One of the eight celebrations of Paganism and Wicca. The witches' Sabbat was supposed to be a weekly quarter moon) midnight convention of witches. . The central feature of the Sabbat was always the lighting of the fire and a feast.  See wicca.
Generally the view that the Old Testament Sabbath commandment is to be observed unchanged by the church.  Sabbatarianism refers to an extreme form of the belief in which membership in the true church, or even salvation, is conditional upon keeping the Sabbath law. In most cases, the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday) must be observed by refraining from work, sports, and travel from sundown Friday evening to sundown Saturday evening.  The belief is often accompanied by the observance of Jewish dietary laws and/or other Old Testament feasts.
The Jewish day of rest. Curently celebrated from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.
lternative name for Modalism.
The teaching that ordination imparts special abilities/powers necessary for the operation of the ministry.  Also, the teaching that grace is administered through the one so ordained.  A doctrine of the Roman Catholic and Mormon religions.
A sacred ritual, esp. Communion.  Also the communion elements.
Sacred Name movement:  
This is a modern movement that claims that God must be addressed by a form of the Divine Name in the Old Testament (Yahweh, Jehovah, Yah, Yahvah, or some other preferred form). Whichever one true name is chosen, all other terms or names for God are considered incorrect or references to false deities. Salvation, it is believed, depends on referring to God by his correct name. Most Sacred Name groups also teach Sabbatarianism and observe Old Testament dietary laws and feasts.
A member of one of the Jewish sects that existed during the first century AD. Named after Zadok, a disciple of Antigonus of Socho who received the Law from Simon the Just. Their membership was primarily among the aristocratic class.  They believed in following the Law as it was written in the Torah and gave no consideration to any of the traditions that had arisen since.  They did not believe in life after death.
Saturn's transit of the lunar 12th ,1st, and 2nd houses. It lasts about 7 1/2 years and is regarded as problematic for the Native by some Jyotishi. If the sarvaashhTakavarga of the signs in 12th, 1st and 2nd from the Moon have more than 30 points this relieves a lot of the above malefic side-effects. One should also judge the whole chart and see whether there is real malevolence to this transit
A fakir.
In Vedic astrology, special positions or points signifying important events in life. They are somewhat similar to Arabic parts
Sahasrara:  (Sanskrit)
The thousand-petalled lotus, the crown chakra.
Sai Baba of Shirdi: (1895-1918)
Saint Germain: 
See Ascended Masters, Germain, St.,I AM Movement.
 Saint Issa:
Saint Issa was popularized over a century ago by the Russian travelerNicolas Notovitch, who  asserted that in 1887 while at the secluded Himis monastery in Ladakh/Tibet, he was shown a manuscript which discussed the “unknown life” of Jesus, or “Issa,” as he was supposedly called in the East.  This “Issa” text, translated for Notovitch from Tibetan by a monk/lama, alleged that during his “lost years” Jesus was educated by yogis in India, Nepal and “the Himalaya Mountains.” According to legend, Jesus, the great Jewish sage, spent his “lost years,” from between the age of 12 to around 28 or 30 in India, where, accprding to another tradition, he also escaped after surviving the crucifixion.  Stating that he felt the manuscript to be “true and genuine,” Notovich maintained its contents were written “immediately after the Resurrection,” while the manuscript itself purportedly dated from the third century AD. Notovitch related that the “two manuscripts” he was shown at Himis were “compiled from diverse copies written in the Thibetan tongue, translated from rolls belonging to the Lassa library and brought to the Himis monastery. Other than the word of Notovitch and a few legends, there is nothing to support the existence of Saint Issa.
An elemental who dwells in fire.
The Christian doctrine of deliverance from sin. The basic Christian doctrine is that Jesus died on the cross and paid the price of our sins, so that we are all saved from the spiritual consequences of our sins when we accept Jesus as our personal savior. Some teach we need only accept Jesus as our savior, others that we must keep his commandments..
Salvation by Grace:     
The doctrine that eternal life is not gained by or conditioned on works but is an undeserved and free gift from God received through faith in Jesus as the Lord and Savior who died for our sins and rose from the dead. Contrasted with salvation by works
Salvation by Works: 
The doctrine that eternal life is merited, earned, conditioned, or maintained through human effort, religious ritual, financial donations, obedience to laws/commandments, church membership, and/or moral behavior.
The state of mental dicipline in which the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation
Samavriti: (Sanskrit)
 Pranayama with equally long inhalation, exhalation, and suspension
Sabbat held on the eve of November 1st, also called Halloween and celebrated by most people (religiously or not) on October 31.  Pronounced Sow -wen
Samsara: (Buddhist)
The opposite of Nirvana. It is the world we live in now -  the world of illusion, .passion; attachment to people and things; multiplicity and differentiation. 
Samskars: (Sanskrit: activator)
1) Habitual movement of the mind. Every action lays down a deposit in the mind, which conditions the mind and leads on to a new activity, thus keeping the doer enmeshed in the world of change.
