A name of Vishnu
Historically, paganism has been used as a generic term to describe non-Christian religions and superstitions - primarily, but not limited to, the old religions of Europe and Indo-Europe and ancient mythologies (Celt, Norse, Egyptian, Greek and Roman). .Any religion other than Christianity, Islam, or Judaism.  The term literally means "country dweller" and was originally used by Romans todescribe religions and philosophies not of Rome.
The divination practice of psychically reading an individual's past, present and future, as well as health and character, by studying the lines, shape and texture of the individual's hands, fingers and wrists. The technique was very popular in the Middle Ages, practitioners believing that the lines in the hand were stamped by occult forces and would reveal character and destiny. The lines, digits and bumps on the hands all have supposedly astrological correspondences, which indicate such factors as longevity, general health, intellect, love, money, and so on.
Panachyda: (Russian)
A requiem
Fivefold method of forecasting. Also the name of a Vedic astrological almanac. It is based upon Vara, nakshatra, Tithi, karabna and Yoga
The belief that God is all that exists. God is at once the entire universe, and transcends the universe as well. Subtly different from Pantheism.
The belief that all that exists is God and all that exists is God..  This God is an all-encompassing, impersonal principle or force of which everything is a part..  A central doctrine for most eastern religions and New Age groups. This leads naturally to the concept of the divinity of the individual, that we are all Gods. They do not seek God as revealed in a sacred text or as exists in a remote heaven; they seek God within the self and throughout the entire universe.
All the gods of a people. Also, a temple dedicated and/or sacred to all gods, especially the one built at Rome by Hadrian (circa 120 AD, after the one built by Agrippa in 27 BC was destroyed by fire), which has been used as a Christian church since the 7th century AD.
Papa Jim:
The publisher of a quarterly magick, voo doo, supply catalog out of San Antonio, TX 
An illustrative discourse or story that uses common events and culture and is meant to convey a meaning or lesson.    Jesus used parables extensively.
Paracelsus:  (1493-1541)
 The nom de plume of the German physician and alchemist Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, who was born in Einsieden, Switzerland.
Paracelsus was a medical reformer who introduced a new concept of disease and the use of chemical medicines. He studied at several Italian universities and began to practice medicine and surgery in the 1520s. A difficult personality, he created controversy because of his wholesale condemnation of traditional science and medicine. He never obtained a secure academic position or permanent employment. Paracelsus's new concept of disease emphasized its causes to be external agents that attack the body, contrary to the traditional idea of disease as an internal upset of the balance of the body's humors (yellow bile, black bile, blood and phlegm). Therapy, according to Paracelsus, was to be directed against these agents of disease, and for this he advocated the use of chemicals rather than herbs. Alchemy became the means of preparing such chemicals; in this way Paracelsus changed the emphasis of the alchemical art from chasing the elusive Elixir of Life or Philosopher's Stone, to making medicines. In his " Biographia Antiqua ", Francis Barrett appends to the name of Paracelsus the following titles of distinction: "The Prince of Physicians and Philosophers by Fire; Grand Paradoxical Physician; The Trismegistus of Switzerland; First Reformer of Chymical Philosophy; Adept in Alchymy, Cabala, and Magic; Nature�s Faithful Secretary; Master of the Elixir of Life and The Philosopher�s Stone," and the "Great Monarch of Chymical Secrets."
1)Bible - the state or place of humanity before awakening to physical existence,   the Garden of Eden, 2) According to orthodox Christian doctrine - The place of the righteous departed souls after death - some say for eternity, others until the resurrection.  3) Bible - a division of Hell or the spirit world in which the righteous dwell between lives.
Paramahansa: (Sanskrit)
A highest spiritual/discriminatory state. 
The Supersoul
Describes events or abilities beyond or above normal human powers or senses.
The study of ESP and other supernatural phenomena dating to the foundation of the English Society of Physical Research in 1882 and continued through laboratory research at Duke University Parapsychology Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute and elsewhere. 
Parashar(a), Maharishi :
One of the fathers of Vedic astrology.  Author of the text which is the basis for the most commonly used astrological system in India
The sixth incarnation of Vishnu
Pashchimotoanasana: (Sanskrit)
The back-stretching posture
Past-Life Regression/Future Progression:
The recall of past-life, including reincarnational, information through the subconscious mind by the use of techniques such as hypnosis. Also obtaining information regarding simultaneously existing future lives through the same methods.
