Rev. Dr. John Rodgers
call me Dr. John

My Mission Statement:

“I seek to teach others the truth aabout happiness and spirituality.”

My Vision Statement:

“I refuse to see people as they are nor for where they are in life.
Rather I choose to see people as individuals seeking meaning in their lives."

My Core Values:
Seeking truth and happiness

My Method:

Conducting weekly seminary discussion class

Sundays 11 am

6418 So. 39th Avenue, Phoenix

Operate two websites with New Age information

Continually writing books and pamphlets


What can you expect?

About 50 years ago I was moved to take a vow of poverty and devote my life to teaching and pubishing. To help Christians and others who are as confused about spirituality as I once was. Exoect to discover that it is not hard to obtain spirituality and happiness if you listen and stick to it.. We should not limit our spiritual search to just the Bible nor to "channelers" who may as confused as the rest of us. To find spiritual truth, we must use  sound wisdom and intellect. And this what you can expect yet at the same time we want to reach our soul and move it to reach an end product that is empowering, pragmatic, and life-enhancing. This ministry seeks to strike a balance between deep thinking and joy-filled growth and life expansion. Sometimes we go deep, sometimes we get pragmatic, sometimes we get historical. All with the intent ridding ourselves of the limiting programs we have unknow-ingly absorbed over the years. Expect to find this process sometimes uncomfortable, but always know that the books, articles, classes, etc., you find here are all about dropping the limits of this world so that you can rise to a higher level, a level that can provide spiritual wisom, peace, happiness and the means to make your life work for you. .Remember it took me over 50 years to get herer, but I had no guru, You do! Let's get started in our jouney. Other may join us along the way. At any rate you sould expect a most interesting and entertaining experience -an experience, if you permit it, that will enrich and expand your life.


A short biography of Dr John

I currently reside with my wife in southwest  Phoenix not too far from South Mountain.  I have been married three times. My first wife gae me a son and a daughter. My second wife talked me into buying the house I still live in.My third wife Joy has been with me for over 35 years.  I was born in Minne-apolis, Minnesota, the oldest of six children.  We moved fa lot,  about every three years and, on Sundays, we kids were sent to the closest  church to get some kind of religious training. Life was simple until I was 8 years old and my father discovered Mormonism. He became a member,  got a coupleof us kids to join and finally convinced Mom to try it. I’ll spare you the details and just say my life was dominated by  the LDS faith until a major life-changing event happened. First, I moved to Phoenix, still actiave in the Moromon church, went on a mission. After which I continued to study religion deeply until I suddenly in a flash, I realized that all the stuff I had been taught about Chirst was not true. Now religion became really interesting. I had taken several hour of Comparative religion at MDU back in MInneapolis, but now I signed with an online seminary school, studied in my spare time and received a doctorate in theology. I began writing and holding discussion groups and before I knew what was happening I was a bishop with over thre congregations several published books and a seminary class. This outline does not cover my time as a union president, running for U.S. presdient, or operating a bookstore for 45 years.  Things happen


New Age Community Church, 6418 S. 39th Aveinue, Phoenix AZ 85941   (602)441-4401