2) The imprints left on the subconscious mind by experience (from this or previous lives), which then color all of life, one's nature, responses, states of mind, etc. 3) Mental programs 4) Ebbbngrams
Religious chant or mantra repeated over and over to draw practitioners into an ever closer state of God-consciousness.
One of the schools (systems) of Indian philosophy
Sannyasi: (Sanskrit)
A disciple, one who has renounced the world
Literally “worship of the saints,” a syncretism of traditional African religion with Roman Catholicism created when African slaves were introduced to the Caribbeanand forced to accept Chrisitanity.. Elements include animal sacrifice.  Akin to voodoo.
To sanctify means to be set apart for a holy use.  According to Christian doctrine, sanctification follows justification. In justification our sins are completely forgiven in Jesus. Sanctification is the process by which the Holy Spirit makes us more like Jesus in all that we do, think, and desire. 
In Hinduism, when dharana, dhyana and samadhi are taken together
The Hindu goddess of speech and learning
Sasquatch: noun  from a native language of the Pacific Northwest, sæsq'ec 
The term Sasquatch (bigfoot) refers to a large (usually 8' to 10' tall), hairy homonid being sighted in North America over the last 300 years. Several thousand have been documented by researchers,  including law enforcement and military personnel. See Yeti.
Originally any angel of God sent as an adversary (Satan means adversary in Hebrew)  On at least one occasion in the Old Testament Satan is a specific angel acting as God's agent to discover and punish sin.  Modern Christian mythology teaches that Satan was a high ranking angel named Lucifer who wanted to be exalted to the position of God. Through this sin, Lucifer fell and became Satan, the Devil, leading a large number of rebellious angels with him who became the demons.  The Jesus cult teaches that Satan and his host now seek to destroy the plan of God.
Satanic Bible: 
 Scripture of the Church of Satan written by Anton LaVey.
Any of several perverse Christian religions in which Satan is worshipped with occult  rituals sometimes including animal or human sacrifice. Some Satanists do not actually believe in a literal Devil but unashamedly worship greed, lust and self. The Church of Satan is probably the best-known Satanic group
Sathya Sai Baba
The direct experience of realizing the nature of Mind, the ego's obliteration, the experience of our living, sacred Self.  Satori demonstrates beyond all doubt that we and God are one in the same. Until we experience Satori we merely believe that there is the divine within us
A meeting of devotees for the purpose of chanting, meditation and the study of relevant scriptures. The fundamental Guru/Disciple relationship.
Also known as Spatulamancy, it is a form of augury or divination by examining the patterns or cracks and fissures on the burned (after being roasted over an open fire) shoulder-blade (scapula) bones of an animal. It was widely practiced in ancient Babylon. 
A form of divination by the examination of egested food (feces, excrement). See Spatalamancy.
Schism: Middle English scism, sysm, borrowed from Anglo-French and Late Latin; Anglo-French scism
The Great East-West Schism of 1054 was when Christianity split into two branches  - Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Roman Catholic.  The basic issue was whether the Bishop of Rome or the Patriarch of Constantinople should be the head of the Christian Church. The emperor was a member of the bishop's congregation, so many accepted that he was the most important bishop. So when the emperor moved to Constantinople and became a member of the Patriarch's congregation, the Patriarch claimed his was the chief bishop. And the battle began. The conflict reached its head in the beginning of the 11th century. The majority of Christians believed that Jesus would return in the year 1000. And he would resolve any conflict. When he didn't return, the Bishop and the Patriarch resolved the matter on their own. They excommunicated each other and all the members of the opposing church. The entire history of the world was changed at this point. This was one of the greatest schisms in history, but not the only one.  Religious schisms have continued ever since. Martin Luthor and the Pope. The Puritans and the Church of England. 
The method of study in the Middle Ages which was used to support the doctrines of the church through reason and logic.
Sciamancy or Sciomancy:
A form of  divination by shadows or by communicating with the ghosts of the dead.
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures:
           Principal scripture of Christian Science.
Science of Man:
         An esoteric and mystical order reviving the doctrines of the now defunct Holy Order
          of  MANS. Founded by Mother Ruth in Portland, OR:
Science of Enlightenment:
          A metaphysical study group in Phoenix AZ  directed by Rev. Dr. John Rodgers. It is the
          outgrowth of the Omega Group         
Science of Mind:
Textbook of  Religious Science, written by its founder, Ernest Holmes.
See Church of Scientology.
In the New Testament, one who was conversant with the Law of Moses, and its many interpretations and rulings..  Usually a librarian or scholar
The religious writings of any people that they regard as sacred and authoritative. 
A method of divination using a crystal ball, shiny stone, dark mirror,, bowl of water or other reflective object or surface until psychic visions appear. The art dates back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, and practitioners aim to answer questions, solve problems, find lost objects or people, and help solve crimes. The tool of scryers is called a speculum, which can be any object, but is usually one with reflective surface. The French physician and astrologer Nostrodamus used a brass bowl of water on a tripod. Dr. John Dee, astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, used a crystal egg and black obsidian mirror. The stereotypical speculum is the crystal ball as popularized by gypsy fortune-tellers. 