Patanjali:(2nd century BC)
Author of the Yoga Sutras
Name for a kind of modalism or monarchianism; the word means that the Father (patri-) suffered and died (-passian) on the cross.
Peace Mission Movement:
Based on the teaching of founder Father Divine, which contains elements of New Thought, asceticism, perfectionism, utopian communalism, and denies existence of race and strictly prohibits discrimination among members. Requires all members to turn over all property and income, severing all ties to everything but the Peace Mission. Room, board, and a small allowance for incidentals are provided in exchange for otherwise unpaid labor in Peace Mission owned businesses or projects. Father Divine did not actually claim to be God, but he fostered the belief in his followers, and required loyalty and obedience from them due only to God. The group claims the biblical prophecies about the coming Jewish Messiah and Christ�s second coming were all fulfilled byFather Divine.
Peale, Norman Vincent:(1898 - 1993)
Was a clergyman, popular writer, promoter of the belief in the power of positive thinking popularized through the interfaith magazine, Guideposts. He was of author of the important, perennial favorite, How to Win Friends and Influence People.  Peale�s views of Christianity were heavily influenced by his mentor Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science,.
Pearl of Great Price:
One of the scriptures or "Standard Works" of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Contains Joseph Smith's biography, The Book of Abraham and the Book of Moses.
The practice of infant baptism.
The teaching of a monk named Pelagius (b. Britain, d.420)  He taught that man's will was and still is free to choose good or evil and there is no inherited sin (through Adam). Every infant born into the world is in the same condition as Adam before the fall and becomes a sinner because he sins.  Pelagius said we are able to keep the commandments of God because God has given us the ability. Therefore, there is no need of redemption and the crucifixion of Jesus is merely a supreme example of love, humility, obedience, and sacrifice.  (Compare to Arminianism and Calvinism.) 
Heavy object on a string, used for dowsing or fortune-telling.
A disc containing a five-pointed star used in magical ceremonies. Also called a pentagram. A pentagram with a circle around it.
The word comes from the Greek which means fifty. It is a celebration on the fiftieth day after Passover. It was a culmination of the feast of weeks.  In the book of Acts it says that on the day of  Pentecost following the Passover upon which Jesus was executed, disciples of Jesus were gathered and they heard a great wind and spoke in tongues as tongues of fire that settled upon them. Christians interpet this as the reception of the Holy Ghost.
A five-pointed star drawn with a single line. Upright, it resembles a human figure, with spirit taking the highest importance. Inverted (upside-down) it is often considered a Satanic symbol.  When inverted, it represents the elements taking precedence over spirit.  An inverted pentagram becomes Baphomet.
 This word is from the Greek penta, "five" and teuchos, "a tool". It refers to the first five books of the Bible - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. All five were authored by Moses and are also known as "the Law".or the Torah.
People's Temple Christian Church:
Jim Jones, influenced by Unitarian Humanism, Father Divine, and Marxism, founded this church in 1977.  He later claimed at various times to be God,Buddha, and Lenin.  In 1978 after the majority of church members moved to  Jonestown, Guyana, at Jones� command, 914 people (including Jones) committed suicide or were murdered. The group is now defunct.
Perennial Philosophy:
A term coined by Aldous Huxley that refers to that thread of eternal truth that weaves through all religious truth and philosophy. Even though the externals of the various religions may differ, the essence or core truth is the same in each.
Personal Transformation: 
A profoundly intense mystical experience that  leads to the acceptance and use of New Age beliefs and practices. Guided imagery, hypnosis, meditation, and (sometimes) the use of hallucinogenic drugs are useful to bring about and enhance this transformation. Believers hope to develop new potentials within themselves: the ability to heal oneself and others, psychic powers, a new understanding of the workings of the universe, etc. Later, when sufficient numbers of people have achieved these powers, a major spiritual, physical, psychological and cultural planet-wide transformation is expected.
Hallucinogenic used by some Native American and New Age groups as a sacrament in order to produce altered states of consciousness.
Peyote Way Church of God:
Native American church founded by Anne L. Zapf  in Willcox AZ. It uses  peyote as a sacrament. 
A classical work on Hindu astrology by Mantreswara
Phallus:The penis as a symbol.
