Nabhipedasana: (Sanskrit)
 The upward ankle-twist posture in yoga
Nada: (Sanskrit)
The Universal Sound. Vibration
Nadabrahma: (Sanskrit)
The perfect, blissful tone. 
Nadi: (Sanskrit)
A channel within the astral body
Nadishodhana: (Sanskrit)
The purification of the nadis
Naga: (Sanskrit)
Ancient hooded serpent, associated with Kundalini and the chakras.
Nahash: (Hebrew - serpent)
In Hebrew this word is associated with magic and enchantment.  It is related to and pronounced almost the same as the Sanskrit word naga. Most authorities agree that, as it is used in the first of Genesis, this word cannot mean simply a snake. It is the ego which indeed winds about the heart of a man and envelops it in its coils, having nothing to do with a serpent except as a metaphor.  In various usages one may read it as ego or as kundalini or as something not quite one nor the other.
In Vedic astrology,  a division of the Zodiac into 27 parts. There were originally 28 parts but one seems to have been dropped. Each Division is ruled by a planet and is further divided into Padas or quarters. The nakshatra contains 9 navaa.nshas and forms the base position for lunar Dasha systems
Namaste: (Sanskrit)  can be translated as obeisance to you.
Among many Hindus, the greeting of choice. The two hands pressed together and held near the heart with the head gently bowed as one says, "Namaste". The hands held in union signify the oneness of an apparently dual cosmos, the bringing together of spirit and matter, or the self meeting the Self.
Lord of the dancers, a name of Shiva
Natarajasana: (Sanskrit)
The Lord of the Dance posture  in yoga
Nation of Islam: 
A sect of Islam originating in America composed of black Americans. Followers, sometimes called Black Muslims, believe that Allah (God) appeared in 1930 to the last great prophet Elijah Muhammad, in the person of Wallace D. Fard. Elijah Muhammad borrowed many beliefs from traditional Islam but introduced important differences. Most notable was the focus on black oppression and equating Satan and evil with the white race. Malcolm X became a notable leader of the movement in the 1960s and the focus on black supremacy and militancy escalated. Malcolm X later converted to traditional Islam and rejected radical black supremacy and was subsequently murdered. The current leader of the Nation is Islam is Louis Farrakhan. 
National Spiritualist Association of Churches: 
A national spiritualist organization headquartered at Cassadaga, FL:
Native American Spirituality: 
 The religious beliefs, practices, and rituals associated with Native Americans.  Early Native American beliefs, though diverse, often shared common religious ideas.  Many believed in a "Great Spirit," that nature in all of its forms possesses spirits, and that all life is interconnected.  Seasons and moons often were viewed as marking times of evocation for spirits and prosperity. Some New Age believers promote revival of Native American spirituality, seeing obvious parallels with their own views.
Natural Law Party:
A political party started by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the father of Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Nature Spirits:
Various types of beings that are said to be the "soul" of natural forms.  Belief in the existence of nature spirits is common to all cultures throughout history. They are usually attached to a specific place, such as a tree, river, plant or mountain. They come in a variety of shapes and temperaments. Some are described as human in form, others are like animals or are half-human, half animal; some are helpful, others deceitful or malevolent. They are normally invisible to humans, except to those with the gift of clairvoyance. Elementals are a sub-class of nature spirits that are a part of the life force of all things in nature. They are ruled byarchangels and are generally regarded as benevolent. The Neoplatonic Greeks categorized elementals according to the four elements: Earth elementals aregnomes; air elementals are sylphs; Water elementals are undines; and Fire elementals are salamanders. In the Middle Ages interest in these main groups was revived and alchemists and magicians sought to control and manipulate the forces of nature and the universe. Other elementals include elves, who live in the woods, and household spirits such as brownies, goblins and bogies. Fairies are also sometimes included in this category.