Talismanic devices used in magick.
A gathering of people seeking communication with deceased loved ones or famous historical figures through a medium. Also gathering  for the purpose of investigating or experiencing supernormal phenomena. In the past they were sometimes called "circles", because participants, called 'sitters', sat around a table (or on chairs arranged in a circle) in order to link hands, in the belief that this boosted the psychic forces which encourage paranormal manifestations.  Generally seances involve a medium who enters a tance-like state and contacts a 'spirit friend' or 'spirit helper'. The spirit then communicates with the gathering through the medium or shannel, either mentally, or directly using the medium's vocal chords. In the 19th century, seances were dominated by physical manifestations, such as rappings, strange smells, levitation, and  materialization, many episodes of which were eventually exposed as fraudulent. Because of these fraudulent associations, the term 'seance' has fallen into disuse.
Second Coming:
Those who worship Jesus use this term to describe the physical return of Jesus to the Earth in conjuction with the destruction of the world of the wicked. New Agers use this term to describe "parousia" - a New Testament word which describes Christ Conscousness. Others associate it specifically with the appearance of Maitreya as the avatar of the New Age.
The Secret Doctrine:
 See Theosophy
 1) worldly views esp., a system of belief and practices that rejects any form of religious faith. 2) the belief that religion should be strictly separated from the state or government esp., from education."
Sedona Vortex:
Vortex refers to a place where the earth energy swirls and draws to it’s center everything that surrounds it like a tornado. At certain sites in Sedona AZ, people sense the energy swirling about them. They are sometimes called " the Earth's Chakras." Some individuals claim to have seen a  swirling or twisting of their trunks due the powerful vortex energy at the core of a vortex. 
Total consciousness or realizaton of the true self, or Higher Self, and that the body is only an expression of that reality..
Self-Realization Fellowship:
 A Hindu religion brought to the US by Paramahansa Yogananda Headquartered in Los Angeles CA.
A person who frequently demonstrates extrasensory gifts such as clairvoyance, telepathy, or precognition.
Septuagint, The:     
The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew. It was during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246 B.C.) that the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible, were translated into Greek. Shortly afterwards the rest of the Old Testament was also translated. This translation was done by approximately 70 translators- which is Greek is Septuagent.  This translation slanted Genesis from a scientific, historical treatise to a mythological text. . 
Serpent Seed: 
 Doctrine that alleges Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden was sexual. Eve had intercourse with the Serpent and begot Cain, whose father is really Satan not Adam. Cain’s descendants were supposedly somehow perpetuated after the flood (usually through Noah’s son Ham). Diverse groups teach variations of this doctrine. Cain’s descendants are: Jews according to the Christian Identity Movement, Communists/Atheists according to the Unification Church, Whites according to the Nation of Yahweh, the lost according to William Branham, etc.
 Spirit entity channeled by Jane Roberts.  
Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA): 
The largest Adventist church. Founded in 1845 by Ellen G. White, who claimed to have “the spirit of prophecy,” was an important early leader of the movement and taught a number of distinctive SDA doctrines, including the Investigative Judgment and Sabbatarianism. While the church’s official theology now appears to be generally in the tradition of evangelical Christianity, but they still cling to the belief that Sunday worship will result in the “Mark of the Beast,”and  the “Remnant Church” doctrine that implies that the SDA is or will be God’s only true church, and the doctrine of theInvestigative Judgment..
The biological differences between male and female.  The social and psychological systems related to or derived from this difference.
The spirit of a deceased being.
 The Shakers, a perfectionist utopian movement, originated in Manchester, England, after Ann Lee, a member of the Shaking Quakers, had a visionary experience. She claimed to have seen Adam and Eve in sexual intercourse, after which Jesus enjoined her to teach others that lust was the source of sin. Her ideas about lust and corruption were intensified by the death of her four children. Thereafter, she suffered a dread of sexual relations and formed a religious order based on celibacy.  
In 1774 Ms. Lee moved her group to America. They settled first near Albany, New York, but after Lee's death in 1784, they moved to New Lebanon, New York. By 1822 there were four thousand Shakers in more than a dozen communities.
In the 1780s leaders initiated a cooperative economic system and organized communes composed of extended "families." Shaker communities abolished private property, regulated all behavior, and imposed mandatory confessions. Organized around the concept of celibacy, Shaker communities kept men and women carefully segregated. Children were raised communally. Their religious services provided emotional release through trembling, speaking in tongues, and falling into trances-hence, the name Shakers.
Membership turnover was always high, but before 1830 many members stayed for decades. Often whole families joined. Shaker population reached its peak of about five to six thousand during the 1830s but then dropped dramatically. Shakers were renowned for their original styles of vocal music, crafts, and architecture. Adhering to the idea that form follows function, they created furniture designs that are highly prized for their simple lines and functionality. Shakers invented an impressive array of devices from the common clothespin and the flat broom to a revolving oven and a folding stereoscope. They pioneered the industry of herbal medicines and the selling of garden seeds in packets.
