000 years ago.
1)Unreality, illusion,
prakriti 2)The Hindu principle
that all is an illusion and that ultimately the physical world,
contacted through the conscious mind and the five senses, does not
represent reality. This philosophy is also taught by A
Course in Miracles.
One who
intervenes, someone who conveys and conciliates. The word is used in
Christian theology. It is not found in the O.T., but it occurs a
few times in the N.T. God gave the Law to the people through a
mediator, Moses. Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant in the
Medicine Wheel
Native American sacred circle
representing the Universe and the balance of all creation. It is
cast to contain, project and raise energy to transform, balance and
A technique of mind control that leads
to inner feelings of calm and peacefulness and may result in
experiences of transcendental awareness and self-realization. The
two main types of meditation are: (1) the focusing type, similar to
self-hypnosis, in which the meditator focuses on a repetitive sound
or chant, an image, or pattern of breathing; (2) the "opening-up"
type which emphasizes the detached observation of mental events as
they occur.
A psychic or sensitive living person
whose body is used as a vehicle for communicating with spirits, as
in a seance. Also called channels, or channelers.
Memories, Recovered: (see
Memories, Repressed)
Memories, Repressed:
A repressed memory is the memory of a traumatic event unconsciously
retained in the mind, where it is said to adversely affect conscious
thought, desire, and action. It is common to consciously repress
unpleasant experiences. Many psychologists believe that unconscious
repression of traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse or rape is
a defense mechanism which backfires. The unpleasant experience is
forgotten but not forgiven. It lurks beneath consciousness and
allegedly causes a myriad of psychological and physical problems
from bulimia to insomnia to suicide. The theory ofunconsciously repressing
the memory of traumatic experiences is controversial. There is
little scientific evidence to support either the notion that
traumatic experiences are typically unconsciously repressed or that
unconscious memories of traumatic events are significant causal
factors in physical or mental illness. Most people do not forget
traumatic experiences unless they are rendered unconscious at the
time of the experience. No one has identified a single case where a
specific traumatic experience in childhood was repressed and the repressed
memory of the event,
rather than the event itself, caused a specific psychiatric or
physical disorder in adulthood. Often the memory that is recovered
is false or greatly altered by the influences of the psychiatrist or
hypnotist. Most psychologists accept as fact that it is quite common
to consciously repress
unpleasant experiences, even sexual abuse, and to spontaneously
remember such events long afterward. Most of the controversy centers
around recovered memories during repressed memory therapy (RMT).
Critics of RMT maintain that many therapists are not helping
patients recover repressed memories, but are suggesting and planting
false memories of alien abductions of alien abduction, sexual abuse,
and satanic rituals.
Long Stone. See Stonehenge.
See Chi, Yin
and Yang, Acupuncture.
Merkabah: (also
Developed from Jewish mysticism: 1)the divine light vehicle used by
the Masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher
realms. The Mer-Ka-Ba is the vehicle of Light mentioned in the Bible
by Ezekiel. 2) the soul / body surrounded by counter-rotating fields
of Light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which
transports soul / body from one dimension to another.
Mesmer, Franz:
Founder of Mesmerism.
An 18th century movement begun in France by the Austrian doctor
Franz Anton Mesmer, who believed that astrological influence
on humans was conveyed through a force or substance similar to
magnetism. He first began treating patients with magnets or charged
fluids but quickly modified his position, theorizing that cures were
actually coming from an energy or mysterious �magnetic fluid� coming
from the hands, voice, or nervous system of the practitioner. This
invisible substance or magnetism was thought to be similar to
electro-magnetism and was dubbed �Animal Magnetism.� Mesmer�s
pupils were later able to induce a �magnetic sleep� (trance state or
hypnotic condition) in their patients. The term Mesmerism eventually
became analogous with hypnosis .
(Hebrew - anointed, as a prince - an
heir apparent) 1) according to Jewish tradition, a prince who would
occupy the throne of David and lead the Jewish nation to become a
world power Early
Christian theologians quickly noted the similarity in meaning
between Messiah and Christ and reached the conclusion that Jesus,
being a Messiah, must also have been a Christ.