Pharoah: (Egyptian- great house, house of Ra))
One of the kings of ancient Egypt. Its popular use stems from the Bible, but its use as a term for the king of Egypt begins during the 18th Dynasty. Egyptian priests made lists of their pharaohs and noted the most important events of their reigns. About 280 BC one of these priests, Manetho, grouped the pharaohs into 30 dynasties (a dynasty is a succession of rulers of the same line of descent
Philosopher's Stone: 
Also known as  stone of the philosophers (Latin: lapis philosophorum) is a legendary alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold  or silver. It is also able to extend one's life and called the elixir of life, useful for  rejuvenation and for achieving immortality; for many centuries, it was the most sought-after goal in alchemy. The philosopher's stone was the central symbol of the mystical terminology of alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. Efforts to discover the philosopher's stone were known as the ; "Great Work".
Philosophical Research Society:
An organization founded by Manly P. Hall  in Los Angeles, CA: 
A potion, especially for love.
Phoenix: (Egyptian-House of Enoch)
Egyptian mythological bird of gorgeous plumage, sacred to the sun, reborn from the ashes of the funeral pyre which it made for itself when each life span of 500 or 600 years was over. 
Character analysis by studying the shape and surface of the skull. Also known as Cranioscopy and Bumpology, it is based on the study of the structure of the human skull to determine a person's character and/or mental capacity.
Pike, Albert: 
See Freemasonry.
The right astral conduit of the masculine energies from the Kundalini which is wrapped around the Sushumna  It ends at the right nasal sinus.
The biological fire humor. Used in Ayurvedic medical typing
Plan. The
A phrase that occurs often in the writings of Alice Bailey. It refers to specific preparations in the world for a New Age and a New Age Christ. These preparations are carried out by the "Spiritual Hierarchy," a group of exalted beings who supposedly guide the spiritual evolution of people on Earth.  The term has been sensationalized by some Christian writers.
An instrument designed for use in a seance. It is a sort of mounted pencil on castors, which permits the hand to rest, yet move freely to the supposed direction of the spirit control as in automatic drawing and writing (see automatic writing). It is said to have been invented by a French spiritualist named Planchette in 1853.
Planetary Logos:
As a microcosm of the Solar Logos, it has manifested this planet and all life on it as his physical body, as well as the laws of nature that govern it. And each Soul, as a sub-component of the Planetary Logos, manifests a human being with a physical body, emotions and thought. Thus form on every level is a component or a microcosm of the unity that we call God, and is, in every molecule of its being, a result of divine purpose. 
Plural Covenant: 
See Dual Covenant
A belief in many gods. The doctrine that reality consists of several basic substances or elements. Many see the universe as composed of three basic elements: God, the Devil and the arena in which the battle is acted out.  Others see God and space and time.
The study of the Holy Spirit, His person, works, relation to the Father and Son, relation to man, ministry in salvation and sanctification, conviction, and indwelling.
Polarity Therapy:
A therapy that attempts to remove energy blockages in the body by applying hands on certain places on the body surface. Polarity therapy is based on "balancing the life energy that moves through every part of the body and moves in currents, or channels within and around the body. If the body's currents are balanced, the person relaxes and is able to heal more efficiently." By this name it was originally designed by Dr. Randolph Stone which aims to remove energy blockages in the body and restore balance and harmony. Practitioners move their fingers above the meridian lines of the body to create an energy circuit between the client and the therapist, thus creating a polarity of electromagnetic charge. It also stresses exercise, diet and positive thinking.
Poltergeist: (German - rattling ghost"}
The term is applied to a variety of invisible entities which manifest in an unruly and disturbing manner, often involving unexplained noises, the moving or throwing of objects, vile smells, strange shrieks, as well as such curious phenomena as apports.
The belief in the existence of a plurality of gods, in contrast to monotheism (one God) or atheism (no God or gods). The belief in both God and Satan is not considered polytheism  by most Christians.
A magical doll (also known as ritual effigies, voodoo dolls, Kolossos and Kolossoi) made for the purpose of spell-casting and/or ritual magic in Witchcraftand Voodoo. Poppets are usually made to represent someone or something that for some reason is not present at the ritual performance, or it is the object of the spell-casting. If the spell is a curse, the poppet is either pierced with pins, nails or shards, bound with cord, covered with hot candle wax or hung by the neck. This actions are supposed to bring death, misfortune, illness, or to bind and stop someone from a particular activity.
Positive Thinking:
A trance state, learned through extensive training and achieved in religious ceremonies, during which individuals are said to experience the indwelling presence of powerful spirits. Possession may be an involuntary condition or one deliberately sought. It may be a peripheral experience, judged negatively by the culture, for which an expert in curing (exorcism) is required. It may be the central experience of a religious group, highly valued and desired, for which an expert guide sometimes serves as an enabler. .