The consort of Shiva
One of the mudras, involves contracting the rectum
Shakti-chalini: (Sanskrit) 
The nerve-power posture of yoga
Shaktitrayah: (Sanskrit)
The three powers of ichch, kriya and gyana
Shaman: (Siberian Tungus language)
A medicine man/woman or witch doctor. While a medicine man will tend to the sick, working with herbs, barks and the like, the shaman works more on the psychological level. He will go down on "a journey" for the benefit of the one who is ill; he will direct sacrifices, he will seek out new knowledge, and he will accompany the spirits of the dead on their journey to the afterlife. The Eskimos, Maoris, Polynesians, Mongolians and the American Indians are some of the peoples that believe in the abilities of shamans.
Shamanic Therapy:
Belief in psychic healing techniques and mediumship skills as practiced by tribal "medicine men" such as those among the Native Americans and in various parts of the Orient; the practices of mediumship and healing techniques of a Shamanic priest.
The religion of many of the ancient less-developed civilizations of the world.  Some societies today are shamanistic. Shamanism  is characterised by the ability of the Shaman to communicate with the spirit world to provide healing, guidance or wisdom.. The shaman’s soul is sometimes believed to leave the body during a trance  at which time the shaman will speak with beings from the other worlds or assume animal forms.
1)According to Theosophy, the physical headquarters of the planetary government, situated in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia.2) An utopia located in the Himalayas  3) the Spiritual birthplace of civilization.  See Shambhala, Shangri-la, Agartha
A name of Shiva
A mythical country allegedly located in the mountains of Tibet, created by James Hilton in his novel 'Lost Horizon', in which he describes the perpetual youth and vigor of its residents. Some say his novel was based on ancient tales of Shambhala. (see Shambhala)
Founder of the best-known and most influential school of Vedanta, known as the non-dualist or advaita Vedanta.  He taught that the teachings of theUpanishads was a self-consistent whole, that the ultimate reality id Brahma or the Self, which is pure reality, pure consciousness, and pure bliss, and that the world has come into being from Brahman and is wholy dependent on it.  The criteria of reality is immutibility and permanence.  The world is called illusion, or maya.
Shanti:  (Sanskrit)
Calmness, serenity. peace
A very esoteric practice involving changing the human form. This can be practiced while on the astral plane. It is said that one can also shapeshift on the physical plane, though documented proof of this is nonexistent. Few books are published on the subject    Often such metamorphoses are associated with fear and terror. In central and eastern Europe, for example, a belief in the bloodsucking vampire that condemns its victims to a living death has persisted into the 20th century. And in West Africa until recently, members of a secret society called the Leopard Men believed that simply wearing the leopard's distinctive spotted skin would magically imbue them with that animal's fearsome strength. A werewolf is another shapeshifter.
Shiatsu Therapy:
An Oriental therapy consisting of finger pressure to the acupuncture points on the body. Helps relieve pain and tension and restore balance.
(Shen-Tao “the way of the gods.”) Ancient polytheistic religion of Japan that focuses more on Japanese Culture, traditions, attitudes and ideology rather than a system of doctrines or code of ethics. The roots of the movement are obscure, but it eventually developed into the idea that Japan, unlike other countries, was uniquely fathered by the god Izanami, whose consort, the goddess Izanagi, gave birth to the Japanese islands. Consequently the concept evolved that Japanese people are divine and superior to other humans. In one form of the religion, State Shintoism, the Japanese emperors were seen as infallible descendants of the gods. Today devotion centers around public shrines and home altars dedicated to ancestors and gods. The sun goddessAmaterasu is the chief deity worshipped, and a belief in kami, a form of spiritism, is also maintained.
The “destroyer,” third member of the primary triad of gods in Hinduism, the others being Brahma and Vishnu.
Shree, Shrii or Sri: (Sanskrit)
Added before a name to show respect, like Mr. or sir.
See Freemasonry.
Shroud of Turin: 
An ancient strip of linen bearing bloodstains and the brownish image of a bearded man, which was believed by many people to be the actual burial cloth of  the mythical Jesus..The shroud, 14 feet 3 inches long and 3 feet 7 inches wide, can be traced through documentation back to 1354, but its history before that date is obscure. Since 1578 it has been preserved and venerated in St. John's Cathedral in Turin. Photographed for the first time in 1898, the image on the shroud (of the front and back of a crucified man about 2 meters (6 feet) tall) was revealed to be negative rather than positive. Details of the biblical account of Christ's burial — specifically the anointing of the body — conflict with the natural possibility of an imprint such as that on the Shroud of Turin, and Vatican-sponsored carbon-dating tests conducted in 1988 indicated that the shroud itself dates no earlier than 1260.