Metaphysics: (Meta, after
or beyond; physics, physical)
1) a branch of philosophy exploring the fundamental nature of reality. This
includes existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, possibility, and the meaning of the universe.
2) New Age usage: The practice of magick, psychic, or spirit
- the energies or elements that are believed to be at the
basis of reality, or that can be a means to understand reality.
Middle Path or Middle Way:
The descriptive term that Buddha used
to describe the character of the path that led to liberation.
He used it in first teaching in Deer Park. Buddha
describes the middle way as a path of moderation between the
extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification. This, he
said, was the path of wisdom.
this word means 1000 years. In the study of end times doctrines
(eschatology) the millennium is the duration of Christ's rule over
the earth. The debate has been over when the millennium would take
place and what it actually is. The terms that have arisen out of
this debate are premillennialism, amillennialism, and
postmillennialism. Premillennialism teaches that the millennium is
yet future and that upon Jesus' return he will set up the divine
Kingdom of David again. Amillennialism teaches that the millennium
is a figurative period and that Jesus' rule began when he first
became man. Postmillennialism teaches that through the preaching of
the Word of God, the world will be converted and will then usher in
Christ and the kingdom of God. There are good arguments for each
Miller, William:
Baptist lay minister from Low Hampton, New York who was
excommunicated for teachings that Christ would
return in 1844. Although Miller repented after his prediction failed
and opposed further speculations, his teachings gave rise to Adventism.
Mind Control:
Specific methods of brain-washing that can be employed by political
or spiritual leaders that may result in a diminished capacity for
critical thinking and suppression of autonomy in their followers.
These methods are believed to involve an intense social influence
conditioning program which may include a closed system of
authoritarian control, manipulative, group dynamics, a system of
punishment and rewards, induced dissociation or trance induction,
information control, fraud, coercion, and double
binds. Depending on the number and intensity of undue influence
elements, and a person's own unique susceptibilities, one may
experience a pseudo personality change and marked debilitation,
compliance, and servitude.
Mind Power Technique:
The process through which one can develop increased mental powers,
i.e. to read minds, see auras
and perceive the future.
Mind Sciences:
A generic, general classification of religious groups that teach
that human beings are inherently divine and that mind or thoughts
are energy forms that can create and/or alter reality. Most often
used in reference to the American religions formed since the middle
of the 19th century, especially the New Thought Movement that denies
the actuality of sin, sickness, and/or death and promotes health
though mental practices.
Originally, a second and third century heresy that teaches there is
only one Person in the Godhead. While the Trinity doctrine teaches
three distinct Persons, modalism maintains that one Person (usually
the Father) has manifested Himself at different times under
different names (Jesus/Spirit)
or modes. Thus, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three names for the
same Person. Originally taught in various forms by Noetus, Praxeas
and Sabellius.
Founder of the world religion of Islam.
Liberation, emancipation of the soul
from rebirth, same as resurection in NT.
Mother Ruth:
See Science
of Man.
View found primarily in the third century that argued that because
God�s nature is one He cannot exist eternally in three Persons as
the Trinitarians claimed. The two most popular forms of
monarchianism were dynamic
monarchianism and modalism.
The Christian
teaching that God alone is the one who saves. It is opposed to
synergism which teaches that God and man work together in salvation.
The metaphysical view that sees all
that exists is derived from a single divine source. . Everything in
the universe is seen as being made of the same etheric substance.
The belief
that there is more than one God, but only one is served and
worshiped. Monolatry is a division of polytheism,
A Christian
teaching about the two natures of Jesus (See Hypostatic
Union). It states that Jesus' two natures are combined into one
new one. (Other ideas regarding the two natures of Christ are Nestorianism and Eutychianism.)
The belief
that there is only one God in all places at all times. Islam is
Moodra: (Sanskrit)
1)A seal, 2) yoga postures especially
with hands and face
Moon, Sun Myung:
Founder of the Unification
Nickname for followers of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification
Church. Considered a derogatory term by members.