A healing system acknowledging the body's natural healing power. Fosters health through education and the use of natural substances such as herbs, foods, air and sunshine
A species of Palaeolithic man inhabiting Europe during the Mousterian period. It was named for the Neander Valley in Germany, near D�sseldorf,  where in 1856 one of the earliest skulls was found. They occupied parts of Europe and the Middle East from 100,000 years ago until about 35,000 to 40,000 years ago, when they disappeared from the fossil record. The most significant feature of Neanderthal anatomy, as with all others hominids, is the skull. Specimens vary, but typical features include a wide, vaulted cranium, heavy 'beetle brow' ridges above the eyes, a big jaw, and large teeth.  Neanderthals may have looked faintly apelike, but their brain capacity was as large as, and in some cases larger than, that of modern human beings. As a whole, Neanderthals seem to have been tough and stocky individuals.Many believe that the Neanderthal is the ancenter of Sasquatch.
Near-death experience (NDE):
Any paranormal or supernatural experience had when a person is near death, including experiences when a person thinks he or she has died and returned from death. Reports of NDEs have become numerous in recent decades due to advances in medical technology that make it possible to revive people from comas and other critical conditions. Many patients report having out-of-body experiences (OBEs) while they were unconscious or comatose.
Necromancy:(from Greek words meaning "dead' and 'divination'), 
A form of divination by communication with the dead, one of the "black arts". The classic case of necromancy is the witch of Endor, described in the Bible (1 Samuel 28), who summoned the spirit of Samuel in the presence of Saul.  Necromancy  can be divided into two main branches: divination by means of ghosts, and divination from corpses, both of which represent related forms of forbidden knowledge. The second method led to the disinterment of corpses and rifling of graves for the grisly charms which magicians and witches considered necessary for the effective performance of the magical arts.  To evoke the dead the magician needed to obtain the help of powerful spirits, both for his own protection and to compel the corpse or ghost to submit to his will. A spell from ancientGreece calls upon the powers of the mighty Kore, Persephone, Ereshkigal, Adonis, Hermes and Thoth, to bind the dead. According to a ritual described by Seneca, the Roman dramatist, the summoning of the dead involved not only a burnt sacrifice but a blood-drenched altar. 
Necronomicon: {Latin - literally: :Book of Dead Names"'
The Necronomicon, or under a purported original Arabic title of Kitab al-Azif, is a fictional grimoire appearing in stories by the horror writer H. P. Lovecraft and his followers. It was first mentioned in Lovecraft's 1924 short story "The Hound" written in 1922, though its purported author, the "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, had been quoted a year earlier in Lovecraft's The Nameless City. Among other things, the work contains an account of the Old Ones, their history, and the means for summoning them. Other authors such as August Derleth and Clark Ashton Smith also cited the Necronomicon in their works. Lovecraft approved of other writers building on his work, believing such common allusions built up "a background of evil verisimilitude." Many readers have believed it to be a real work, with booksellers and librarians receiving many requests for it; pranksters have listed it in rare book catalogues, and a student smuggled a card for it into the card catalog of the Yale University Library. Capitalizing on the notoriety of the fictional volume, real-life publishers have printed many books entitled Necronomicon since Lovecraft's death.
Neo-Orthodox Christianity:
Development associated with the strong reaction of Swiss theologians Karl Barth and Emil Brunner against the barrenness of liberal Christianity. They felt that Scripture, although a flawed, fallible, human product, could still be used by God to accomplish His purposes. Thus the Bible becomes inspired in its proclamation when the Holy Spirit quickens faith and obedience in its hearers. .
The modern revival of paganism, emphasizing witchcraft (see Wicca), goddess worship, and nature worship.
Nestorianism( from Nestorius), Patriarch of Constantinople). 
The Christian doctrine that Jesus was two distinct persons, one human and one divine, closely and inseparably united. God begot Jesus as God, but Mary bore him as a man. Its name comes from its leading proponent, Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople.  Nestorianism was rejected as a heresy  by the Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D., which held that Christ consisted of only one person with two natures, one human and one divine. Nestorian churches exist today within  Eastern Orthodox Cathollic Church..