Shukra: (Sanskrit)
The planet Venus. The word means semen or sexual secretions
A form of disfellowshippingused by Jehovah's Witnesses and other groups to punish members who do not maintain the group's behavioral expectations or who disagree on dogma.  They are isolated from the current, faithful members. This includes, in most cases, even family members or friends, who are not allowed to talk or share a meal with the shunned. The faithful, who violate the rule and communicate with the dissident, can themselves be shunned. 
Shustah: (Pages of Shustah (c))
A divination and meditation deck created around 1974 by Ann Manser, mostly in pen & ink. The deck consists of 70 cards grouped into 5 different colors - red, green, yellow, blue and black. Each suits contains 14 cards. The accompanying book was written by  and Cecil North. 
In Hinduism, a prophet or adept, ever-ready, having psychic power
A form of  pyromancy which consists of dropping an odd number of dry straws onto a hot iron skillet, and then reading the patterns formed by the straws and their movements and undulations as they burn on the sizzling surface, or the shape of the flame and the smoke resulting from it
A magickal seal or gylph.
A religion, based mostly in the Punjab province of India, that attempts to blend Hinduism and Islam. The movement is based on a vision and subsequent teachings of founder Guru Nanak in the 15th century AD.  Disciples, called Sikhs, follow the one true God named Sat Nam (“True Name”). Their main scriptures are contained in the Granth Sahib (“The Lord’s Book”), compiled by the guru Arjan, and salvation is viewed as a merging with the universal force 
Silva Mind Control:
A personal development system developed by Jose Silva.
A noble and beneficent mythical bird (Persian Mythology). Initially a griffin-like (lion-bodied) bird, with a formidable beak containing sharp teeth, the Simurgh later assumed the shape of a true bird, one with glorious plumage and immense wings. Its touch was believed, in Persian folklore, to heal instantly even the most terrible of wounds. This giant birdlike monster was supposed to be so old that it had seen the world destroyed three times over, and thus possesses the knowledge of all the ages. The original home of the Simurgh was supposedly the fabled Tree of Knowledge, whose branches were festooned with the seeds of every plant that has ever existed. When the Simurgh took flight, it was said, its powerful ascent shook the tree's branches so violently that the seeds were scattered throughout the world, bringing a wealth of valuable plants to mankind. Later, according to myth, the Simurgh nested in seclusion on the sacred Persian mountain of Alburz, far beyond the climbing abilities of any man.
In Greek myth, a creature half bird and half woman who lures sailors to their destruction by the sweetness of her song. Sirens are mentioned by Homer in the 'Odyssey' and in the legend of Jason and the Argonauts. Sirens are also associated with mermaids. Today, the term is used to describe a seductive or alluring woman.
Situation Ethics:
A sysrtem that holds that moral judgments must be made within the context  of a situation and that  a situation must be viewed as a whole. Since 'circumstances alter cases', this system holds that in practice what in some times and places we call right is in other times and places wrong...
          The number and name of the Beast referred to in the Biblical  Book of Revelation.
A pagan term for nudity during rituals.
Smith, Joseph:
Founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Society of Friends:
A religious body having no definite creed and no regular ministry, founded by George Fox (1624-91), who began his preaching in 1647. His followers created an organized society during the 1650s and 1660s. It appears from the founders Journal that they first obtained the appellation (1650) from the following circumstances: 'Justice Bennet, of Derby,' says Fox, 'was the first to call us Quakers, because I bid them Tremble at the Word of the Lord'. Familiarly known as Quakers.
Soka Gakkai Buddhism:
A mystical form of Buddhism based on the teachings of 13th century Japanese fisherman Nichiren Daishonin, who taught that the true interpretations ofBuddha’s teachings were recorded in the Lotus Sutra
Soka Gakkai International (SGI):
A sect of Soka Gakkai Buddhism, formerly named Nichiren Shoshu of America. The sect promotes enlightenment though gongyo. This involves kneeling before a gohonzon (black wooden box containing passages from the Lotus Sutra), quoting this scripture, and chanting the daimoku (“nam-myoho-renge-kyo”). Also known as chanting buddhists.
Sola Fide:
The Christian teaching that faith alone saves a person when he places his faith and trust in the sacrificial work of Jesus.
Sola Gratia:
The Christian teaching that God pardons believers without any merit of their own based solely on the sacrificial work of Jesus.
Sola Scriptura:
The Christian teaching that the Bible contains all that is necessary for salvation and proper living before God.
Solar Angel  
The Higher Self, sometimes, the guardian angel, not to be confused with Solar Logoa
Solar Logos:
That mighty spiritual being who is the ensouling life of the solar system. The material solar system is simply a physical manifestation (or body) of this living intelligence.
A witch who practices alone instead of within a group or coven.
Solomon the King:
(see King Solomon or Goetia)
Divination by interpreting the patterns formed by the rays of the sun.
So Mote it Be:
A phrase used often in rituals to close an incantation. It literally means, "So may it be." .  Amen
Son of God:     
This is a title of Christ. It is also, in A Course in Miracles, used  to refer to all of creation.