The belief that through the preaching of the word of God, the entire world will be converted to Christianity and this will usher in the kingdom of Christ. This is when Jesus will return.
Potter's House:
Founded by Wayman Mitchell, Prescott, AZ: Originally called Victory Chapel, churches affiliated with Mitchell go under the names Praise Chapel, The Door, Grace Chapel, The Christian Fellowship, La Capilla de la Victory, La Casa Del Alfarero, and La Puerta. Begun in 1970, Mitchell has over 1,000 churches in 73 countries including Mexico, South America, Australia, Europe, and the Philippines. Numerous former members have alleged mind control and authoritarian/abusive leadership, and the group was the focus of a CBS News 48 Hours investigative report. Mitchell�s churches are not affiliated with the Potter's House in Dallas, TX, pastored by T. D. Jakes. 
Power Centers, Power Spots:
Places on the planet that have extra special energy. Power Centers include places like Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, Machu Picchu, Mt. Shasta, and the Vortexwa in Sedona.  New Agers believe that Power Spots are directly connected with: 1) Ancient civilizations 2) Secret societies 3) Flying saucers, and 4) Planetary Chakras  New Agers like to visit Power Spots because they consider them places for 1) Great Meditation and 2) Great Sex
Prahlada: (Sanskrit)
A devotee of  Vishnu.
Hndu lord of all created beings
The life force or energy which animates material forms. It is also present in breath. Prana can be compared to the concept of the "Breath of Life" in Genesis activating the created world and the physical being of man.  Also Chi or Ki.
Pranayama: (Sanskrit)
The control of the breath.
Precognition is the perception of future events over which one doesn't seem to have much control over.  As the name suggests, in precognitive dreams the dreamer experiences an event, in whole or in part, before it occurs. It has been suggested that some experiences of de'ja'vu can be explained by precognitive dreams. Precognitive dreams differ from prophetic dreams, in that prophetic dreams predict the future, but the events predicted relate to important areas of life. See ESP.
Predestination:  :     
The doctrine that God has foreordained all things which will come to pass yet  Predestination maintains that God is the one who decides who will be saved and that it is not up to the desire of the person 
This is a teaching concerning the end times (eschatology). It says that there is a future millennium (1000 years) where Jesus will rule and reign over the earth. At the beginning of the millennium Satan and his angels will be bound and peace will exist on the entire earth. At the end of the 1000 years Satan will be released in order to raise an army against Jesus. Jesus will destroy them and then the final judgment will take place with the new heavens and the new earth being made. 
A warning of an impending event, experienced as foreboding, anxiety and intuitive sense of dread. Premonitions tend to occur before disasters, accidents and deaths.In October 1966, 28 adults and 116 children were killed in a landslide of coal waste in Aberfan, Wales. Over 200 people reported experiencing premonitions about the disaster, according to surveys taken afterwards. In January 1967, a British Premonitions Bureau was established to collect and identify early warnings in an attempt to prevent such disasters. A similar organization was established in New York a year later. In the following years most of the tips they were given never happened, and those that did were too inaccurate in terms of time and place to be of any help.
See First Presleyterian Church of Elvis the Divine
Supernatural, otherworldly, transcendental, supassing the ordinary or normal, different from what is natural, or contrary to the natural order of things.
Priest:(Greek, presbyter)
One who offers sacrifices or performs sacerdotal functions.
A female priest.
Process Theology: 
Built on the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, process theology is a treaching within liberal Christianity that holds that reality is becoming rather than being - in process rather than static. The Bible has a relative authority in that it concurs with one�s own self-evident experiences, rather than having absolute authority over all human experiences and beliefs. Process theology teaches panentheism (God is in all), which is to be distinguished from pantheism (God is all). Panentheism teaches that even though God is somehow transcendent, he also includes the world within Himself. Therefore, God is in �process,� evolving along with creation into future possibilities. Some New Agers (e.g., Matthew Fox) and some Mormons have found value in process theology.
One who predicts the future, usually receiving his  information from a divine source
Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and Mark:
See Church Universal and Triumphant
This means the turning away of wrath by an offering. It is similar to expiation but expiation does not carry the nuances involving wrath. Used primarily by Christians in reference to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. 
Prosperity Doctrine:
lternative name for Positive Confession; the term also can apply to some Mind Science teachings.
Often used generically of all Christian churches that are neither Roman Catholic nor Orthodox, the term more specifically refers to the movement that originated in the 16th century Reformation. Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, King Henry VIII and others led efforts to correct, reform or �protest� the errors in doctrine and practice that they saw in medieval Roman Catholicism. 
