Harmonic Convergence

The Harmonic Convergence is the one event that can be said to register the beginning of the New Age is . It was billed as a planetary operation.”  The “cosmic trigger” would be pulled when 144,000 “rainbow” humans created a human battery through resonant attunement” along a psychic grid of earthly acupuncture points.  The goal: world peace and harmony.

      The faithful rallied on August 16 and 17, 1987, at more an 350 sacred sites-from New Mexico's Chaco Canyon, California's Mount Shasta to Machu Picchu, Peru, and the Great Pyramids in Egypt; from 83rd and Central Park West in Manhattan and Haleakala Crater in Maui to the temples of Delphi in Greece and Stonehenge in England - all to 'synchronize the Earth with the rest of the galaxy.'

       Harmonic Convergence founding-father Jose Arguellesa Colorado art historian, amateur archaeologist, and author of  The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technologypromised massive UFO sightings as well as 'great, unprecedented out- pourings of extraterrestrial intelligence that will be clearly received."

     As it happened, however, there were no official sightings of UFOs, and no ETs were known to have landed during the 48-hour extravaganza of worldwide humming, dancing, hugging, and hand-holding at Harmonic Convergence 'be-ins.' Turnout world-wide was considerably less than the original prediction of ten million.  The final estimate was somewhere in the vicinity of two million or so, still an impressive number

     At the time cosmic alterations were envisioned, though nothing spectacular occurred. But there were clearly some major changes taking place - changes in economics, society and science - changes that would alter the world.

            Sy Safransky, editor of The Sun, a 'magazine of ideas,'editorialized: 'I don't question the deep longing, the wish to reach out to others in the gathering darkness of a troubled time, the yearning for communion and for a resurrection of hope.  But as an event . . . it represented the worst kind of spiritual showmanship.  Elitist, flamboyant, bewitchingly unreal, it parodied the New Age better than any satirist.”

     Later, Arguelles declared, “The timing was exquisitely correct.  When Woodstock happened, the time was absolutely perfect.  There was a juncture of different energies occurring for the Harmonic Convergence.  The message is that ultimately peace will come. Today, right now, we are experiencing thr fulfillment of that prediction—the end of one age and the beginning of another.  The Age of Pisces which is ending and the Age of Aquarius is beginning