A prophet, someone able to see the future.
Greek goddess of wisdom also personified in gnosticism, and neo-platanism worship.
Magickal practice.
Divination by the casting or drawing of lots. Sometimes also called Cleromancy
The study of the Christian doctrine of salvation. It is derived from the Greek word soterious which means salvation. Some of the subjects of soteriology are the atonement, imputation, and regeneration. 
Soul: (noun) of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ziel and German Seele  
Soul should not be confused with spirit.  Our soul is our conscious mind, feelings and emotions. The soul feels pleasure or perceives pain. The Mormon prophet Joseph Smith said (seemingly treating soul and spirit as synonyms), "There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit (i.e. soul) is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes."The soul survives death and its memories, feelings, and emotional associations continue on in the astral world.
Soul Sleeping:
 (Psychopannychia) The doctrine that human souls sleep or cease conscious existence between death and resurrection. Usually (but not always) a doctrine associated with Adventism.
Marriage partners from previous lives. See Reincarnation.
Sound Therapy/Toning:
The use of a combination of tones and rhythmic sounds to alter a person's vibrations to bring harmony, accelerate healing and increase psychic skills.
Spangler, David:
rominent New Age writer and philosopher.
A magickal action.  The ritual direction of energies towards some certain goal, generally with the use of spoken words.
The practice of creating spells by creating outlines, arranging correspondences, and writing incantations.
Sphinx: (Egyptian - arranged after the order of Enoch)
The mythical sphinx  has a human head and a lion's body. In ancient Egypt, it originally was represented an ancient lion goddess.  Later the lion's head was replaced with the head of  the reigning pharaoh. It also represented the sky-god Horus. From Egypt the idea of the sphinx spread to the Syrians and Phoenicians and finally to the Greeks. These peoples gave the creature the head and bust of a woman. They added an eagle's wings to represent majesty and a long serpent's tail to indicate wiliness. In later Greek literature the sphinx was no monster, but a beautiful, wise, and mysterious woman. According to a legend this monster put a riddle to all those who passed by and devoured those who failed to guess it. After many had died in this way, the Theban hero Oedipus answered the riddle correctly and so caused the monster's death. The great Egyptian sphinx at Giza gazes across the Nile, to the east. It was carved from a solid block of stone about 3000 BC, and it is 187 ft long. The head and bust were carved from a solid block of rock left in a quarry from which stone was taken for the Great Pyramid. The paws were built up with stone. It is thought that a temple stood between the legs and that Egyptians came here to worship the rising sun. The sacrificial altar that is now located between the paws was built by the Romans.
The ultimate non physical part of an individual.
Spirit Control:
A disembodied spirit who relays messages from dead people to the living through a trance medium.  Spirit Guide
Spirit Guide:
A spiritual entity who teaches a medium or channel and who guides them in their spiritual work.
A particular form of spiritualism developed in the nineteenth century in France by Alan Kardec.  Very popular in South America.
Spiritual Abuse: 
The damage or mistreatment of someone seeking spiritual or religious help or guidance. This injury can occur when someone uses a spiritual position or office to exercise an improper and unhealthy domination or control over followers. Legalism can be a form of spiritual abuse. 
Spiritual Amnesia:
A simple definition of “amnesia” is “the partial or total loss of memory. Spiritual amnesia is when we have forgotten that we are an eternal spirit. When we have forotten that there is more to existence than working, eating and sleeping. It is very unhealthy and will stop all growth and joy .It depresses, discourages and makes us miserable.
Spiritual Counselor/Consultant:
A practitioner who uses one or more spiritual and/or psychological techniques in rder to achieve holistic healing.
Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship International:
An organization formed by famed psychic Arthur Ford.Joseph Fitch and Martin Ebon, and Elizabeth Fenske are popular leaders in the movement. Affiliated with the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research.
Spiritual Gifts:     
The Christian doctrine that certain gifts are given by Jesus to his church.  There are some that are obviously supernatural in the usage: speaking in tongues, discerning of spirits, healing, etc. There are others that are not so supernatural: administrations, help, admonition, etc. There is debate over the continuance of the gifts. Some say that the gifts have ceased because we now have the Bible. They argue that the gifts were used for the building up the church during its beginning when the Bible was not complete. Since the Bible is complete there is no further need for the revelatory gifts like speaking in tongues and the interpretation of tongues. Others maintain that the gifts are all for today though to a lesser degree. 
Spiritual Health:

Spiritual health describes the relationshio between the individual and his Higher Consciousness. Emotional, mental and physical health, are all manifestations of one’s spiritual health. The mind/body connection is closely associated with spiritual health. For example, a person who is physically ill may not feel optimistic about their health improving.thay If they become unable to work, enjoy hobbies, or take care of daily activities on their own, they may struggle to find meaning in life. These feelings could contribute to depression or anxiety.

People in good spiritual health have defined values and live according to them, are hopeful and optimistic, even in difficult situations, are able to forgive others  easily and feel peaceful and in harmony with nature. Healing spiritual energy can be given to a person through a healing medium or practitioiner.

