In Hindu philosophy, the vital air
controlling the intake of food and air
Acronym for Unidentified
Flying Object.
A loud, protracted and rhythmic sound.
Ool - ool - ool, used by belly dancers and Arabian prostitutes.
Unarius Academy of Science/Unarius Education Foundation:
A UFO/Space Brothers organization
formed by Ruth and
Ernest Norman in El Cajon, CA:
Opening the circle at the end of a
The act of annointing.
(See: Afterworld; Hades; Hell; Hel;
Nether regions; Tartarus.
The elemental spirit who dwells in
A mythical horse-like creature with a twisted horn coming from his
forehead. A mythical animal generally depicted as having the head
and body of a horse, the hind legs of a stag, the tail of a lion,
and having a long tapering horn growing from the middle of its
Unidentified Flying Object (UFO):
Unidentified flying objector spacecraft
with no known human-made origin; thought to be piloted by
intelligent beings from outer space or another dimension; flying
saucer. The term
is used generally for all reported sightings of unidentified objects
in the sky. More specifically, the term UFO refers to allegedly
sighted �flying saucers� or other alien spacecraft. UFO beliefs can
range between innocuous speculation that extraterrestrial beings may
have visited Earth to quasi-religious devotion to the alleged
presence and teachings of aliens. Often these beings are believed to
be non-physical (spiritual) entities who are communicating
telepathically (psychically) with contactees.
Unification Church:
Full name, Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World
Christianity. Founded in South Korea by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. It
teaches that Jesus brought only spiritual salvation; another
�savior� is needed to fulfill Jesus� mission. Rev. Moon is that
Messiah and �Lord of the Second Advent.�
1) The doctrine that God is exclusively one person. Unlike monarchianism or modalism,
which view Jesus as a manifestation of the unipersonal God, or
subordinationism, which views Jesus as a secondary divine being ,
Unitarianism views Jesus as a mere human being. 2) The Unitarian
movement that originated in late 18th-century New England and to the
denominational body that merged with the Universalists in the 20th
century to form the Unitarian-Universalist
Unitarian Universalist Association:
A denomination formed in 1961 by the merger of the American
Unitarian Association (the principal religious body teaching Unitarianism)
and the Universalist Church in America (which emphasized universalism).
While the two parent denominations were rooted in liberal
Christianity, the UUA does not even profess to be a specifically
Christian body. Its churches exhibit an eclectic blend of liberal
Christianity and humanism,
Unity School of Christianity:
A New Thought church founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore
Unity Village:
Unity School of Christianity headquarters
in Lee�s Summit, MO.
Universal Life Church:
A controversial church founded by Bishop Kirby Hensley in Modesto,
CA, as protest against the tax exemptions given to churches.
Originally it was an attempt to force the IRS to drop its exemptions
for religions. It professes no doctrines and encourages its
minister and members to believe and teach whatever they choose.
Bishop Hensley proudly professed to be unable to read.
Universal Mother Mary�s Garden:
See Mon-Ka
Universal Religion:
The belief that, since all is God, then only one reality exists, and
all religions are simply different paths to that ultimate reality.
The universal religion can be visualized as a mountain, with many
spiritual paths to the summit. Some are hard; others easy. There is
no one correct path. All paths eventually reach the top. Believers
anticipate that a new universal religion which contains elements of
all faiths will evolve and become generally accepted worldwide.
(See Bahai)
1) The doctrine that all people will eventually receive salvation
and eternal life. Many different groups hold to universalism from
various perspectives and for diverse (and sometimes opposing)
reasons. This doctrine is prevalent in liberal
Christianity (among
both Protestants and Roman
Catholics), as well as in the New
Age movement and in
most non-Jude0-Christian religions. 2) A movement dating from the
late 18th century that originally affirmed universalism on the basis
that Jesus� redemptive death paid for the sins of all people. As
universalism developed it came to affirm that people are acceptable
as they are and that no atonement or redemption from sin is needed
or provided.
Universe: from
the Greek meaning "the whole thing"
The entire physical reality. This includes the physical, the astral
and the spiritual There is a diversity of opinion as to whether the
universe is external to God or is contained within God. Most modern
New Agers believe that the universe and all reality is contained
University of the Trees:
An organization founded by Christopher Hills in Boulder Creek, CA,
that promoted dowsing and other energy work.
One of the scriptures of Hinduism. The
inspired teachings, visions, and mystical experiences of the ancient
sages of India (exceeding one hundred texts); the concluding portion
of the Vedas and the basis for Vedantic philosophy.
Ur: (originally
Urim, language uncertain)
Sumerian city-state in present-day Iraq, center of the moon god's
(Nanna) cult and, in biblical tradition, the first home of Abraham
It achieved political eminence ca. 2100 to 2000 BC under the third
dynasty of Ur, and became the capital of an empire administered by a
vast bureaucracy and reaching into the mountain country to the east
and up the Tigris and Euphrates rivers into Syria. From earlier
archaeological levels come the famous royal tombs and inscriptions
in a very archaic script.
Urantia Book, The:
This 2097 page book was published in 1955 by The Urantia
Foundation. It was produced through trance mediumshop of Emma
Louise Christensen(1890-1982) under the guidance of Dr. William S.
Sadler and friends, beginning in 1925. Allegedly, Earth�s true name
is Urantia, and it is part of the universe of Nebadon (itself part
of the larger universe of Orvonton) ruled by a committee. The
Nebadon commission of twelve, acting under the direction of Mantutia
Melchizedek, supposedly delivered portions of the book to earth. Dr.
Sadler was a medical doctor and former SDA minister who disagreed
with SDA founder Ellen G. White.
Urantia Foundation:
Established in 1950. Holds the copyright on The
Urdhva-prasarita-ekapadasana: (Sanskrit)
The balancing forward posture in yoga
Urdhva-hastatanasana: (Sanskrit)
The up-stretched arms posture in yoga
Urim and
Thummim were placed
in the breastplate of the high priest (Ex. 28:30) and were used as a
means of communication with God. They mean "light" and "perfection".
Unfortunately, they are not described anywhere in the Bible. Some
theories maintain that they were twelve stones that made up part of
the High Priest's garments. The process of the communication with
God is not given either.Urine
The use of urine as a healing or
therapeutic agent. See (Urine
Divination by the observation of urine, either by its
color, by its taste, by its flow patterns, or by the patterns formed
when it hits the ground or in a swirling bowl.