The transcendental
religious movements of the last century are at he roots of the New Age
movement. It came into being in response
to Eastern mysticism. New England psychic healer Phineas Parkhurst Quimby was part of this movement. He and one of his pupils, Mary Baker Eddy, spread the idea that disease was caused by erroneous thoughts. Out of this movement came Christian Science, Divine Science, Science of Mind, Religious Science, and the Unity School of Christianity.Both the Transcendentalists and Unitarians exalted the human potentialities - the transcending impulse for self-realization that is a basic theme of the New Age Movement.
The Unity spiritual movement began in the late 1800s believing in prayer
and the power of mind over the body.
The Fillmores were devotees of Ralph Waldo Emerson and studied with the
leading teachers of the day, including Mary Baker Eddy and Emma Curtis
Hopkins. To share the exciting spiritual teachings they had learned, the
Fillmores didn’t start a church but began to publish a magazine.
The first issue of Modern
Thought came
out in 1889
The Unity
focus on health and wealth could also be found in the New Age Movement
and, in January 1987, Rev.
Blaine Mays, president of the International New Thought Alliance (INTA)
stated that Unity was a New Age organization.