Spiritual Hierarchy:
A bureaucracy of spiritual "masters", or highly evolved men who, having already perfected themselves, are now guiding the rest of humanity to this same end.
A movement that began in 1848 with the “raps” of the Fox Sisters (Kate and Margaret) in Hydesville, NY. Normally associated with mediums orchannelers, who contact the spirits of the deceased .
One who believes that the continuity of life can be demonstrated and proven by the ability to communicate with departed souls through a psychic medium.
Star of David:
(Mogen David)  A hectacle formed two interlocking triangles, now accepted as a symbol of Judaism.  It was not used as a symbol for Judaism until the late Middle Ages and was not officially accepted as such by the Jews until the 17th century.
Steiner, Rudolf (1861  - 1925 )
Austrian philosopher, scientist, artist and educator who was the originator of the social philosophy called Anthroposophy.   Steiner founded theAnthroposophical Society in 1924, and it now has branches throughout the world, and is especially popular in Britain. He traveled extensively in Europe lecturing on spiritual science, the arts, social sciences, religion, education, agriculture and health. His published works amount to over 350 titles, including collections of lectures, books, articles, reviews and dramas. His occult philosophy is outlined in key titles such as Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment (1904-05), and An Outline of Occult Science (1909). His teachings inspired the development of the Waldorf School movement and of schools for handicapped or maladjusted children; his agricultural methods for preparing soil inspired chemical-free organic farming and gardening; he created eurythmy, a form of expressive movement to music and speech; and his guidelines on holistic medicine and pharmacology are still widely respected.
Stelle Group:
An communal organization formed in Stelle, IL, by Richard Kieninger.
The manifestation on a living person's body of bleeding marks resembling the wounds suffered by the mythical Jesus when he was crucified. They are manifested on the hands, on the feet, near the heart, and on the head and shoulders. The attribution of religious significance to wounds and scars predatesChristianity. In many primitive rites, wounds and scars were deliberately inflicted as part of the religious ritual. The stigmata of Christ, however, allegedly appear spontaneously on the bodies of extremely devout people. The stigmata are not usual bodily lacerations (the blood appears to discharge through the unbroken skin), do not deteriorate in the usual fashion of wounds, and are not susceptible to medical treatment. Francis of Assisi (later Saint Francis) was the first and best-known stigmatic, in September 1224 he reportedly began to bleed from his palms and feet after meditating on the crucifixion of Christ. More than 330 cases are known of Christians who have been stigmatized. Stigmatics are deeply pious, and the stigmata often appear after lengthy meditations on the crucifixion or contemplation of a sacred image or object. Bleeding is also likely to occur during the traditional times of commemoration of Christ's passion — Fridays, Lent, and especially Good Friday. In many cases stigmatization can be explained by natural causes such as the physical and psychic conditions of the person, along with a strong interest in and devotion to the sufferings of Christ. In a number of cases, however, stigmatization has been accepted by the Roman Catholic church as attributable only to supernatural causes; 60 stigmatics whose lives have been marked by great holiness and mystical experiences have been either canonized or beatified.
The most famous prehistoric megalith (standing-stone monument) in Europe, located 8 miles north of Salisbury in Wiltshire, England. Excavations and radiocarbon dating have revealed that Stonehenge had an exceptionally long history of use as a ceremonial or religious center or both. Stonehenge was constructed in three major phases over the period from around 3500 BC to 1100 BC. It originally began as a circular ditch including a bank with a ring of 56 burial pits — named 'Aubrey holes' for their seventeenth-century discoverer, John Aubrey. Around 2100 BC a double circle of bluestone menhirs (large, rough-hewn standing stones), thought to have come from the Preseli Mountains of southwestern Wales was erected within the earlier ring. In the final stage of construction, from around 2000 BC, a circle of about 30 upright stones (made from local sandstone called 'sarsen') were set up, their tops linked by lintelstones to form a continuous circle about 30 meters (100 feet across). At a later date, around 1550 BC, the bluestones were finally rearranged in the circle and horseshoe whose remains survive today. Stonehenge is unique because of its long period of use and the precision of its plan and its architectural details. The traditional thesis that Stonehenge was a Druid temple is untenable, because the Druids did not appear in Britain until a few hundred years before the Christian era. In recent years many attempts have been made to interpret Stonehenge as a prehistoric astronomical observatory, or some form of solar temple, but the site is now so ruined, and so much restored, that any attempt to ascertain its original alignments must rely principally on guesswork. All that can be said with confidence is that from around 2000 BC onward the structure's axis of symmetry pointed roughly in the direction of the sunrise at the summer solstice.  Some New Agers believe that the site has mystical powers or energy.
Structural Integration
The physical aspects of this therapy consist of manipulating the soft tissues of the body (fascia, muscles, and proprioceptors) to produce more appropriate links, elasticity and balance, resulting in increased vitality, improved posture, improved metabolic function and freer movement.