Psi, PSI:
The term used in parapsychology to include ESP and psychokinesis, because both are so closely related. The term was suggested by the English psychologist Dr. Robert Thouless in 1946, and is now popularly used to cover a whole range of paranormal phenomenon.
The use of drugs, electronic equipment, etc, to amplify and alter the mind so that it can perform previously impossible tasks of ESP and psychokinesis.
A general term describing a person with one or more paranormal abilities such as extrasensory perception, clairvoyance or telepathy.
Psychic Birth:
A quickening of spiritual or cosmic consciousness and power. This new consciousness is one that recognizes oneness with God and the universe. Psychic birth is a spiritual birth. (cosmic Consciousness.
Psychic Counselor/Consultant:
A psychic practitioner who uses his or her psychic abilities during private or group sessions to psychically tune into a client's life in order to help the client deal with problems. Common psychic tools for tuning in include Tarot cards, pendulums, clairvoyance and channeling.
Psychic Energy:
Any form of paranormal activity. Examples would be; Full human apparition, pin lights, globules, and cold spots. The energy that enables people to be psychic and perform miracles.
Psychic Healer:
A therapist who  uses healing energy through touch or hand movements by the practitioner over the body of the patient. Also, employing spirit guides to aid in health  
Psychic Massage:
A New Age healing system that uses touch to harmonize or balance the physical, etheric or astral vehicles.  It was developed almost simultaneously in three locations - California, Australia and Arizona. See Psychic Massage.
Psychic Phenomena:
Those things that seem to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of that they were caused by some mental or spritual process.  Clairvoyance, ESP, extrasensory perception and second sight are all terms that describe psychic powers beyond the powers of the five senses. Psychic communication is when information is transmitted by psychic means.  Psychokinesis and telekinesis are the forces that are in operation when something is moved simply by thinking about it without applying any physical force.  Spirit rapping, table rapping or mediumship are all various forms of communicating with spirits. Table tipping or table tilting all involve the moving of a table during a seance. It is attributed to spirits. Table tipping often happens outside of a seance. The term 'psi' (pronounced sigh) is used by many scientific and pseudo-scientific domains to describe psychic phenomena or the forces behind it. Psi refers to a wide range of fascinating and controversial phenomena that includes ESP (mind reading), psychokinesis (mind over matter), psychic healing and precognitive dreams and perceptions. Fundamentalist Christians claim that psychic phenomena are the result of demonic forces. The same phenomena are describes as "spiritual gifts" when they occur under the aegis of Chritian activity.
Psychic Surgery:
The performance of "paranormal" surgery, in which the body appears tp be opened and closed using the bare hands as surgical instruments. Patients remain fully conscious and allegedly experience no pain. .  If patients complain when they are not cured, psychic surgeons usually  it on spirits, past-life karma, or a lack of harmony between the patient, healer, and rge magnetic vibrations in the room.
Psychic Vampire:
One who consciously or unconsciously drains people of their vitality. (see Psychic Vampire.)
A role-playing group therapy founded by J. L. Moreno.
The power of mind over matter without the use of physical or sensory means.  Psychokinesis includes telekinesis, the paranormal movement of objects; levitation and materialization; mysterious events associated with given people or houses such as rappings, overturned furniture, and flying objects; and psychic healing.
A form of divination based on communication with spirit entities or ghosts
Reading information or impressions from a physical object the history of the object (and the history of things and people associated with the object) which is hidden to ordinary sensibility. The term was coined in the mid-nineteenth century by Joseph R. Buchanan, an American physiologist, who claimed it could be used to measure the 'soul' of all things. Buchanan further said that the past is entombed in the present. Researchers who followed Buchanan theorized that objects retain imprints of the past and their owners  variously called 'vibrations', 'psychic ether', and aura � that could be picked up by sensitives.
The doctrine that human souls sleep or cease conscious existence between death and resurrection. Usually (but not always) a doctrine associated with Advetism and Jehovah's Witnesses.
A developmental psychological and educational process formulated by Roberto Assagioli. Its goals are the integration of personality and awareness of the Self.
The various approaches or systems aimed at deliberately altering one's consciousness.
Puja: (Sanskrit)
Punya: (Sanskrit)
Piousness.  Purification acquired by virtuous deeds
Hindu scriptures consisting of myths, legends, and historical events; also occasionally used by those in the New Age movement.
A doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. Purgatory is a place after death where some of the sins of people are purged through suffering. After a period of time corresponding to the suffering necessary for the sins committed, the person is then set free and enters heaven. It no doubt is derived from an earlier understanding of Hell or the Spirit World.
Pursel, Jach:
Channeler of spirit entity called Lazaris.
Purvotanasana: (Sanskrit)
The front-stretching posture in yoga
A pointed solid with three or more flat sides
Pyramid Power:
(Also called form resonance) The energy generated by the geometric shape of a pyramid other three-dimensional form.
Study of the Ancient Egyptian and/or Central American Mayan pyramids, which are believed to possess keys to hidden mystic knowledge or secret spiritual messages.
Divination by fire.

- Q -

See Kabbalah
Qoheleth: (Hebrew)
The book of Ecclesiastes
Society of Friends
Quantum Healing:
A term coined by Deepak Chopra in his book Quantum Healing. He asks the question,  Why, when your body mends a broken bone, it is not considered a miracle, but when your body cures itself of cancer, it is? Copra suggests that the two phenomena come from the same cause - the body is able to do much more than we suppose it can.  He calls this ability to heal and cure from within "Quantum Healing." He says it is an expression of the intelligence possessed by the body within each of its cells.
Quarter Days:
Old Celtic festivals of Samhain, Bride, Beltaine, and Lughnassad. These days are believed to be especially important for charms, spells, and divination.  These days are also believed to be lucky for journeys, love, and new ventures.
The north, east, south, and west parts of the circle.
Quartz crystal is the material from which genuine crystal balls are made, but even small pieces have many uses. Quartz acts as an amplifier of energy, and as such can be used for healing and is used in watches, computers and other high-tech devices.north, east, south, and west. Quartz’s clarity and purity give it magical properties similar to water and glass. It can be used to “wash away” negative energies from your body and environment. In crystal ball gazing, it acts as a window onto other worlds.Quartz is believed to strengthen the link between Earth and the heavens, enabling its user to see into other times and places. Quartz is used to aid psychic traveling and dream journeys.
Queztalcoatl: (Aztec - "feathered-serpent"}
An Aztec god of the air or a sun-god and a benefactor of their race who instructed them in the use of agriculture, metals and the like.According to one account, Quetzalcoatl was driven from the country by a superior god and on reaching the shores of the Mexican Gulf promised his followers that he would return. He then embarked on his magic skiff for the land of Tlapallan.The Great Bird-Serpent is the most powerful figure in Mexican mythology, and it was known and accepted as a god in ancient Mexico and Central America. Accordingly, he dominated the great early American civilizations, from the land of the Incas in South America, to the Pueblo Indians of the our southwestern desert; from Teotihuacan (Mexico City) on the high plateau to Chichen Itza in Yucatan, he is a prevailing motif on ancient monuments. Sometimes with his jaws open, bifid tongue, and articulated spinal column, he is easily recognizable. At others, he seems to have been coded in an almost infinite variety of formalized patterns derived from his famous scales, or feathers. To the ancients, Quetzalcoatl became the force for understanding the universe, as it was known before the introduction of modern religion by the Conquistadors of Spain. The god Quetzalcoatl represented, to the ancient peoples of Central and South America, the very essence of life.
A form of religious mysticism based on the doctrine that the essence of religion consists in the withdrawal of the soul from external objects and in fixing it on the contemplation of God. Quietism is especially used for the doctrine of Miguel Molinos (1640-96), who taught the direct relationship between the soul and God. His followers were called Molinists or Quietists. Outward acts of mortification were held to be superfluous, and when a person has attained the mystic state by mental prayer, even if he transgresses in the accepted sense, he does not sin, since his will has been extinguished. Molinos was accused of heresy and condemned by the Inquisition.
Quimby, Phineas P.:
Mesmerist and healer whose metaphysical theories influenced Mary Baker Eddy (founder of Christian Science)and New Thought and other Mind Science religions
Qur'an: (Arabic, "recital")
The Qur'an, or Koran, is the Sacred Scripture of Islam.  Muslims claim it to be the  actual words of God, spoken to the Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel, between c.610 and his death (632).  The text contains 114 chapters (suras), arranged--except for the opening sura--approximately according to length, beginning with the longer chapters.   It is generally believed that the standard text of the Koran, adopted during the reign  of the caliph Uthman (644-56), is based on the compilation of one of Muhammad's secretaries, Zayd Ibn Thalbit.