Nettles, Bonnie Lou:
See Heaven�s Gate.
An informal, decentralized organization created by like-minded individuals who are interested in address-ing specific problems and offering possible solutions. All of this takes place outside of conventional institutions.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
A system developed by Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder toCalled �software for the brain,� it is supposed to be faster and more powerful than traditional clinical counseling and can work without the subject�s conscious knowledge
Neuromuscular Therapy:
A form of deep massage using pressure to certain trigger points on the body to release emotions and relieve pain by breaking the stress-tension-pain cycle.
New Age:
A term coined by Alice Bailey in the first part of the 20th Century to decribe the age to follow the Piscean - The Age of Aquarius, beginning between Jan 1, 1981 and May 5 2012.  Also, the philosophical and/or religious systems arising form or believing in the coming of a new age.  
New Age Community Church:
A New Age church founded by Rev. Dr. John Rodgers in 1971. with three congregations, West Valley, Blessed Circle and the mother church. Publishers of the Omega Directory. Founders of the New Age Seminary Program and Psychic Massage.
New Age Medicine:  
See Holistic Health
New Age Movement
A loose organization of people, many of them "Yuppies," who espouse a variety of beliefs, primarily that the world has entered the Aquarian Age.  As a rule, they reject Judeo-Christian orthodoxy. Among them may be found environmentalists,  ESP cultists, spiritists, Pagans, and others using magical rites. (See New Age)
New Age Music:  
Music composed to facilitate altered states of consciousness and meditation.  Stephen Halpern's Spectrum Suite, is the finest example of this genre.  Also, a light jazz, instrumental music category.
Newbrough, John:
New Church:
See Swedenborg Foundation
New Life Foundation:
Organization founded by Vernon Howard to promote his teachings.  Located in Pine AZ
New Thought:
One of the branches of the mind sciences; though related to Christian Science, New Thought usually maintains the reality of matter and is more liberal and pluralistic in its views. Teaches that the Christ is only a principle that was embodied in Jesus and other religious figures
New World Order:
The belief that: as the new Age of Aquarius unfolds, a new order of things will come into being.. This will be a utopia in which there is world government, and end to wars, disease, hunger, pollution, and poverty. Gender, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination will cease. People's allegiance to their tribe or nation will be replaced by a concern for the entire world and its people. Probably derived from the writings of Alice A. Bailey. Said by some Christians to be an anti-Christ world dictatorship. 
New World Translation:  
Official Bible translation published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The beauty of the King James Version has been sacrificed for accuracy's sake.
Nichiren Shoshu of America (NSA):   
Former name of Soka Gakkai International (SGI).
Hindu state of enlightenment or liberation from earthly things; bliss, freedom of the personal soul from the physical world..
NLP:  (See Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Nostrodamus, Michel: (1503-1566)
French physician and astrologer whose predictions of the future have fascinated people for centuries.   Nostradamus acquired fame as a doctor by treating victims of the plague, but he eventually turned more to astrology and metaphysics. In 1555 he completed the Centuries, a book of more than 900 predictions about the fate of France, the world, and celebrated persons of his time. The title of the book refers to the fact that the contents are arranged in sections of 100 verses each. An expanded version was published in 1558. His prophecies are written as four-lined rhymed verses (quatrains) in vague, often cryptic language. The fact that they are written in a French dialect that has not been spoken for 400 years  complicates interpretation of his predictions. Some interpreters say the verses can be applied to anything, or nothing, whereas others claim that various verses foretold the Great Fire of London in 1666, the deaths of several monarchs, details of the French Revolution, the rise of Napoleon and Hitler and World War II.  Because Nostradamus included very few dates in his prophecies and because, additionally, he did not organize them into a chronological order, the verses have been constantly reinterpreted since their publication. The Centuries remains a classic of the occult literature and hundreds of studies of it have been published.
The divination art of numbers based upon qualitative values given to letters of the alphabet which are interpreted in shaping one's destiny as well as offering guidance in daily living.Often associated with the Kabbalah,