 The teaching that the individual is the source and judge of all religious knowledge based upon his own knowledge and experience.
Subliminal Messages
Words or messages communicated at a level below the conscious mind’s ability to perceive. Allegedly, messages can enter directly into the subconscious mind, thus by-passing the rational/logical center of the individual’s brain.
Subud: (an acronym derived from  Sanskrit susila, budhi and dharma) 

a worldwide association whose basis  is a spiritual exercise, the latihan,  through which a person may receive guidance in every aspect of  life. The aim of Subud is that, through the latihan, each man and woman may attain the qualities of susila, budhi and dharma - the character of a true human being, able to receive the guidance and the gifts of God both for the needs of this life and for the life after death. Subud has Centers in more than 80 countries worldwide but makes no efforts to proselytize. Membership in Subud is free. Subud supports itself through voluntary contributions.


A female spirit or being who takes the form of a female to have sex with a man during his sleep.  The purpose being to drain him of his "vital energy".  The idea arouse to explain "wet dreams".


Ancient Persian mystical religious system which has been absorbed by Islam.  . Rather than focusing on the Five Pillars of Islam, Sufis seek ultimate religious experience through mystic trances or altered states of consciousness, often induced through twirling dances (the “whirling dervish”). Although the Qur’an is considered scripture, many practitioners have more in common with the New Age movement than with classic forms of Islam.

Summit Lighthouse/Summit University:

See Church Universal and Triumphant.

To order someone, especially a spirit or element, to appear before you.
An issue within Reformed theology dealing with what may have happened in God's mind regarding the logical order of his considering whom to elect into salvation before the foundation of the world.  The word means "before the fall."  This position holds that God first decided that he would save some people and then second that he would allow sin into the world.  By contrast, the infralapsarian ("after the fall") position is the reverse in that it holds that God first decided he would allow sin into the world and second that he would then save people from it.
Sushumna:  (Sanskrit)
The astral equivalent of the spinal column. circling which are the two energy paths which connect the Kunda with the brain and the Higher Self. 
Sutphen, Dick:
See Master of Life.
Sweat Lodge:
Native American spiritual ritual associated with spiritual purification ceremonies and rites.
Swedenborg, Emmanuel ( 1688-1772):
A Swedish scientist, theosophist, and mystic, a pioneer in both scientific, religious and spiritual thought.  For most of his life Swedenborg pursued a conventional, albeit brilliant, career. Educated at Uppsala University he first became a natural scientist and official with the Swedish Royal College of mines (1710-45), concentrating on research and theory. His foremost scientific writing is 'Opera Philosophica et Mineralia' (Philosophical and Mineralogical Works, three volumes, 1734), a unique combination of metaphysics, cosmology, and science. A first-rate scientific theorist and inventor, Swedenborg, in some of his insights, anticipated scientific progress by more than a century. Visited by a mystic illumination in 1745, Swedenborg claimed a direct vision of a spiritual world underlying the natural sphere. He began having dreams, ecstatic visions, trances and mystical illusions in which he communicated with Jesus Christ and God and was granted a view of the order of the universe that was radically different from the teachings of theChristian church. He resigned his job to concentrate full-time on his ecstatic visions and transcribing the knowledge imparted to him from the spiritual world. His voluminous works from this period are presented as divinely revealed biblical interpretations. In his system, best reflected in 'Divine Love and Wisdom' (1763), Swedenborg conceived of three spheres: divine mind, spiritual world, and natural world. Each corresponds to a degree of being in God and in humankind: love, wisdom, and use (end, cause, and effect). Through devotion to each degree, unification with it takes place and a person obtains his or her destiny, which is union with creator and creation.  Unlike many mystics, Swedenborg proposed an approach to spiritual reality and God through, rather than in rejection of, material nature. His 12-volume compendium 'The Heavenly Arcana' (1747-56) represents a unique synthesis between modern science and religion. In response to a vision of the 'last judgment' and the 'return of Christ', Swedenborg proclaimed the advent of the New Church, an idea that found social expression in the Swedenborgian societies and in the foundation of the Church Of The New Jerusalem in England in 1778, and in the United States in 1792. Many of his views were adopted by 19th century spiritualism and many of his ideas were also disseminated in the works of writers and poets such as William Blake , Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Henry James .
See Siddha Yoga Dham of America.
The elemental of air.
A Jewish house of worship. Traditionally the first synagogues were established during the Babylonian exile. The early synagogues had a place in the center of the room where the sacred scrolls were kept and from where they were read. The president of the synagogue in Greek times was known as the messenger, or angel. It is from the worship order established in synagogues that the modern Christian church patterns of reading and expounding upon scripture from the pulpit are derived.
A Jungian term describing a two events which happen concurently, but their is no causal relationship.
The Christian teaching that we cooperate with God in our efforts of salvation. This is opposed to monergism which is the teaching that God is the sole agent involved in salvation. . 
A principle which states that the outer and inner(unseen) work together to create.