Magick oil | ||
Since before recorded history, shamans and healers of all kinds have used fragrant oils knowing that their use has the potential to transform lives on physical, emotional, and spiritual |
levels. Because of their unique effects on the mind of the practitioner, botanical oils provide a direct tie between the natural physical world and the emotional plane. What exactly are magical oils? A magic oil is a pure or mixed oil created with a specific purpose in mind. They are used most often in ceremonies and spells. Oils can also be used on people and objects for these purposes. Unlike natural items such as crystals and herbs, oils are made by people. And people need to know how rto use them. You should carefully choose the color of your candle—red or pink for love, green for prosperity or health, orange for attraction and |
white for spiritual
purposes, etcTo use an oil to dress (anoint)a candle, you should place a
few drops on the candle. Then rub the oil downward on the candle to
attract and upward to banish.
You may also want to roll the candle in herbs. glitter, and
flower petals. You can get creative with the candle’s color and the oil
type for a powerful mixture.
To anoint yourself or someone else, place a drop of oil on the skin —
often on a pressure point or forehead /
Anointing an object with an appropriate oil— a charm, amulet,
talisman or crystal — can make it much more effective.
Blessing or charging a pure or mixed oil blends the powerful energies of
the oil and your intention into yourself or an object.