Prosperity noun (from Middle English prosperite, borrowed through Old French from Latin prosperus - "favorable, fortunate")    
the condition of being successful or thriving                                                                                        
2): the state of being successful usually by making a lot of money


Prosperity is the Law of Tithing. It is a universal and eternal law. Obedience to this law brings blessings. Ignoring it brings only frustration, unhappiness and suffering.

This world is starving for knowledge of this spiritual truth! This world is suffering the consequences of trying to hang onto money and material goods (which are foolishly thought of as being wealth), thereby withholding from themselves the joy and happiness of true prosperity.

Tithing is not just a fund-raising invention of the Christian church. It was practiced by the Jews as early as 1800 BC. And it was practiced by the ancient Hindus even before that.

Throughout the ages, wise and spiritual individuals have known of the law of prosperity. They practiced sacrifice and tithing - freely giving back to God, or the Universe, a significant part of what they received.

Sacrifice is when we give something back to God by burning or otherwise desposing of it. The word sacrifice does not mean to give up something. It means to perform a sacred act.

Tithing is giving to our church a tenth of what we have received.

Think about it. You have actually earned almost nothing yourself. After all, who provides the air you breathe, the heat of the sun, the rain? Who created your body and brain, and who keeps them functioning from day to day?

You may not be aware of this disproportionate distribution of earnings - God providing all the resources, you taking all the profits - but your unconscious mind is aware. Your unconscious mind is judging you constantly and then creating for you the circumstances if feels you deserve.

How do we persuade our unconscious mind that we are deserving of prosperity?

Through tithing and sacrifice, whereby we make the Universe - God - a partner in our endeavors.

Remember, everything belongs to God - not just a tenth, but all of it. When we fail to remember this fact, we separate ourselves from the wealth and prosperity of the Universe. When we practice tithing, we are placing ourselves back in the mainstream of the universal flow of prosperity.

We do not produce wealth, the universe does. When we give away our profit, we are encouraging the universe to give more to us. When you practice tithing - joyfully giving one-tenth of all your receive back to God or your church you will become prosperous. Whether or not you ever become a Donald Trump or Howard Hughes depends on your luck and your business acumen. But you will find all your needs fulfilled.

Honor the Eternal with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase, then shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy vats shall burst out with new wine. - Proverbs 3-9-10

The scriptures tell us that when we practice tithing and sacrifice, we must never . . . let thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. Your good deed must be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.- Matthew 6:3-4

What this verse is telling us, with its references to right and left hands, is that when we give (the right hand), we should not be thinking of receiving (the left hand). We should give our tithing joyfully, without thought of gain.

When this is done, God will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing whenever there is need.- Malachi 3:10

Everything I give returns to me, reminding me the law of love is eternal ... - A Course in Miracles