Ethics or a conduct of behavior based
on an inner conviction.
is having intentions, decisions, and actions that
are in accordance with a particular philosophy,
religion, or culture.
Or a standard that an individual has developed that a he believes to
be somewhat
universal. Morality may be seen to be
synonymous with
"goodness" or "rightness." bu there is no commom moral law that
everyone agrees on.Morality is a concept defined by society. It is
not eternal nor absolute.There is nothing equivilant in natuare.
There is only instinct and survial.
Common name for The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mormon Fundamentalism:
A loose collection of doctrines and practices maintained by splinter
groups of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). These
splinter groups attempt to adhere to the tenets of earlier LDS
leaders such as Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Expressions of
Mormon fundamentalism usually include polygamy (discontinued by the
main church in the 1890s), communal living, and the doctrine of blood
The religious tradition and theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. It is a Christian church started
by Joseph
Smith in Western
New York in
the 1820s and 1830s. Mormonism is a label or nickname for the church
that has been applied to various aspects of the Latter Day Saint
movement, although there has been a recent push from The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to
distance themselves from this label. However, many members of the Latter
Day Saint movement contnue to use "Mormonism" to describe the teachings
and doctrines of the church. A prominent feature of Mormon theology is
The Book
of Mormon,
which describes itself as a chronicle of early indigenous
peoples of the Americas and
their dealings with God.
Mormon is the name of a prominent character in the book. Church theology
includes mainstream Christian beliefs modified by revelations to Smith
and other church leaders. This includes the use of and belief in the Bible,
and other religious texts including
The Doctrine
and Covenants and
The Pearl
of Great Price.
Mormon doctrine includes
eternal marriage, eternal
progression, baptism
for the dead, sexual
purity, health
(specified in the Word of Wisdom), fasting,
Sabbath observance
and (at one time)plural
Moses: (c. 1572
-1452 BC)
Legendary founder of the Jewish religion and author of the first
five books of the Bible (The Torah) (Thothmoses II - prince and
high-priest of Egypt) Moses "simply means 'born of' in Egyptian, his
native language.. The name normally requires another name prefixed
to it, such as Rameses (born of Ra) or Amenmosis (born of Amen) It
seems very likely to us that either Moses himself or some later
scribe dropped the name of an Egyptian god from the front of his
Moses de Leon::
See Kabbalah.:
1)A seal, 2) yoga postures especially
with hands and face
See Mohammed.
Muhammad, Elijah:
See Nation
of Islam.
A root trine in Vedic astrology.
Especially favorable sign positions for planets. Almost as good as
an exaltation
Muscle Testing:
See Applied
Follower of the religion of Islam.
Myofacscial Release
A gentle hands-on physical therapy in
which the therapist applies a small amount of pressure and an
extremely mild form of stretching to the client's body. This
releases the restrictive grip of the tight fascia, or connective
tissue, thereby relieving the body's soft tissue of pain.
Mystery School:
A group of magicians and/or mystics who have gathered together to
share their wisdom and secrets with each other and with new seekers.
A word originally derived from the
Greek and having a wide range of meaning in modern religion and
philosophy. A mystic may be said to be someone who has intuitions or
intimations of the existence of inner and superior worlds, and who
attempts to achieve conscious communion with them and the beings
inhabiting these inner and invisible worlds.
From the theosophical or occult point
of view, a mystic is one who has inner convictions often based on
inner vision and knowledge of the existence of spiritual and
ethereal worlds of which our outer physical world is but a
manifestation; and who has some inner knowledge that these worlds or
planes or spheres, with their hosts of inhabitants, are intimately
connected with the origin, destiny, and even present nature of the
world which surrounds us.
The average mystic, however, is one who
lacks the direct guidance derived from personal teaching received
from a master or spiritual superior.
Age old stories of humanity's concepts
about the universe, including their relationships to their deities.
They differ from legends in that they convey a deeper truth.